Shaun Evaristo關於太陽Solo Con的留言 Translated by:katiemailer 轉載請注明出處。 attention big bang fans! Big Bang的歌迷們! this is just for the VIP fans of big bang. i just wanted to thank all of big bang and tae yangs true fans for being so awesome. i was shown so much love and support in korea and it was a blessing to feel your energy on stage at the tae yang solo concert, outside the venue and even in front the YG offices. all of the messages i've been getting, even feedback on youtube, and comments from the show have been great to read and hear about. i can only hope to do more work with these artists, and trust me i will always put my most creative and innovative ideas forward.....just keep an open mind, cuz i like trying new things. lol 這是專門為Big Bang的歌迷VIP們寫下的。我想要感謝Big Bang的所有成員和太陽的真正 的歌迷,你們太棒了。我在韓國受到了許多喜愛和支持,同時,能夠在太陽的SOLO演唱會 的舞臺上,在大眾面前,甚至在YG的辦公樓前感受到自己的能量,這真的是一件幸事。我 很高興能夠讀到和聽到有關這場演出的所有資訊,甚至是在YouTube上的回饋及評論。我 非常希望能夠與這些藝人們有更多的合作,同時也請相信我,我將會提供最有創意的點子 .....只要保持思想開放就好,因為我喜歡嘗試新的東西。lol just and in depth for you guys about the concert.... it was an amazing show to help put together and i couldn't ask for a better experience. i learned a lot, i tried a lot of things and best of all i had hella fun. there were a few stressful moments, but altogether i couldn't ask for more. if i were to breakdown the dance numbers....hmm....ok well, "prayer" the opener was such a fun piece to perform!! audience was crazy and i could feel the energy from the rest of us on stage. "ma girl" was probably one of my favorites to put together, lets just say the direction i was told to go in was "sexy." i feel after watching it, the goal was reached. i'd say provocative with class, the glass box was dope to see come to life, and i had fun making it work. i'd say prisoner/sinner was a great challenge, trying to find the right visual scenario for what the song had to offer was fun to work with. (credit to Damian gmoez who co,choreographed this piece) it was great getting to see aimee and young bae challenge each other as dancers, since the song had some fight in it, they had to constantly feed off of each others energy. "make love," was a lil scary messing with the high stage, but we got thru it. his dancers did a great job working with all the changes and i thank them for stepping up to the plate. jay their resident choreographer helped out so much in helping piece everything together, oh and of course aimee "the foreign girl" haha was phenomenal. worked day in a day out with me during the stay and she was just as much a part of the process.needless to say i am very happy with the turn out and i feel extremely accomplished in directing the choreography for this show. 為你們來更深入地說說演唱會....這是我所參與組織過的一場精彩的演出,這幾乎是我有 過的最棒的經歷。我學到了很多,我嘗試了許多,最棒的是我得到了非常大的樂趣。也曾 經有過壓力很大的時候,但是總體來說我非常的滿足。如果要單獨評論這些舞蹈的話.... 嗯....那麼,“罪人”的開場真的是一段非常有趣的表演!!觀眾都瘋狂了,並且我也能 夠感受到舞臺上的大家的能量。“Ma Girl”大概是我最喜歡的演出之一,用一句話來說 ,我被託付的指導方向就是“性感”。在看完之後,我覺得,目標達到了。我得刺激你們 一下,那個玻璃箱子幾乎是看不出來的,我很高興見到它起了效果。我得說,罪人是一個 很不錯的挑戰,為了找出適合這首歌所表現的東西的視覺場景,是有趣的工作。(版權歸 設計此片段的Damina gmoez所有)看著Aimee和永裴互相促進對方的能量,感覺很不錯。 “Make Love”,與高臺的結合有一點點嚇人,不過我們做到了。他的伴舞們對於所有的 改變都完成得非常不錯,我感謝他們走上那個平臺。他們的主設計師Jay在將一切統合起 來的方面提供了非常多的幫助,oh當然Aimee“這個外國女孩”也是很傑出的。在韓國期 間一直和我一起工作,她幾乎就成為了整個過程的一部分。無需多言,我對於呈現出來的 結果非常滿意,也對於能夠主導這場演出的設計工作感到無比的滿足。 i guess thats it, there actually is a lot more but i gotta head out. i just wanted to send a shout out to the fans and give ya'll a lil in depth blog. oh actually there is one favor to ask of you fans.....if any of you ever get the chance, please check out and vote for me. its just for fun, im bascially in a commercial out here in the states and if i get enough votes i get to win the ending scene. you can vote as many times as you want. try not to mind all the goofy pix and the video they have of me, they made me look really young. lol anyway, i could use your HELP and again its just for fun. you can see the youtube commercial on my page. and voting end august 4th. the commercial airs in the states august 16th. btw you can can see more of my work here too: thanks again for all the support, can't wait to come back!!! 我要說的就是這些了,事實上遠不止這些,不過我必須要出門了。我是想要給歌迷們打個 招呼,並在我的blog上給大家透露一些資訊。事實上還有另一件事請求你們的幫忙..... 如果你們哪位有機會的話,請到www.arrivelounge.com為我投票。這只不過是好玩而已, 我現在正參加美國的一個廣告,如果我得到了足夠的選票的話,我就能夠獲得最終的場景 。每個人投票次數不受限制。請忽略上面我那些傻傻的照片和視頻,那讓我看起來太幼稚 了。lol總之,你們能夠幫助到我,不過再次聲明,這只是好玩而已。你能夠在我的主頁 上看到YouTube的廣告。投票在8月4日結束,廣告將於8月16日在美國播出。順帶一提,你 們也能在這兒看到我更多的作品。再次感謝所有人的支持 ,我等不及要再次回歸了!!! --

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1F:推 sarahlu0606:我投了!!!哈哈推推推 07/29 00:14

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