作者gurst (tummy)
標題Re: 以色列人去死吧!
時間Thu Apr 4 20:09:24 2002
※ 引述《LucLee (居酒屋裡的小神龕)》之銘言:
In Israel, fear and fury are swamping widespread scepticism about Mr Sharon’s and Mr Ben-Eliezer’s strategic thinking. Opposition to the coalition government’s actions is weak and muted. Despite an incipient movement among some reservists to refuse to serve in the occupied territories, the army pointedly notes that the response to an emergency call-up has been overwhelmingly positive. Some 20,000 reservists have already been mobilised; a further 11,000 will be called up “if needed”. The
“refusenik” campaign reports that 20 of its men are in military jail for refusing to serve, and claims their number will grow.
The isolation, far from being a deliberate military tactic, was an improvisation suggested by the minister of interior, Eli Yishai, leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party, to quell rising tempers during an all-night cabinet meeting on March 30th-31st. Mr Sharon and most of his ministers favoured expelling Mr Arafat, regardless of appeals from Colin Powell, the American secretary of state. Their assumption apparently was that President George Bush’s support for Israel’s military response to the terror
bombings is strong enough to permit Israeli defiance of Washington’s wishes about Mr Arafat.
Supporters of expulsion, however, were nonplussed by unanimous opposition from the intelligence services. The heads of Mossad, the Shin Bet and Military Intelligence all argued against deportation, for fear of exacerbating the Palestinian violence and triggering a huge backlash in the Arab world. They indicated that Israel’s peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan would be put at risk. Mr Ben-Eliezer, who heads the Labour Party, said his party would withdraw from the coalition if the cabinet voted to
expel Mr Arafat. Mr Yishai saved the day with “isolation”.
The widening conflict
Apr 3rd 2002
From The Economist Global Agenda
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