Aviation 板


※ 引述《svuper (mika)》之銘言: : -------------------------------------------------- : 之前有看過網路上的文章,剛剛搜尋了一下 : 這架747-sp在空中,4號發動機在2月15到2月19的4天中 : 發動機總共熄火了3次 : 2/15 在FL410熄火 降到FL300重新啟動 : 2/18 在FL430熄火 降到FL280重新啟動 : 2/19 在FL410熄火 失控掉到9000ft : 所以高度一掉就是3萬2千英尺 = = : 飛機機尾的水平安定面左右都斷了一部份 : 我想如果是我可能在機上嚇到失禁了吧0rz 以下摘錄自NTSB調查報告,嚴格來說NTSB並不認為發生事故當天四號發動機是熄火 3.1 Finding 1. The flightcrew was properly certificated and qualified. 2. The Changing airspeeds encountered by Flight 006 and the resultant compensating throttle adjustments were caused by wind speed variations. 3. The No.4 engine did not flame out, but "hung" at about 1.0 EPR. 4. During his attempt to recover the No.4 engine, the flight engineer did not close the bleed air valve switch before advancing the No. 4 throttle. 5. The other three engines did not lose thrust nor did they flame out. 6. The captain did not disengage the autopilot in a timely manner after thrust was lost on the No.4 engine. The autopilot effectively masked the approaching onset of the loss of the airplane. 7. The captain was distracted from his flight monitoring duties by his participation with the flight engineer in the evaluation of the No.4 engine's malfunction. 8. With the exception of the loss of thrust on the No.4 engine, no other airplane malfunction affcted the performance of the airplane; the loss of thrust on the No.4 engine did not contribute to the accident. 9. The captain was also distracted by his attempts to arrest the airplane's decreasing airspeed, and this also contributed to his failure to detect the airplane's increasing bank angle. 10. The lateral control deflections required to maintain level flight under conditions of thrust asymmetry and decreasing airspeed exceeded the limits of the autopilot's lateral control authority, causing the airplane to roll and yaw to the right. The captain lost control of the airplane when, after disengaging the autopilot, he failed to make the proper flight control corrections to recover the airplane. 11. The damage to the airplane was a result of the acceleration forces and high airspeeds that occured during the upset and recovery maneuvers. 3.2 Probable Cause The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the captain's preoccupation with an inflight malfunction and his failure to monitor properly the airplane's flight instruments which resulted in his losing control of the airplane. Contributing to the accident was the captain's over-reliance on the autopilot after the loss of thrust on the No.4 engine. --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 編輯: kaichun1216 來自: (01/09 23:58)
1F:推 svuper:的確,但報告前段也有說到,FE在一開始動過油門...但儀表 01/10 00:25
2F:推 svuper:卻顯示這影情沒有反應,epr維持在1.0 故FE判定4號熄火 01/10 00:28
3F:推 kaichun1216:這場意外的重點並不在發動機熄火不熄火,而是飛行組員 01/10 00:33
4F:→ kaichun1216:後續處理程序不當才造成飛機急降 01/10 00:34

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