AudioPlayer 板


我下載的官方上面的 foo_uie_lyrics3-0.4.5 差插件來看歌詞 適過往路上有找過的教學,搭配 foo_ui_columns- 插件更改UI來顯示歌詞 只是一播放就會崩潰 後來將 foo_ui_columns- 移除, 用預設UI只用 foo_uie_lyrics3-0.4.5 下載歌詞也是崩潰 crash reports 內的文件看不懂問題在哪, Google 關鍵字也不知怎麼下,找不到解決教學 crash reports 內文件內容如下: Illegal operation: Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 01860333h Access violation, operation: read, address: 00210676h Call path: lyric_searcher::SearchProc=>lyric_searcher::SearchThread Code bytes (01860333h): 018602F3h: 74 16 8B 00 8B 00 F7 40 0C 00 00 80 00 75 41 B0 01860303h: 01 5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C3 83 78 04 00 74 32 8B 10 01860313h: 8B 0A F7 41 0C 00 00 80 00 75 25 8B 49 14 85 C9 01860323h: 74 1E 8B C1 0F B7 C9 C1 F8 10 C1 E1 05 8B 04 82 01860333h: 83 7C 08 18 00 75 09 B0 01 5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C3 01860343h: 5F 5E 32 C0 5B 8B E5 5D C3 CC CC CC CC 55 8B EC 01860353h: 6A FF 68 BE 14 88 01 64 A1 00 00 00 00 50 81 EC 01860363h: EC 00 00 00 A1 E0 C4 8A 01 33 C5 89 45 F0 53 56 Stack (027EFB5Ch): 027EFB3Ch: 771B4D11 DCBAABCD 00000000 0012F510 027EFB4Ch: 771B4D11 0012F53C 77D18BD9 7FFDF000 027EFB5Ch: 00000000 027EFD8C 00000000 00000000 027EFB6Ch: 027EFB84 0185E4E3 027EFD8C 027EFB9C 027EFB7Ch: 00000000 027EFD8C 00000000 027EFBC4 027EFB8Ch: 0185E117 AFE26C26 00000000 027EFD8C 027EFB9Ch: 00000000 00000000 027EFDA4 00000000 027EFBACh: 00000000 00000007 AFE26C26 027EFBE4 027EFBBCh: 018812B8 FFFFFFFF 027EFBF0 01836DE1 027EFBCCh: 00000000 AFE26C12 00182D30 00007901 027EFBDCh: 00000000 027EFD8C 027EFEAC 0187C534 027EFBECh: 00000001 027EFEB8 018376AC AFE2695A 027EFBFCh: 0189A7FC 00182E80 00182D30 01897F40 027EFC0Ch: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 027EFC1Ch: 01897F40 00000000 00000000 00000000 027EFC2Ch: 00000003 01897F40 00000000 00000000 027EFC3Ch: 00000000 00000001 01897F40 00000000 027EFC4Ch: 00000000 00000000 00000003 01897F40 027EFC5Ch: 001886D8 00000012 00000012 0000000B 027EFC6Ch: 01897F40 00182CB0 00000012 00000012 Registers: EAX: 000801DE, EBX: 00000000, ECX: 00190480, EDX: 00183840 ESI: 027EFD8C, EDI: 00000000, EBP: 027EFB88, ESP: 027EFB5C Crash location: Module: foo_uie_lyrics3 Offset: 50333h Loaded modules: foobar2000 loaded at 00400000h - 005CC000h ntdll loaded at 7C920000h - 7C9B4000h kernel32 loaded at 7C800000h - 7C91F000h COMCTL32 loaded at 77180000h - 77283000h msvcrt loaded at 77BE0000h - 77C38000h ADVAPI32 loaded at 77DA0000h - 77E47000h RPCRT4 loaded at 77E50000h - 77EE2000h Secur32 loaded at 77FC0000h - 77FD1000h GDI32 loaded at 77EF0000h - 77F39000h USER32 loaded at 77D10000h - 77D9F000h SHLWAPI loaded at 77F40000h - 77FB6000h WINMM loaded at 76B10000h - 76B3A000h DSOUND loaded at 73E70000h - 73ECC000h ole32 loaded at 76990000h - 76ACD000h VERSION loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BD8000h UxTheme loaded at 5A410000h - 5A447000h SHELL32 loaded at 7D590000h - 7DD85000h zlib1 loaded at 62E80000h - 62E9F000h shared loaded at 10000000h - 1002D000h imagehlp loaded at 76C60000h - 76C88000h dbghelp loaded at 68CC0000h - 68D61000h COMDLG32 loaded at 76320000h - 76367000h CRYPT32 loaded at 765E0000h - 76673000h MSASN1 loaded at 76DB0000h - 76DC2000h gdiplus loaded at 4AEF0000h - 4B096000h WINHTTP loaded at 4A470000h - 4A4C9000h IMM32 loaded at 76300000h - 7631D000h LPK loaded at 621F0000h - 621F9000h USP10 loaded at 73FA0000h - 7400B000h SYNCOR11 loaded at 6BD00000h - 6BD0D000h MSCTF loaded at 74680000h - 746CC000h msctfime loaded at 73640000h - 7366E000h foo_unpack loaded at 013C0000h - 0140B000h foo_fileops loaded at 01420000h - 0146C000h foo_cdda loaded at 01490000h - 014E0000h foo_input_std loaded at 01500000h - 0165B000h MSACM32 loaded at 77BB0000h - 77BC5000h avcodec-fb2k-56 loaded at 669C0000h - 66B94000h avutil-fb2k-54 loaded at 6B540000h - 6B5AC000h foo_dsp_eq loaded at 01680000h - 016B6000h foo_albumlist loaded at 016E0000h - 0173A000h foo_converter loaded at 01760000h - 017E7000h foo_uie_lyrics3 loaded at 01810000h - 018C5000h WININET loaded at 76680000h - 76727000h OLEAUT32 loaded at 770F0000h - 7717B000h MSIMG32 loaded at 762F0000h - 762F5000h foo_dsp_dolbyhp loaded at 01900000h - 01924000h foo_rgscan loaded at 01A90000h - 01AEE000h foo_dsp_std loaded at 01AF0000h - 01B26000h foo_freedb2 loaded at 01B30000h - 01B7F000h foo_ui_std loaded at 01BA0000h - 01CAD000h c_is2022 loaded at 70290000h - 70295000h c_g18030 loaded at 702A0000h - 702D9000h wsock32 loaded at 71A30000h - 71A3B000h WS2_32 loaded at 71A10000h - 71A27000h WS2HELP loaded at 71A00000h - 71A08000h RASAPI32 loaded at 76EB0000h - 76EEC000h rasman loaded at 76E60000h - 76E72000h NETAPI32 loaded at 69A00000h - 69A55000h TAPI32 loaded at 76E80000h - 76EAF000h rtutils loaded at 76E50000h - 76E5E000h msv1_0 loaded at 77C40000h - 77C64000h iphlpapi loaded at 76D30000h - 76D48000h USERENV loaded at 759D0000h - 75A7F000h urlmon loaded at 75C60000h - 75D00000h mswsock loaded at 719B0000h - 719EE000h DNSAPI loaded at 76EF0000h - 76F17000h rasadhlp loaded at 76F90000h - 76F96000h hnetcfg loaded at 605B0000h - 60605000h wshtcpip loaded at 719F0000h - 719F8000h Stack dump analysis: Address: 0185E4E3h (foo_uie_lyrics3+4E4E3h) Address: 0185E117h (foo_uie_lyrics3+4E117h) Address: 018812B8h (foo_uie_lyrics3+712B8h) Address: 01836DE1h (foo_uie_lyrics3+26DE1h) Address: 0187C534h (foo_uie_lyrics3+6C534h) Address: 018376ACh (foo_uie_lyrics3+276ACh) Address: 0189A7FCh (foo_uie_lyrics3+8A7FCh) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 77D18CCBh (USER32+8CCBh), symbol: "PostMessageW" (+0h) Address: 01898E84h (foo_uie_lyrics3+88E84h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01898E84h (foo_uie_lyrics3+88E84h) Address: 7C92E900h (ntdll+E900h), symbol: "strchr" (+113h) Address: 7C93B00Ah (ntdll+1B00Ah), symbol: "RtlUnicodeStringToInteger" (+199h) Address: 7C92D04Ch (ntdll+D04Ch), symbol: "ZwContinue" (+Ch) Address: 7C930098h (ntdll+10098h), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+18Bh) Address: 7C930021h (ntdll+10021h), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+114h) Address: 7C93003Dh (ntdll+1003Dh), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+130h) Address: 0186121Ch (foo_uie_lyrics3+5121Ch) Address: 7C930021h (ntdll+10021h), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+114h) Address: 7C93003Dh (ntdll+1003Dh), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+130h) Address: 0185751Bh (foo_uie_lyrics3+4751Bh) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01897F40h (foo_uie_lyrics3+87F40h) Address: 01898E84h (foo_uie_lyrics3+88E84h) Address: 0187C837h (foo_uie_lyrics3+6C837h) Address: 0182B8D8h (foo_uie_lyrics3+1B8D8h) Address: 0187A9B3h (foo_uie_lyrics3+6A9B3h) Address: 0182B6B7h (foo_uie_lyrics3+1B6B7h) Address: 0187A94Bh (foo_uie_lyrics3+6A94Bh) Address: 01861FA0h (foo_uie_lyrics3+51FA0h) Address: 01866200h (foo_uie_lyrics3+56200h) Address: 018620C8h (foo_uie_lyrics3+520C8h) Address: 7C80B713h (kernel32+B713h), symbol: "GetModuleFileNameA" (+1B4h) Address: 7C839AC0h (kernel32+39AC0h), symbol: "ValidateLocale" (+2B0h) Address: 7C80B720h (kernel32+B720h), symbol: "GetModuleFileNameA" (+1C1h) Address: 0186204Ch (foo_uie_lyrics3+5204Ch) Address: 4A494443h (WINHTTP+24443h), symbol: "WinHttpOpenRequest" (+C77h) Environment: App: foobar2000 v1.3.7 UI: 預設使用者介面 0.9.5 Components: Core (2015-01-20 06:51:45 UTC) foobar2000 core 1.3.7 foo_albumlist.dll (2015-01-19 11:55:15 UTC) 專輯清單 4.5 foo_cdda.dll (2015-01-19 15:34:30 UTC) CD 音訊解碼器 3.0 foo_converter.dll (2015-01-20 06:41:57 UTC) 轉換器 1.5 foo_dsp_dolbyhp.dll (2010-01-22 05:40:28 UTC) Dolby Headphone Wrapper 1.4.1 foo_dsp_eq.dll (2015-01-19 12:09:11 UTC) 等化器 1.0 foo_dsp_std.dll (2015-01-19 16:54:08 UTC) 標準 DSP 陣列 1.3.1 foo_fileops.dll (2015-01-20 06:34:07 UTC) 檔案作業 2.2.1 foo_freedb2.dll (2015-01-20 06:35:58 UTC) 線上標註器 0.7 foo_input_std.dll (2015-01-20 06:41:05 UTC) 標準輸入陣列 1.0 foo_rgscan.dll (2015-01-18 23:19:32 UTC) 播放增益掃瞄器 2.2.1 foo_ui_std.dll (2015-01-20 06:46:50 UTC) 預設使用者介面 0.9.5 foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2015-02-28 01:46:36 UTC) Lyric Show Panel 3 0.4.5 foo_unpack.dll (2015-01-19 15:50:27 UTC) ZIP/GZIP/RAR 讀取器 1.7.1 Recent events: Performing early media library init Pre component load Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_unpack.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_fileops.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_cdda.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_input_std.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_dsp_eq.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_albumlist.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_converter.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\user-components\foo_uie_lyrics3\foo_uie_lyrics3.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_dsp_dolbyhp.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_rgscan.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_dsp_std.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_freedb2.dll Loading DLL: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\foobar2000PortableTW\components\foo_ui_std.dll 載入元件: 0:00.075069 Pre config read 讀入設定: 0:00.002514 Starting playlist loading 使用者介面初始化: 0:00.069347 Processing commandline initquit::init entry initquit::init exit 啟動時間: 0:02.142386 --

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1F:→ tdmmlyj: 非官方安裝版,自行更新單一套件,程式啟動時會無法載入 04/15 16:25
2F:→ tdmmlyj: 更新版套件 04/15 16:25
3F:噓 lonely930929: 還有四個月不用這樣啊 06/26 19:43

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