AntiVirus 板


參考網址: 1.A.Reverse the changes that were made to the registry. 1.Windows 95/98 users: (95/98系統) a.Click Start. a.點選開始 b.Point to Programs. b.點程式集 c.Click the MS-DOS Prompt. (A DOS window opens at the C:\Windows prompt.) Proceed with step B of this section c.點MS-DOS程序 2.Windows Me users: (Me系統) a.Click Start. a.點選開始 b.Point to Programs. b.點程式集 c.Point to Accessories. c.點附件(我不知道正確名是?) d.Click the MS-DOS Prompt. (A DOS window opens at the C:\Windows prompt.) Proceed with step B of this section. d.點選MS-DOS程式 3.Windows NT/2000 users: (NT/2000系統) a.Click Start, and then click Run. a.點選開始/執行 b.Type command, and then press Enter. (A DOS window opens.) b.鍵入command,然後按Enter c.Type cd \winnt, and then press Enter. c.鍵入cd \winnt,然後按Enter d.Go to step B of this section. d.去步驟B 4.Windows XP users: (XP系統) a.Click Start, and then click Run. a.點選開始/執行 b.Type command, and then press Enter. (A DOS window opens.) b.鍵入command,然後按Enter c.Type the following: c.鍵入下面 cd\ cd \windows Press Enter after typing each one. 鍵入每一行後,鍵入Enter d.Proceed with step B of this section. 繼續步驟B and then press Enter. 然後按下Enter B.Type start 鍵入 and then press Enter. (The Registry Editor opens in front of 鍵入Enter(registry會開在dos視窗畫面) the DOS window.) C.Before continuing, Symantec strongly recommends that you back up the registry before making any changes to it. 對regedit做任何更改前最好先備份 Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. Modify the specified keys only. For instructions, read the document, "How to make a backup of the Windows registry." 錯誤的更改會造成嚴重後果 D.Navigate to and select the key: 左邊選到以下這個地方 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command NOTE: The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key contains many subkey entries that refer to other file extensions. One of these file extensions is .exe. Changing this extension can prevent any files ending with a .exe extension from running. Make sure that you completely browse through this path until you reach the \command subkey. Modify the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command subkey, shown in the following figure: 修改上面那個子鍵,如下圖所示 「這裡有張圖,請參考網址」<<=== NOTE: Modify this key. E.In the right pane, double-click the (Default) value. E.在右邊,在(Default) value上點兩次 F.Delete the current value data, and then type: F.刪除內容值,然後鍵入 "%1" %* That is, type the characters: quote-percent-one-quote-space-percent-asterisk. NOTES Under Windows 95/98/Me/NT, the Registry Editor automatically encloses the value within quotation marks. When you click OK, the (Default) value should look exactly like this: 在95/98/Me/NT系統下,你點選ok後,它的值應該如下 ""%1" %*" Under Windows 2000/XP, the additional quotation marks will not appear. When you click OK, the (Default) value should look exactly like this: 在2000/XP系統下,你點選ok後,它的值應該如下 "%1" %* Make sure that you completely delete all the value data in the command key before typing the correct data. If you leave a space at the beginning of the entry, any attempt to run the program files will result in the error message, "Windows cannot find .exe." If this occurs, restart the entire process from the beginning of this section make sure that you completely remove the current value data.    確定沒有打空白 G.Exit the Registry Editor. G.結束registry編輯器 2.Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP). 2.關閉系統還原 3.Update the virus definitions. 3.更新病毒定義更新檔 4.Run a full system scan and repair or delete all the files detected as W32.Slime. 4.跑一次全系統掃描,並把感染病毒刪除 翻譯的好累...有錯幫忙指正一下吧 * * -- ☆──────╭───╮╭╮ ╭╮╭───╮╭───╮╭───╮──────☆ │╭──╯││ ││╰╮ ╭╯╰──╮││╭─╮│ │ ││ │╰─╯│ │ │ ╭──╯││╰─╯│ │ │ ││ │╭─╮│ │ │ ╰──╮│╰──╮│ │ ╰──────│╰──╮││ ││╭╯ﴠ╰╮╭──╯│╭──╯│──────╯ ╰──────╰───╯╰╯ ╰╯╰───╯╰───╯╰───╯──────╯ --

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