Anti-Cancer 板


※ 引述《havesomefun (Handsome)》之銘言: : 已經做了六次的化療(AVD+標靶),並做了期中的正子攝影 : 可以幫我先看看病理報告嗎? 之後就要回診了,好緊張 : PROCEDURE for FDG Before whole body survey, the patient was required to fast : for at least 4 hours. Blood sugar level was measured 88 mg/dl. Then, 9.32 mC i : of 18F-FDG was injected intravenously. The patient was put into the scanner : in the ”arm-up” position, and the scan from vertex to mid thighs was : performed at 68 min. There was no immediately complication during the : procedure. The scan was adequate for interpretation. : ** SCAN FINDINGS : The level and distribution of radioactivity for lymphoma response: : 1. Nodal regions Head/neck: no more enlarged node (score 0) Axilla: (score 0 ) : Thorax: no more enlarged node (score 0) Abdomen/pelvis: (score 0) : 2. Extranodal/organ involvement: Lungs (SUV 4.1, score 2) : 3. other pertinent findings: Upper right back muscles (score 1) Bilateral ri b : fractures (score 1) Impression: Hodgkin lymphoma initial stage IV with lung : involvement post 3 chemotherapy cycles, tiny focal uptake at LUL residual lu ng : opacity, could be residual disease or post-treatment inflammation. Other : lesions all distinguished, overall good metabolic response. * Deauville scor e: : 2-3 (note that the timing is not at 2 cycles) : Comment: : 1. FDG-PET scan might result in a false negative : finding if tumor size below 0.6 cm or tumors not FDG-avid. : 2. Score 0 = normal; Score 1 = benign lesion; Score 2 = equivocal lesion; : Score 3 = possible malignancy; Score 4 = high probability of malignancy 延續一下之前自己問的問題 背景說明: 何杰金四期(頸部+肺部) 六個療程AVD+標靶 共12次 2/27做的期中正子醫生說已無照到癌細胞,後續仍把剩下的療程做完,五月初完成治療, 並於7/27做了正子造影,詳細結果如最下方 醫生說肺部有一小亮點,但因為位置太過裡面,所以無法做切片(除非去外科麻醉切除化 驗),就安排我一個月後再回去追蹤照X光(上一次4/23照X光是正常) 醫生有詢問最近是否有出現像之前確診何杰金時的症狀,如咳嗽、有痰、發燒、皮膚癢等 等,我是都沒有 也有詢問照正子的前兩天有運動(重訓)是否有影響到檢查結果,醫生是說沒影響 想請問這樣的結果是覆發的機率高嗎?現在最適當的選擇就是等追蹤了嗎? 醫生說一般何杰金不太會覆發,但因為是四期,所以也難說,唉… 又要開始擔心了 ** 正子造影檢查結果: ** SCAN FINDINGS The level and distribution of radioactivity for 85A lymphoma staging: 1. Nodal regions Head/neck: not found (score 0) Axillary: not found (score 0) Thorax: not found (score 0) Abdominopelvis: not found (score 0) 2. Extranodal/organ involvement: Lungs: bilateral small lung nodules (SUV 5.5, score 4), new as compared with previous study on 2024/2/27. liver (score 0), spleen (score 0), GI tract (score 1), bone marrow (score 0) 3. other pertinent findings: not found (score 0) Impression: New bilateral sma ll lung nodules, lymphoma relapse should be watched out. * Deauville score: 4 Suggestion: Please correlate with clinical and other imaging findings. Comment: 1. FDG-PET scan might result in a false negative finding if tumor siz e below 0.6 cm or tumors not FDG-avid. 2. Score 0 = normal; Score 1 = benign l esion; Score 2 = equivocal lesion; Score 3 = possible malignancy; Score 4 = hi gh probability of malignancy. --

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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: havesomefun ( 臺灣), 08/01/2024 11:36:20 ※ 編輯: havesomefun ( 臺灣), 08/01/2024 12:19:31
1F:推 alkuo: 2的翻譯寫雙肺多個小結節(nodules),2024/2/27的舊片沒有。 08/04 07:16

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