Angels 板


Cabrera May Have to Learn to Share By Mike DiGiovanna, Times Staff Writer Orlando Cabrera is back, and now the balancing act begins, with Manager Mike Scioscia weighing Cabrera's desire to play every day with the need to rest the shortstop's balky right elbow and find more playing time for Maicer Izturis who was a more-than-capable fill-in while Cabrera was on the disabled list. Cabrera, who has bone chips in his elbow, a condition that will require surgery after the season, returned Saturday and had three hits against the Minnesota Twins. He was told Saturday night he would not play Sunday — he didn't — but was back in the lineup Monday night against the Oakland Athletics His two-run single capped the Angels' four-run sixth-inning rally. "Maybe tonight I'll be told I won't be playing tomorrow," Cabrera said before the game. "I don't want to go through that. I haven't been told I'm not going to play every day. My mind-set is every day I come here I expect to play." Cabrera developed that approach while averaging 160 games a season with the Montreal Expos and Boston Red Sox from 2001-2004, but with an elbow that could flare up at any time, the Angels plan to work him back more slowly and to monitor him closely. "He's vital to our team — he's our everyday shortstop — and we want to make sure his elbow is sound," Scioscia said. "He understands there might be a time when his arm needs a day to recuperate." Cabrera's elbow — and not his ego — will guide those decisions. "Hopefully we'll get to a point where we can read him, and when he needs a day off, he'll get one," Scioscia said. Though Cabrera, in the first year of a four-year, $32-million contract, is not enthused about more time on the bench, he's willing to accept it. "There's room for everybody as long as we're winning," Cabrera said. "I want to be healthy, and if my elbow hurts, I'll have to take my time. But I'm confident I'll get through the season with this. It's fine." 1.卡布想要天天上場,可是Scioscia對他的身體狀況有疑慮 2.替補的Maicer打的也不比卡布差 3.據說有個拿8M的人手肘隨時會出問題 With a limited pool of impact starting pitchers available before the July 31 non-waiver trading deadline, the Angels could turn their attention toward bullpen help, particularly a left-hander. Among the relievers they are believed to be interested in are Colorado's Brian Fuentes, Pittsburgh's John Grabow and Seattle's Ron Villone. Fuentes, the Rockies' All-Star representative, is the most attractive of the bunch because he has a $329,000 salary, isn't eligible for arbitration until next winter and has held left-handers to a .163 average while going 1-3 with a 2.93 earned-run average and 13 saves in 46 games. He delivers a 91-mph fastball, slider and changeup out of a sidearm motion. Fuentes, though, would come at a steep price. Florida offered two top prospects for Fuentes this month, but Colorado wanted the Marlins to throw in big league setup man Guillermo Mota. The Rockies have made it known they would have to be overwhelmed to deal Fuentes. Grabow, in his second year with the Pirates, is 2-0 with a 3.12 ERA in 32 games and has held left-handers to a .231 average, while Villone, the Mariner veteran, is 2-3 with a 2.41 ERA in 46 games, holding left-handers to a .224 average and right-handers to a .220 average. 1.With a limited pool of impact starting pitchers available? (Marlins有一隻?) 2.聽說要補強牛棚 3.目標一:Brian Fuentes 4.目標二:John Grabow 5.目標三:Ron Villone 6.Rockies好像不想賣Fuentes Third baseman Dallas McPherson returned Monday after a week of physical therapy on his hip, groin and lower back in Arizona and was able to field some grounders and play catch. McPherson said he felt "much better" and was confident he'd be ready to return when he's eligible to come off the DL Saturday, but Scioscia said he would need a minor league rehabilitation stint before returning. 麥克人有自信這週末能歸隊,Scioscia覺得他應該先去打打rehab game --

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