Anchors 板

LINE 大意: 奧克蘭歌手Will Martin 早上還在紐西蘭基督城CTV電視台 接受該台知名主播Donna Manning專訪 豈料一小時後 大地震將CTV大樓夷為平地 採訪他的新聞團隊是否依然健在? 成了他心中最大的懸念... 而這專訪 也很可能成為Donna Manning主播 最後一次 但卻永遠無法播出的訪問... 世事無常啊... 以下為原文: CTV visit hangs heavy on singer BEN STANLEY Last updated 05:00 26/02/2011 Just before midday on Tuesday, Canterbury Television managing director Murray Wood reached into his pocket and handed Auckland singer Will Martin his business card. The two had been talking music over coffee on the bottom storey of Christchurch's CTV building and Wood, a musician, was keen to jam with Martin on his next visit. Martin, in Christchurch for an interview with presenter Donna Manning about an upcoming concert in the city, took Wood's card and smiled. "Sounds good," he said. An hour later, at 12.51pm, Christchurch shook. Its CBD was destroyed. Hundreds lay dead. The CTV building, familiar now to every Kiwi, was completely levelled. Wood, Manning, everyone Martin had met that day were trapped, almost certainly dead. The 26-year-old tenor performs tonight on the Rhododendron Lawn at the Waikato Times Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival. He had been looking forward to the concert, his first in the Waikato, for months. But now, he said, the songs almost feel empty. "This concert feels like one of the last priorities right now," he said. "Singing a few songs feels irrelevant." Martin was in a central city cafe with a friend when the quake hit. He was unhurt, driving that afternoon to Ashburton where he was due to perform in a concert that night. Two hours before the performance, he was in a bar with his road manager Simon Hague when footage of the collapsed CTV flashed on the screen. He thought about Wood, Manning, all the people he met at CTV that morning and felt sick. "Me and Simon just looked at each," he said. "I lost my appetite." Since that moment, Martin's morning at the CTV building has hardly left his head. He remembers thinking how good Manning's questions were. The singer would be the iconic Christchurch presenter's last interview for a news bulletin that would never air. He remembers Wood's big plans for the station, and "how nice" everyone who worked there was. Martin is eager for Waikato to come out and support tonight's concert. Part of the event's profits will go towards the Christchurch relief appeal, while donation buckets will be passed around. "It's an opportunity for people to come together and be thankful together. " A copy of a newspaper listing the quake's missing sits on Martin's bedside table in Auckland. There are eight faces on the front page – Martin met three of them on Tuesday morning. - Waikato Times -- --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: KevinAction 來自: (02/27 06:23)
1F:推 benguoguo:希望沒事 02/27 09:53
2F:推 weiike:太可怕了 02/27 13:47

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