AfterPhD 板


也是來自學術界,但不同的意見,轉貼自以下的來源: anti-intellectualism in the academy In this morning’s NYT, there appeared this op-ed, which trots out the old, well-beaten horse that the academy is hopelessly irrelevant and poorly tuned to producing the kind of graduates “we” need, where “we” is defined as something like “people who do really important things, like closing down plants that manufacture widgets, or blowing mind-numbing sums of money in hyperinflated credit markets.” Essentially, the author, Mark Taylor, chair of religion at Columbia, argues that the system of disciplines is outdated and that most Ph.D. students will never get a job in academia. A series of five recommendations for “reform” follow, but first to the two central claims. IMHO the first of these is misguided and the second empirically false. First for the misguided one. It’s been fashionable for a while to argue that academic disciplines are old-fashioned and we ought to just work together to study the “real-world” phenomena without disciplinary constraint. It is out of this impulse, itself in turn the result of the late ’60s hoo-ha about “relevance,” that the -studies departments have tended to emerge. The author suggests a: broad range of topics around which such zones of inquiry could be organized: Mind, Body, Law, Information, Networks, Language, Space, Time, Media, Money, Life and Water. The problem is that by providing a selection of approaches and methods from which to examine each of these, the current disciplinary system, imperfect as it may be, does a heck of a lot better of a job of investigating, say, Mind, than would a bunch of smart people tossed into a room and told “okay, talk about Mind!”. Disciplinary traditions and approaches constrain, yes–but they also enable, structure, and guide inquiry. It is a folly to expect that removing the disciplinary constraints would somehow simply reveal the beautiful underlying structure of pure knowledge–a folly, frankly, that even the most casual reader of Foucault ought not commit. Second for the false. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education (just from a quick Google search), over 70% of those emerging from Ph.D. programs have “definite” plans for either employment or postdoctoral study. Presumably some significant proportion of the remaining 30% will be at least partially successful. This hardly amounts to a crisis in post-Ph.D. employment, even for humanities students where the number is more like 64%. 1. Restructure the curriculum…. The division-of-labor model of separate departments is obsolete and must be replaced with a curriculum structured like a web or complex adaptive network. Responsible teaching and scholarship must become cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural. A web of what? What are the nodes? How is this different from what we already do, in which students are encouraged/forced to learn a number of approaches and synthesize? And in what way is academic life less “cross-cultural” than business? 2. Abolish permanent departments and create problem-focused programs. Problems by whose estimation? Focused how? Who decides when the problems are solved? 3. Increase collaboration among institutions. Institutions will be able to expand while contracting. Let one college have a strong department in French, for example, and the other a strong department in German; through teleconferencing and the Internet both subjects can be taught at both places with half the staff. This would be great if the principal problem were just “teaching” French or German. It’s not. The principal problem is preserving and extending scholarship in multiple fields–fields in which creativity and cross-communication are crucial. it is here that the article is particularly anti-intellectual, as it assumes that the principal concern is the transmission of skill, not the generation of knowledge, which demands an entirely different kind of organization. 4. Transform the traditional dissertation…. there is no longer a market for books modeled on the medieval dissertation, with more footnotes than text…. develop analytic treatments in formats from hypertext and Web sites to films and video games. Graduate students should likewise be encouraged to produce “theses” in alternative formats. I can see it now: Service Encounters for X-box; The Averaged American for PlayStation II. The presence of a market for these things is irrelevant to their value. If the question were the market, students would produce these works for HarperCollins and get big advances. The point of the university is to preserve, defend, and extend the production of knowledge beyond what the market will support on its own! 5. Expand the range of professional options for graduate students. Most graduate students will never hold the kind of job for which they are being trained. It is, therefore, necessary to help them prepare for work in fields other than higher education. The exposure to new approaches and different cultures and the consideration of real-life issues will prepare students for jobs at businesses and nonprofit organizations. Moreover, the knowledge and skills they will cultivate in the new universities will enable them to adapt to a constantly changing world. As I argued above, I don’t think the empirical claim is sound. More generally, the “preparing students for other careers” argument exactly mirrors number 4 above on books. If the job market needs training, let the companies that need it pay for and provide the training. The reason we have universities is because society is better when it has scholarly, scientific, and intellectual production that the market is poorly suited to encourage. As I tell incoming first-year students here: if you wanted job training, there’s no reason why the taxpayers of North Carolina ought to subsidize your salary boost. There’s an adequate, privately funded technical school down the road. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!) To sum up: I don’t claim that the contemporary university is as good as it could be as a place to preserve, defend, and extend intellectual, scholarly, and scientific pursuit. To paraphrase Churchill, it is probably the worst way of organizing such pursuit save all the others! More seriously, though, the way to make it a better such institution is not to make it more “relevant”, whether to contemporary social problems or to the needs of the global economy. Rather, the way to make it a better such institution is to honor the specifically intellectual character of academic life and the institutional forms that help preserve that. ※ 引述《shiangkw (no)》之銘言: : 本文節譯自紐約時報 End the university as we know it : : 本文由哥倫比亞大學宗教系主任Mark Taylor所撰寫 : 研究所教育,就像是高等教育裡的底特律城一樣。美國大學裡絕大部分的研究所, : 都是在製造一些沒有市場的產品(沒有教職市場的研究生),發展未來越來越 : 不被需要的技能(做一些微不足道的研究,寫只有幾個同事會看的文章),並且還 : 得負擔越來越昂貴的開銷(有的學生必須負擔十萬美金以上的學生貸款)。 : 最近大學人事凍結和解雇的狀況,讓這些問題更為嚴重。我們研究所制度的問題, : 早在大學制度形成的時候就已經埋下了種子。Kant在1798年就在著作裡談到:"大學 : 必須用分工的方法,以大量生產的模式來處理學習內容,所以每個學科的分支領域, : 都應該要有專門的教授來負責”。 : 這樣的哲學使得大學的運作模式由合作變成各自專精不同的領域。在我自己的宗教學 : 領域中,我們系上有十個教授,十個人就負責了八個的分支領域。因為各自專精而 : 且沒什麼交集,所以我們的研究越來越微不足道。每個學科所產生的局限的知識, : 對於用來解決重要的問題時根本沒什麼用。我一個同事最近跟我抱怨,他最優秀的 : 一個學生,所做的論文題目是中世紀的神學家Duns Scotus如何使用引用文獻。 : 過分強調偏狹學科的結果,也變相的鼓勵教育系統從事複製工作。教授培養學生的時候, : 對學生的要求會和自己以前求學的時候一樣,希望他們成為教授,但是也不想想自己的 : tenure(終身聘用制)成為了這些學生追求夢想的阻礙。 : (註:美國的tenure制對中小學老師以及大學教授而言非常重要,是工作生涯裡最重要 : 的一關,學校會針對老師4-7年之內的表現進行評估,如果拿到tenure後,幾乎不可能被 : 解雇) : 研究所制度最骯髒的秘密,就是給研究生低工資讓他們在實驗室幫忙,或是當助教, : 不然大學怎麼可能進行研究,或有辦法教育數目越來越多的大學部學生。這就是我們鼓 : 勵學生來念博士班的主因。因為付學生或兼任老師一學期五千元美金就能開一門課,比 : 雇全職老師便宜多了。 : (註:美金換成台幣雖然很多,但是美國稅重,加上生活消費高,所以不能直接換算。 : 雖然沒有一個標準公式,但有個基本的共識,美國年薪可換得的生活水準,約等於 : 台幣月薪的生活水準。例如美金年薪八萬,其生活水準與台灣月薪八萬差不多。當然 : 與所住的城市又有關係,不過這是個產生基本消費感覺的方法) : 換句話說,年輕人念研究所,努力工作換取微薄薪資,背負沉重學貸,全都只是為了一個 : 能成為教授的虛幻保證。由於經濟不景氣,加上tenure教授不肯退讓的結果,就是永遠 : 僧多粥少的局面。 : 大學自治是另一個改革的阻礙。董事會和行政主管理論上有監責權,但實際上,各 : 系所是獨自運作的。一旦拿到tenure,這個教授完全自治,沒人管得動他,這使得改 : 革之路更加難行。一堆學術專家強烈要求必須要針對金融機構立法規範,但對自己學 : 校的規範卻完全背道而馳。 : 美國的高等教育想要在21世紀成功,大學制度就跟華爾街和底特律一樣,必須嚴格規範 : 並重新重整,使高教學習的制度更靈活,更能解決實務問題,我們可以從六大點開始 : 做起: : 1.重新改變課程結構,從研究所教育開始,然後再儘快重整大學部。我們不能再像以前 : 那樣每個小領域做自己的事,而是要以網絡化或是適性網路的模式來合作。教育與研究 : 一定要跨領域跨文化的共同進行。 : 幾星期前,我出席了一個研討會,許多與會的政治科學學者檢討為什麼國際關係理論從 : 來沒有考慮過宗教在社會裡所扮演的角色。以今天世界的狀態而言,這是一個很嚴重的 : 疏失。各個學科各自閉門造車,我們永遠缺乏足夠的知識來解決當今人類所面對的重要 : 危機的。 : 如果學者們能跨領域合作,分析探討,會更有效的解決宗教,政治,歷史,經濟,人類 : 學,社會學,文學,藝術,哲學等等的問題。我們重整課程後,不同領域所使用的研究 : 與調查方法也可以被互相運用。 : 2. 終止某些系所,重新設立一些問題導向的系所。各個系所應該要設立落日條款,例如 : 每七年就要被重新評估一次是不是該留下它,關掉它,或是改造它。我們可以根據一個 : 廣泛的議題來組議系所,例如心智,人體,法律,資訊,網路,語言,太空,時間, : 媒體,金錢,生命,以及水資源。 : 以水資源問題為例,下一個十年裡,水資源的嚴重性會超越石油。水的量,質,以及水 : 資源分佈等等的問題會引起重要的科學,技術,以及環境生態的研究,同時也會造成政 : 治與經濟上的挑戰。如果沒有全面性的考量哲學,宗教與道德的議題,這些問題是無法 : 被解決的。畢竟信念會影響實踐,而實踐同時也會影響信念。 : 水的問題也能將來自各個專業的學者結合在一起,像是人類,藝術,社會以及自然科學 : 的系所就包括了醫學,法律,商務,工程,社會工作,神學以及建築學的專家。經過多 : 元觀點的通力合作,才能發展新觀點的理論以及新的方法來解決問題。 : 3. 鼓勵跨校的合作。如果學校能合作分享學生與師資,學校就能精簡資源並重點擴充。 : 例如法國和德國各有一個資源很好的學校,透過電腦會議和網路,兩個學校可以同時教 : 育兩邊的學生,而只需要用到一半的師資。我已經利用這些工具和赫爾辛基以及墨爾本 : 的大學合作,互相教學一學期之久了。 : 4. 改變傳統的論文寫作方式。在人文學的領域裡,經費被砍的最嚴重,現在也沒有人 : 會買討探中世紀議題,而且附註比本文還要多的論文了。大學出版社的財務壓力越來越 : 嚴重,出版論文根本賺不到什麼錢。以我的課來做例子,多年來我已經很少要求學生 : 寫紙本式的報告,而是會利用超文本和網站,甚至影片和電動來發展他們分析處理能力。 : 我們應該要鼓勵研究生製作非傳統性的論文作品。 : 5. 提供研究生更多的專業工作選擇。大部分研究生永遠也沒辦法從事他們所受的訓練的 : 工作,所以我們要培育他們也能在高等教育以外的領域工作。讓學生有機會接觸新的方 : 法和不同的文化,並且多思考實際的問題,有助於他們到業界或是非營利組織工作。他 : 們在這些改造過後的研究所所學到的知識和技能,還能讓他們有能力適應改變並改變世 : 界。 : (註:人文社會科學的博生很難在業界找到工作,這一點可能理工領域的博士很難想像) : 6. 強迫提早退休,並且終止tenure制度。Tenure制度一開始是為了保障學術自由,但最 : 後卻造成師資不流動,以及教授守舊的心態。因為一旦拿到tenure,教授也沒有什麼動 : 機努力增長自己的專業,或是繼續的對行政工作或指導學生賣力付出。我們應該用七年的 : 合約制來取代tenure制,再重新評估是否要結束還是繼續和這個老師的合約。這種制度才 : 能鼓勵研究者,學者,以及教授繼續創新改變,保有創造力和生產力,同時也能讓新生代 : 有出頭的一天。 : 多年來,我一直對學生說:"不要做我做過的事,用我所教過你的,去做任何我做不到的 : 事,再回來讓我知道你做了什麼。"我希望大學能夠從現在自滿的狀態裡重新蛻變,並 : 且將高等教育的未來開啟一道我們現在無法想像的境界。 --

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