作者jinshyan (賢)
標題Re: [請益] 有關session chair
時間Mon Apr 6 18:18:01 2009
之前整理一份, 供參考~
Conference English: To be a Chairman
1) Opening
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Session on WSN.
My name is XXX. I am a researcher at the ITRI in Taiwan.
It is my pleasure to chair this session. My co-chairman is Dr. Roberto Di
Pietro. He is a researcher from University of Roma La Sapienza in Italy.
Since we have five papers in this session, each paper will have 20 min
including the Q&A.
2) Talk
The first/next/final paper will be presented by Dr. Chessa.
Dr. Chessa is a professor at the University of Pisa in Italy.
His topic is “The Stream System…”
Excuse me, Dr. Chessa. Your time is up. Will you please summarize your talk
Thank you very much, Dr. Chessa, for this excellent presentation.
Any questions? We have 5 min for discussion.
Even though the time is running out, I think we can have just a few questions.
[No Q]: I am sure this means how clear Dr. Chessa’s presentation was.
[After Q&A]: We will now go/move on to the next paper.
Now, I would like to turn the meeting over to Dr. Pietro for the following 3
3) Closing
Now, I would like to conclude this session.
We appreciate all the speakers and the audience for making this session a
Thanks for your time and attention.
Have a nice trip in Taiwan.
※ 引述《marsdaddy (小爹NNNNNNI》之銘言:
: 不知道版友對於session chair這個工作有沒有什麼心得可以分享的??
: 小弟被一個conference指派為session chair,下個星期就要去開會..
: 因為自己的英語口語實在不是很流利..
: 光是paper的報告就已經夠擔心了,還多出個session chair.....@_@
: 想請教大家有沒有什麼制式的話可以提供,讓小弟先來背一背,這樣可能會放心一點..
: 感恩!!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 marsdaddy:感謝!我最需要的就是這些台詞.. 04/06 18:25
2F:推 micklin:推! 04/06 18:42
3F:推 circadian:推,建議收錄,很有用的資訊 04/06 19:24
4F:推 lomaka:非常棒的分享 04/06 19:36
5F:推 AQUAzero:想交朋友的話 結束時 會後可以邀請講者去參加晚上的酒會 04/06 20:17
6F:推 harlem77:大推 好文必收 04/06 23:44
7F:推 roysos:推 04/07 01:05
8F:推 Kniveschou:神! 04/07 02:52
9F:推 tainanuser:推!!! 04/10 10:00