作者naey (小土狗)
標題Re: [問題] 國內做博士後 or 國外做博士後?
時間Tue Sep 23 19:52:04 2008
※ 引述《HIbaby (燃燒吧! 嗨~北鼻!)》之銘言:
: 在國外拿到學位, 如果繼續在國外, 可以有好的paper
: 但是回到國內, 也許可以增進人脈, 但是發大paper的機會就相對少了
: 不知道各位前輩對於這個問題有何看法?
: 回國內還有哪些好處?
: 感謝各位
I think the answer might vary over fields.
In our area (finance),
staying in U.S. or other countries in Euro would get better compensation.
In some places in Asia, HK, Singapore for example, it is also possible
for you to get high pay. Of course, as you mentioned, the research
environment abroad is better than Taiwan... but only for the research
oriented universities. In Taiwan, we have two "bosses": Department of
Education and National Science Council that impose difference expectations.
Department of Education focuses on SSCI while NSC emphesizes the quality
of the paper (in finance, SSCI journals are not necessary the good journals).
This is the key reason that we sometimes need to satisfy two bosses, and
lots of stuffs to be done. As I know, the universities in U.S.,
HK or Singapore require the top-tier journals only (top 3 or 5). Therefore
the pressure over there is much higher than the pressure here.
Yet, the pay is almost three or four times than the pay in Taiwan.
Again, the case could be much different in other field. But in finance,
there are fewer and fewer scholars coming back, compensation plan
is a crucial issue. Wish my words help.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 HIbaby:謝謝你的回文^^ 09/24 07:39