AdvEduUK 板


招博士班學生的教授是台灣人,所以想先把機會留給台灣人, 最好是有相關研究經驗的人,想拿博士學位,3年有機會畢業。 若有興趣的人,可以先私下跟教授討論細節, 請再來信告知連絡方式,如email或電話等 申請時程、說明與研究內容如下: 申請截止日期:2020年1月24日星期五 補助開始日期:2020年10月1日 該獎學金適用於英國/歐盟/全球學生, 包括支付三年生活津貼(2019/20年度,每年15,009英鎊)和全額博士班學費 Project Title:3D Nanophotonics in Artificially Structured Chalcogenide Materials Project Rationale and Description: Currently, the realization of three-dimensional (3D) confinement of photons in artificially structured electromagnetic materials or photonic crystal (PhC) has proven to be very challenging. Some approaches based on an inverse-opal PhC, a woodpile crystal, and the 2D–3D hybrid PhC systems combined with lithography are developed. To achieve high design flexibility and less fabrication difficulty, we have reported inverse rod-connected diamond (RCD) structured chalcogenides with 3D direct laser writing (DLW) using two-photon polymerization, followed by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). In this project, the student will study the inverse design of diamond lattice structures (e.g. inverse RCD and inverse woodpile crystals) only based on removing or adding materials to create low-index or high-index cavities [1,2]. Similarly, the waveguide networks are formed by either a single rod or a series of sphere fragments where light is confined and guided by wave interference rather than total internal reflection; each layer is linked by oblique waveguides. For the fabrication and characterisation of these structures, we will collaborate with partner universities in Bristol and Southampton to access their facilities including DLW, CVD, and Fourier image spectroscopy (FIS) systems. The project will develop the model (using electromagnetic simulation software, CST) which can be used to provide data to guide device design, when compared with angle-resolved light scattering characterisation using FIS and enabled an estimation of device quality at each fabrication step. Such a high-Q cavity with ultra-small mode volume could be used to demonstrate strong coupling at elevated temperatures, while coupled cavities of this type could form broad bandwidth, lossless, wavelength scale optical circuits in a fully 3D photonic microchip. The 3D microchips could allow the development of novel nanophotonic devices including ultrasensitive gas sensors, artificial nanostructured composite materials for energy harvesting and all optical artificial neural networks with 3D nanocavities and waveguide networks. Eligibility and How to Apply: Please note eligibility requirement: ‧ Academic excellence of the proposed student i.e. 2:1 (or equivalent GPA from non-UK universities [preference for 1st class honours]); or a Masters (preference for Merit or above); or APEL evidence of substantial practitioner achievement. ‧ Appropriate IELTS score, if required. ‧ Applicants cannot apply for this funding if currently engaged in Doctoral study at Northumbria or elsewhere. For further details of how to apply, entry requirements and the application form, see Please note: Applications that do not include a research proposal of approximately 1,000 words (not a copy of the advert), or that do not include the advert reference (e.g. RDF18/…) will not be considered. Deadline for applications: Friday 24 January 2020 Start Date: 1 October 2020 Funding Notes The studentship is available to Home/EU/ Worldwide students where a full stipend, paid for three years at RCUK rates (for 2019/20, this is £15,009 pa) and full fees. Following the application deadline on 24th January 2020, applicants will be selected on the following basis: Successful candidates will be: (a) Academically excellent – defined as having 2:1 (or equivalent GPA from non-UK universities [with the preference being for 1st class honours]) OR a Masters (preference for Merit or above), OR APEL evidence of substantial practitioner achievement. (b) If an overseas candidate is successful in applying (and faculty agrees to financial support) then an appropriate IELTS test score (6.5 or above) will be required (deadline 1 August 2020). N.B. Applicants cannot apply for this funding if currently engaged in Doctoral study at Northumbria or elsewhere. --

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1F:推 huliaso : 推這個機會真的很棒! 11/30 13:05

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