ASES-Taiwan 板


如果沒收到這封email請和我說: (delegate list 附在本文最後面) Hi, delegates: Congratulations to have this chance to join the roundtable conference! Please confirm your information in the delegate list (as the attachment), and reply to us before Thursday noon if it's needed. Before the conference on Friday, you should join the discussion at Thursday(3/30) 18:50, 二活 classroom 601A. Agenda: 18:50~19:05 報到與發放文件* 19:05~19:20 活動細節、MIT代表之背景、會議流程及時間地點介紹 19:20~19:50 準備會議問題 for Q&A time 19:50~20:00 工作分配(相官、錄影、場佈)及臨時動議 20:00 討論結束 * For every delegate, we will provide a hard copy included the agenda of the conference, MIT and NTU delegate list, and introduction to the professor. If you are late for the discussion or cannot join us on Thursday night without informing Peggy (as the president of ASES-Taiwan and the host of this conference) in advance, unfortunately, we may consider to cancel your qualification to attend the roundtable conference. Thank you very much for your cooperation :) -- Sincerely, ASES-Taiwan ---- Delegates from National Taiwan University Name Name org school year 1 Peggy Chi 紀佩妤 ASES NTU senior 2 James Chang 張文堅 ASES NTU senior 3 Samantha Chan 詹人馨 ASES NTU junior 4 Han Hsieh 謝宗翰 ASES NTU senior 5 Gralance Jeng 鄭樂 ASES NTU sophmore 6 Chanyi Chi 紀承諭 ASES NTU senior 7 Jason Liao 廖健鈞 ASES NTU junior 8 Kaity Kao 高嘉? ASES Stanford senior 9 Justin Huang 黃重凱 ASES NTU senior 10 Po-Sen Huang 黃柏森 - NTU sophmore 11 Chin-Hsien Wang 王欽賢 - NTU sophmore 12 Heidi Yang 楊淳惠 - NTU sophmore 13 Ai-Jung Li 李艾嶸 - NTU senior 14 Ching-Mei Hsu 徐敬眉 - NTU sophmore 15 Jocelyn Pan 潘美樺 - NTU sophmore 16 Chialin Lee 李佳霖 Epoch NTU graduate student 17 Doreen Chou 周珮筠 ASES NTU junior 18 Frances Kand 康子苹 Epoch NTU senior 19 Eunice Huang 黃琪真 Epoch NTU senior 20 Arthur, Tienyu Ho 何典諭 Epoch NTU graduate student 21 Michael Tang 湯智翔 ASES NTU sophmore 22 Celia Lee 李佳盈 - NTU sophmore 23 Logan, Goh-Chee Mun 吳子文 - NTU senior 24 Chi-Fang Huang 黃琦芳 - NTU junior 25 Karen Chang 張瓊文 - NTU senior 26 Li-Chuan Lin 林莉娟 - NTU senior 27 Lisle Kuo 郭力瑋 ASES NTU junior 28 Monica Lai 賴靖玟 ASES NTU junior 29 Tien-Jung Chuang 莊典融 - NTU junior 30 Chang-Han Shen 沈昌翰 Epoch NTU graduate student 31 Fang-Chu Lin 林芳竹 - NTU junior 32 Jenny Lin 林怡君 - NTU senior 33 Derek Ng 吳卓倫 - NTU senior 34 Wayne Lin 林蔚 - NTU senior --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ geniuspeggy:PS. list是依照報名順利 03/29 23:27
2F:推 lisle:我竟然趕上最後的班車 03/30 09:23

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