AI_Art 板

LINE 終於完成了,果然還是花最多時間在轉場的串接上,幾乎用去半個月的點數,如果想要避 免轉場的困擾,還是得小心挑選Keyframe,避免過度跳痛的場景,不然會修片修到死。 PS.最近很缺錢,如果有什麼攝影、剪接、創意的工作都歡迎介紹,在家裡都待得快要發 悶了。 PS2.最近把作品都往HUG網站搬了,這是一個藝術社群網站,在這裡除了可以分享並出 售你的作品外,還有一堆公開召集的活動可以參加,增加作品曝光機會及賺取獎金 邀請連結: Genghis Khan was the founder of the Mongol Empire, born in 1162 in a tribe on the Mongolian plateau. Before he became a king, he experienced many hardships and challenges in his life. As a young man, Genghis Khan was a herder living in an independent clan. At that time, there were many different clans on the Mongolian grasslands, and they often waged wars against each other. Genghis Khan learned how to fight and survive at an early age and demonstrated exceptional leadership skills in his teenage years. Genghis Khan was elected as the leader of his clan at the age of 25, but he was soon driven out of the clan by his brothers and relatives. He became a wanderer, wandering on the grasslands for several years. He constantly searched for supporters and established his own tribe. In the process, he discovered some weaknesses of the Mongolian grasslands, such as the conflicts and wars between clans and the divisions and disputes among other civilized societies. Genghis Khan gradually developed his own army and gathered more and more followers under his banner. He was elected as Khan (meaning "emperor" in Mongolian) by various Mongolian clans in 1206, becoming the founder of the Mongol Empire. In the following decades, he led his army to conquer many countries and regions, including northern China, West Asia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. Genghis Khan was a very intelligent and visionary leader who adopted some unusual policies to ensure the prosperity and stability of his empire. He invented a communication network similar to a postal system that could quickly transmit information and commands. He also implemented laws and policies to protect the rights of merchants and other non-combatants. He also attempted to unify various ethnic groups and religions to ensure the unity and stability of the empire. Genghis Khan died in 1227, and his empire was inherited by his son. The Mongol Empire existed until the late 14th century and became one of the largest empires in history. #Midjourney #LUMA #AI_Generated #WondershareFilmora #ancient_war #Nomads #Genghis_Khan #Mongol #cavalry #Mangudai #Mongol_Empire #Central_Asia #mythology #Epic --

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