2024年01月01日星期一 HBO-Hits 00:55~02:30 2022-危險遊戲:遺產謀殺 Dangerous Game: The Legacy Murders HBO-Hits 02:30~04:15 1999-觸電之旅 Forces of Nature HBO-Hits 04:15~06:25 2006-邁阿密風雲 Miami Vice HBO-Hits 06:25~08:00 2008-功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda HBO-Hits 08:00~10:00 2008-地獄怪客2金甲軍團 Hellboy II: The Golden Army HBO-Hits 10:00~12:15 2016-心靈圍籬 Fences HBO-Hits 12:15~14:30 2009-頭號公敵 Public Enemies HBO-Hits 14:30~16:05 2014-馬達加斯加爆走企鵝 The Penguins of Madagascar HBO-Hits 16:05~17:40 2008-功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda HBO-Hits 17:40~19:25 1999-觸電之旅 Forces of Nature HBO-Hits 19:25~21:25 2023-流星(流星射手) Shooting Stars HBO-Hits 21:25~23:00 2014-馬達加斯加爆走企鵝 The Penguins of Madagascar HBO-Hits 23:00~00:25 2006-快克殺手 Crank 2024年01月02日星期二 HBO-Hits 00:25~02:10 2021-闇黑電話 The Black Phone HBO-Hits 02:10~04:10 2008-地獄怪客2金甲軍團 Hellboy II: The Golden Army HBO-Hits 04:10~05:40 2022-危險遊戲:遺產謀殺 Dangerous Game: The Legacy Murders HBO-Hits 05:40~06:10 2003-好萊塢好好看1045 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 06:10~08:25 2016-心靈圍籬 Fences HBO-Hits 08:25~10:35 2006-邁阿密風雲 Miami Vice HBO-Hits 10:35~12:10 2008-功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda HBO-Hits 12:10~14:00 1999-觸電之旅 Forces of Nature HBO-Hits 14:00~15:55 2023-流星(流星射手) Shooting Stars HBO-Hits 15:55~17:30 2010-野蠻大對決 Furry Vengeance HBO-Hits 17:30~19:05 2008-功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda HBO-Hits 19:05~20:40 2014-馬達加斯加爆走企鵝 The Penguins of Madagascar HBO-Hits 20:40~23:00 2016-心靈圍籬 Fences HBO-Hits 23:00~01:10 2006-邁阿密風雲 Miami Vice 2024年01月03日星期三 HBO-Hits 01:10~02:45 2010-野蠻大對決 Furry Vengeance HBO-Hits 02:45~04:10 2006-快克殺手 Crank HBO-Hits 04:10~05:55 2021-闇黑電話 The Black Phone HBO-Hits 05:55~08:15 2009-頭號公敵 Public Enemies HBO-Hits 08:15~09:50 2014-馬達加斯加爆走企鵝 The Penguins of Madagascar HBO-Hits 09:50~11:50 2023-流星(流星射手) Shooting Stars HBO-Hits 11:50~14:00 2006-邁阿密風雲 Miami Vice HBO-Hits 14:00~16:00 2008-地獄怪客2金甲軍團 Hellboy II: The Golden Army HBO-Hits 16:00~17:35 2014-馬達加斯加爆走企鵝 The Penguins of Madagascar HBO-Hits 17:35~19:05 2010-野蠻大對決 Furry Vengeance HBO-Hits 19:05~20:40 2008-功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda HBO-Hits 20:40~23:00 2009-頭號公敵 Public Enemies HBO-Hits 23:00~01:00 2008-地獄怪客2金甲軍團 Hellboy II: The Golden Army 2024年01月04日星期四 HBO-Hits 01:00~03:20 2016-心靈圍籬 Fences HBO-Hits 03:20~05:20 2023-流星(流星射手) Shooting Stars HBO-Hits 05:20~07:30 2006-邁阿密風雲 Miami Vice HBO-Hits 07:30~10:10 2014-變形金剛4:絕跡重生 Transformers: Age of Extinction HBO-Hits 10:10~12:15 2022-月球隕落 Moonfall HBO-Hits 12:15~14:10 2022-崛起之路 On the Come Up HBO-Hits 14:10~15:50 2014-忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HBO-Hits 15:50~17:20 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2 HBO-Hits 17:20~20:05 2014-變形金剛4:絕跡重生 Transformers: Age of Extinction HBO-Hits 20:05~23:00 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring HBO-Hits 23:00~01:10 2022-月球隕落 Moonfall 2024年01月05日星期五 HBO-Hits 01:10~03:10 2019-小丑 Joker HBO-Hits 03:10~04:40 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2 HBO-Hits 04:40~06:20 2014-忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HBO-Hits 06:20~08:15 2022-崛起之路 On the Come Up HBO-Hits 08:15~10:20 1993-侏儸紀公園1 Jurassic Park HBO-Hits 10:20~10:45 2003-好萊塢好好看1045 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 10:45~12:35 2022-失落謎城 The Lost City HBO-Hits 12:35~15:30 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring HBO-Hits 15:30~17:25 2022-娶我吧! Marry Me HBO-Hits 17:25~19:20 2022-崛起之路 On the Come Up HBO-Hits 19:20~21:30 1993-侏儸紀公園1 Jurassic Park HBO-Hits 21:30~23:00 2016-地下空間 Crawlspace HBO-Hits 23:00~00:50 2022-失落謎城 The Lost City 2024年01月06日星期六 HBO-Hits 00:50~03:45 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring HBO-Hits 03:45~06:30 2014-變形金剛4:絕跡重生 Transformers: Age of Extinction HBO-Hits 06:30~07:00 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 07:00~08:50 2022-娶我吧! Marry Me HBO-Hits 08:50~11:45 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring HBO-Hits 11:45~13:15 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2 HBO-Hits 13:15~15:20 2022-月球隕落 Moonfall HBO-Hits 15:20~17:15 2022-崛起之路 On the Come Up HBO-Hits 17:15~19:05 2022-娶我吧! Marry Me HBO-Hits 19:05~20:55 2022-失落謎城 The Lost City HBO-Hits 20:55~23:00 2022-月球隕落 Moonfall HBO-Hits 23:00~01:45 2014-變形金剛4:絕跡重生 Transformers: Age of Extinction 2024年01月07日星期日 HBO-Hits 01:45~03:55 1993-侏儸紀公園1 Jurassic Park HBO-Hits 03:55~05:55 2019-小丑 Joker HBO-Hits 05:55~07:25 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2 HBO-Hits 07:25~09:20 2022-失落謎城 The Lost City HBO-Hits 09:20~11:00 2014-忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HBO-Hits 11:00~12:55 2022-崛起之路 On the Come Up HBO-Hits 12:55~15:00 1993-侏儸紀公園1 Jurassic Park HBO-Hits 15:00~17:45 2014-變形金剛4:絕跡重生 Transformers: Age of Extinction HBO-Hits 17:45~19:20 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2 HBO-Hits 19:20~21:05 2014-忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HBO-Hits 21:05~23:00 2022-失落謎城 The Lost City HBO-Hits 23:00~01:05 2019-小丑 Joker 2024年01月08日星期一 HBO-Hits 01:05~03:00 2022-崛起之路 On the Come Up HBO-Hits 03:00~04:30 2016-地下空間 Crawlspace HBO-Hits 04:30~07:30 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring HBO-Hits 07:30~09:40 2022-月球隕落 Moonfall HBO-Hits 09:40~11:35 2022-失落謎城 The Lost City HBO-Hits 11:35~14:20 2014-變形金剛4:絕跡重生 Transformers: Age of Extinction HBO-Hits 14:20~16:15 2022-娶我吧! Marry Me HBO-Hits 16:15~17:50 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2 HBO-Hits 17:50~18:20 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 18:20~20:15 2022-崛起之路 On the Come Up HBO-Hits 20:15~23:00 2014-變形金剛4:絕跡重生 Transformers: Age of Extinction HBO-Hits 23:00~01:55 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2024年01月09日星期二 HBO-Hits 01:55~03:45 2022-失落謎城 The Lost City HBO-Hits 03:45~05:30 2014-忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HBO-Hits 05:30~07:25 2022-娶我吧! Marry Me HBO-Hits 07:25~10:20 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring HBO-Hits 10:20~11:50 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2 HBO-Hits 11:50~14:00 2022-月球隕落 Moonfall HBO-Hits 14:00~15:45 2014-忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HBO-Hits 15:45~17:40 2022-崛起之路 On the Come Up HBO-Hits 17:40~19:30 2022-娶我吧! Marry Me HBO-Hits 19:30~21:00 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2 HBO-Hits 21:00~23:00 2019-小丑 Joker HBO-Hits 23:00~00:30 2016-地下空間 Crawlspace 2024年01月10日星期三 HBO-Hits 00:30~02:40 2022-月球隕落 Moonfall HBO-Hits 02:40~04:50 1993-侏儸紀公園1 Jurassic Park HBO-Hits 04:50~07:35 2014-變形金剛4:絕跡重生 Transformers: Age of Extinction HBO-Hits 07:35~09:20 2014-忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HBO-Hits 09:20~11:10 2022-娶我吧! Marry Me HBO-Hits 11:10~14:10 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring HBO-Hits 14:10~15:45 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2 HBO-Hits 15:45~16:15 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 16:15~19:00 2014-變形金剛4:絕跡重生 Transformers: Age of Extinction HBO-Hits 19:00~21:10 2022-月球隕落 Moonfall HBO-Hits 21:10~23:00 2022-娶我吧! Marry Me HBO-Hits 23:00~00:55 2022-崛起之路 On the Come Up 2024年01月11日星期四 HBO-Hits 00:55~02:25 2016-地下空間 Crawlspace HBO-Hits 02:25~05:20 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring HBO-Hits 05:20~07:30 2022-月球隕落 Moonfall HBO-Hits 07:30~09:15 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium HBO-Hits 09:15~11:25 2012-神鬼認證4 The Bourne Legacy HBO-Hits 11:25~13:00 2022-復活節聚會 Easter Sunday HBO-Hits 13:00~15:55 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers HBO-Hits 15:55~17:20 2021-木乃伊歷險記 Under Wraps (TV) HBO-Hits 17:20~19:30 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol HBO-Hits 19:30~20:55 1997-王牌大騙子 Liar Liar HBO-Hits 20:55~23:00 1997-侏儸紀公園2失落的世界 The Lost World: Jurassic Park HBO-Hits 23:00~01:15 2012-神鬼認證4 The Bourne Legacy 2024年01月12日星期五 HBO-Hits 01:15~03:10 2022-暴戾夜 Violent Night HBO-Hits 03:10~05:00 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium HBO-Hits 05:00~07:00 2017-金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island HBO-Hits 07:00~10:00 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers HBO-Hits 10:00~12:15 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol HBO-Hits 12:15~13:40 1997-王牌大騙子 Liar Liar HBO-Hits 13:40~15:50 1997-侏儸紀公園2失落的世界 The Lost World: Jurassic Park HBO-Hits 15:50~16:20 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 16:20~17:55 2022-贏家秘訣(彩券夫妻) Jerry & Marge Go Large HBO-Hits 17:55~19:25 2021-木乃伊歷險記 Under Wraps (TV) HBO-Hits 19:25~21:00 2022-復活節聚會 Easter Sunday HBO-Hits 21:00~23:00 2017-金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island HBO-Hits 23:00~00:55 2022-微笑 Smile 2024年01月13日星期六 HBO-Hits 00:55~03:50 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers HBO-Hits 03:50~06:05 2012-神鬼認證4 The Bourne Legacy HBO-Hits 06:05~06:30 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 06:30~08:00 2021-木乃伊歷險記 Under Wraps (TV) HBO-Hits 08:00~09:30 1997-王牌大騙子 Liar Liar HBO-Hits 09:30~11:30 2017-金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island HBO-Hits 11:30~13:40 1997-侏儸紀公園2失落的世界 The Lost World: Jurassic Park HBO-Hits 13:40~15:15 2022-復活節聚會 Easter Sunday HBO-Hits 15:15~17:30 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol HBO-Hits 17:30~18:00 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 18:00~19:40 2022-贏家秘訣(彩券夫妻) Jerry & Marge Go Large HBO-Hits 19:40~21:30 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium HBO-Hits 21:30~23:00 2021-木乃伊歷險記 Under Wraps (TV) HBO-Hits 23:00~01:10 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol 2024年01月14日星期日 HBO-Hits 01:10~02:45 2022-復活節聚會 Easter Sunday HBO-Hits 02:45~04:40 2022-微笑 Smile HBO-Hits 04:40~06:05 1997-王牌大騙子 Liar Liar HBO-Hits 06:05~07:50 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium HBO-Hits 07:50~10:00 1997-侏儸紀公園2失落的世界 The Lost World: Jurassic Park HBO-Hits 10:00~12:55 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers HBO-Hits 12:55~14:50 2017-金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island HBO-Hits 14:50~16:30 2022-贏家秘訣(彩券夫妻) Jerry & Marge Go Large HBO-Hits 16:30~18:00 2021-木乃伊歷險記 Under Wraps (TV) HBO-Hits 18:00~20:15 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol HBO-Hits 20:15~20:45 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 20:45~23:00 2012-神鬼認證4 The Bourne Legacy HBO-Hits 23:00~00:50 2022-暴戾夜 Violent Night 2024年01月15日星期一 HBO-Hits 00:50~02:50 2017-金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island HBO-Hits 02:50~04:45 2015-姐姐愛最大 Trainwreck HBO-Hits 04:45~05:15 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 05:15~08:10 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers HBO-Hits 08:10~10:25 2012-神鬼認證4 The Bourne Legacy HBO-Hits 10:25~11:55 1997-王牌大騙子 Liar Liar HBO-Hits 11:55~14:05 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol HBO-Hits 14:05~15:50 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium HBO-Hits 15:50~16:20 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 16:20~17:55 2022-贏家秘訣(彩券夫妻) Jerry & Marge Go Large HBO-Hits 17:55~19:25 2021-木乃伊歷險記 Under Wraps (TV) HBO-Hits 19:25~21:20 2017-金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island HBO-Hits 21:20~23:00 2022-復活節聚會 Easter Sunday HBO-Hits 23:00~01:55 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2024年01月16日星期二 HBO-Hits 01:55~04:10 2012-神鬼認證4 The Bourne Legacy HBO-Hits 04:10~06:05 2022-暴戾夜 Violent Night HBO-Hits 06:05~07:35 1997-王牌大騙子 Liar Liar HBO-Hits 07:35~09:35 2017-金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island HBO-Hits 09:35~11:15 2022-復活節聚會 Easter Sunday HBO-Hits 11:15~13:05 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium HBO-Hits 13:05~15:20 2012-神鬼認證4 The Bourne Legacy HBO-Hits 15:20~17:35 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol HBO-Hits 17:35~18:05 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 18:05~19:40 2022-贏家秘訣(彩券夫妻) Jerry & Marge Go Large HBO-Hits 19:40~21:10 2021-木乃伊歷險記 Under Wraps (TV) HBO-Hits 21:10~23:00 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium HBO-Hits 23:00~00:55 2015-姐姐愛最大 Trainwreck 2024年01月17日星期三 HBO-Hits 00:55~02:50 2022-微笑 Smile HBO-Hits 02:50~03:20 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 03:20~05:20 2017-金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island HBO-Hits 05:20~07:35 2012-神鬼認證4 The Bourne Legacy HBO-Hits 07:35~09:15 2022-復活節聚會 Easter Sunday HBO-Hits 09:15~11:25 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol HBO-Hits 11:25~14:20 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers HBO-Hits 14:20~15:45 1997-王牌大騙子 Liar Liar HBO-Hits 15:45~16:15 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 16:15~17:45 2021-木乃伊歷險記 Under Wraps (TV) HBO-Hits 17:45~20:00 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol HBO-Hits 20:00~23:00 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers HBO-Hits 23:00~00:55 2017-金剛:骷髏島 Kong: Skull Island 2024年01月18日星期四 HBO-Hits 00:55~02:50 2015-姐姐愛最大 Trainwreck HBO-Hits 02:50~04:15 1997-王牌大騙子 Liar Liar HBO-Hits 04:15~06:00 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium HBO-Hits 06:00~07:35 2022-復活節聚會 Easter Sunday HBO-Hits 07:35~09:45 2015-不可能的任務:失控國度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation HBO-Hits 09:45~13:00 2003-魔戒三部曲:王者再臨 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King HBO-Hits 13:00~15:15 2022-捍衛戰士:獨行俠 Top Gun: Maverick HBO-Hits 15:15~17:00 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets HBO-Hits 17:00~18:55 2019-炫目之光 Blinded by the Light HBO-Hits 18:55~21:00 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts HBO-Hits 21:00~23:00 2014-愛的萬物論 The Theory of Everything HBO-Hits 23:00~00:45 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets 2024年01月19日星期五 HBO-Hits 00:45~02:10 2013-國定殺戮日 The Purge HBO-Hits 02:10~03:45 2023-瘋狂趴到家 House Party HBO-Hits 03:45~07:00 2003-魔戒三部曲:王者再臨 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King HBO-Hits 07:00~08:40 2007-我是傳奇 I Am Legend HBO-Hits 08:40~10:55 2022-捍衛戰士:獨行俠 Top Gun: Maverick HBO-Hits 10:55~12:50 2019-炫目之光 Blinded by the Light HBO-Hits 12:50~14:50 1998-莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love HBO-Hits 14:50~16:55 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts HBO-Hits 16:55~17:25 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 17:25~19:10 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets HBO-Hits 19:10~21:20 2015-不可能的任務:失控國度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation HBO-Hits 21:20~23:00 2007-我是傳奇 I Am Legend HBO-Hits 23:00~00:30 2013-國定殺戮日 The Purge 2024年01月20日星期六 HBO-Hits 00:30~02:30 1998-莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love HBO-Hits 02:30~03:00 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 03:00~04:45 2015-大明星小跟班 Entourage HBO-Hits 04:45~07:00 2022-捍衛戰士:獨行俠 Top Gun: Maverick HBO-Hits 07:00~09:05 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts HBO-Hits 09:05~11:10 2014-愛的萬物論 The Theory of Everything HBO-Hits 11:10~12:55 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets HBO-Hits 12:55~15:05 2015-不可能的任務:失控國度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation HBO-Hits 15:05~17:00 2019-炫目之光 Blinded by the Light HBO-Hits 17:00~19:10 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts HBO-Hits 19:10~21:15 1998-莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love HBO-Hits 21:15~23:00 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets HBO-Hits 23:00~01:10 2015-不可能的任務:失控國度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation 2024年01月21日星期日 HBO-Hits 01:10~02:50 2007-我是傳奇 I Am Legend HBO-Hits 02:50~04:15 2013-國定殺戮日 The Purge HBO-Hits 04:15~05:55 2023-瘋狂趴到家 House Party HBO-Hits 05:55~07:55 2019-炫目之光 Blinded by the Light HBO-Hits 07:55~09:55 1998-莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love HBO-Hits 09:55~12:05 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts HBO-Hits 12:05~15:20 2003-魔戒三部曲:王者再臨 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King HBO-Hits 15:20~17:05 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets HBO-Hits 17:05~19:05 2019-炫目之光 Blinded by the Light HBO-Hits 19:05~20:45 2007-我是傳奇 I Am Legend HBO-Hits 20:45~23:00 2022-捍衛戰士:獨行俠 Top Gun: Maverick HBO-Hits 23:00~01:05 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts 2024年01月22日星期一 HBO-Hits 01:05~02:45 2023-瘋狂趴到家 House Party HBO-Hits 02:45~04:55 2015-不可能的任務:失控國度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation HBO-Hits 04:55~05:25 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 05:25~07:30 2014-愛的萬物論 The Theory of Everything HBO-Hits 07:30~10:45 2003-魔戒三部曲:王者再臨 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King HBO-Hits 10:45~13:00 2022-捍衛戰士:獨行俠 Top Gun: Maverick HBO-Hits 13:00~15:00 2019-炫目之光 Blinded by the Light HBO-Hits 15:00~17:10 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts HBO-Hits 17:10~19:00 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets HBO-Hits 19:00~19:30 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 19:30~21:35 2014-愛的萬物論 The Theory of Everything HBO-Hits 21:35~23:00 2013-國定殺戮日 The Purge HBO-Hits 23:00~02:15 2003-魔戒三部曲:王者再臨 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 2024年01月23日星期二 HBO-Hits 02:15~02:45 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 02:45~04:50 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts HBO-Hits 04:50~07:00 2015-不可能的任務:失控國度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation HBO-Hits 07:00~09:15 2022-捍衛戰士:獨行俠 Top Gun: Maverick HBO-Hits 09:15~11:00 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets HBO-Hits 11:00~13:00 1998-莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love HBO-Hits 13:00~15:00 2014-愛的萬物論 The Theory of Everything HBO-Hits 15:00~17:00 2019-炫目之光 Blinded by the Light HBO-Hits 17:00~19:05 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts HBO-Hits 19:05~20:50 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets HBO-Hits 20:50~23:00 2015-不可能的任務:失控國度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation HBO-Hits 23:00~00:35 2023-瘋狂趴到家 House Party 2024年01月24日星期三 HBO-Hits 00:35~02:15 2015-大明星小跟班 Entourage HBO-Hits 02:15~04:25 2022-捍衛戰士:獨行俠 Top Gun: Maverick HBO-Hits 04:25~05:50 2013-國定殺戮日 The Purge HBO-Hits 05:50~07:30 2007-我是傳奇 I Am Legend HBO-Hits 07:30~09:30 2014-愛的萬物論 The Theory of Everything HBO-Hits 09:30~11:40 2015-不可能的任務:失控國度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation HBO-Hits 11:40~13:45 2023-變形金剛:萬獸崛起 Transformers: Rise of the Beasts HBO-Hits 13:45~15:25 2007-我是傳奇 I Am Legend HBO-Hits 15:25~17:10 2022-DC超級寵物軍團 DC League of Super-Pets HBO-Hits 17:10~17:40 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 17:40~19:40 2019-炫目之光 Blinded by the Light HBO-Hits 19:40~23:00 2003-魔戒三部曲:王者再臨 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King HBO-Hits 23:00~01:15 2022-捍衛戰士:獨行俠 Top Gun: Maverick 2024年01月25日星期四 HBO-Hits 01:15~03:25 2015-不可能的任務:失控國度 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation HBO-Hits 03:25~05:05 2007-我是傳奇 I Am Legend HBO-Hits 05:05~07:05 1998-莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love HBO-Hits 07:05~09:25 2021-一級任務 Voyagers HBO-Hits 09:25~11:10 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 11:10~13:05 2016-狩獵者:凜冬之戰 The Huntsman: Winter's War HBO-Hits 13:05~15:30 2018-不可能的任務:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout HBO-Hits 15:30~17:10 2022-秘密基地 Secret Headquarters HBO-Hits 17:10~18:55 2017-樂高蝙蝠俠電影 The Lego Batman Movie HBO-Hits 18:55~19:20 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 19:20~21:05 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 21:05~23:00 2023-讚美 Praise This (TV) HBO-Hits 23:00~01:20 2021-一級任務 Voyagers 2024年01月26日星期五 HBO-Hits 01:20~02:50 2023-熊蓋毒 Cocaine Bear HBO-Hits 02:50~04:40 2016-狩獵者:凜冬之戰 The Huntsman: Winter's War HBO-Hits 04:40~06:30 2023-讚美 Praise This (TV) HBO-Hits 06:30~07:00 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 07:00~09:25 2018-不可能的任務:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout HBO-Hits 09:25~11:05 2022-秘密基地 Secret Headquarters HBO-Hits 11:05~13:20 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood HBO-Hits 13:20~15:35 2021-一級任務 Voyagers HBO-Hits 15:35~17:20 2017-樂高蝙蝠俠電影 The Lego Batman Movie HBO-Hits 17:20~19:05 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 19:05~21:05 1993-李小龍傳 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story HBO-Hits 21:05~23:00 2016-狩獵者:凜冬之戰 The Huntsman: Winter's War HBO-Hits 23:00~00:45 2016-國定殺戮日:大選之年 The Purge: Election Year 2024年01月27日星期六 HBO-Hits 00:45~02:25 2017-樂高蝙蝠俠電影 The Lego Batman Movie HBO-Hits 02:25~04:15 2023-讚美 Praise This (TV) HBO-Hits 04:15~06:30 2021-一級任務 Voyagers HBO-Hits 06:30~08:10 2022-秘密基地 Secret Headquarters HBO-Hits 08:10~10:05 2016-狩獵者:凜冬之戰 The Huntsman: Winter's War HBO-Hits 10:05~11:40 2010-敗者為王 The Losers HBO-Hits 11:40~13:40 1993-李小龍傳 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story HBO-Hits 13:40~15:30 2023-讚美 Praise This (TV) HBO-Hits 15:30~17:15 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 17:15~19:00 2022-秘密基地 Secret Headquarters HBO-Hits 19:00~20:40 2010-敗者為王 The Losers HBO-Hits 20:40~23:00 2021-一級任務 Voyagers HBO-Hits 23:00~01:25 2018-不可能的任務:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout 2024年01月28日星期日 HBO-Hits 01:25~03:10 2016-國定殺戮日:大選之年 The Purge: Election Year HBO-Hits 03:10~05:25 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood HBO-Hits 05:25~07:10 2017-樂高蝙蝠俠電影 The Lego Batman Movie HBO-Hits 07:10~09:05 1993-李小龍傳 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story HBO-Hits 09:05~11:20 2021-一級任務 Voyagers HBO-Hits 11:20~13:45 2018-不可能的任務:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout HBO-Hits 13:45~15:30 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 15:30~17:15 2022-秘密基地 Secret Headquarters HBO-Hits 17:15~19:00 2017-樂高蝙蝠俠電影 The Lego Batman Movie HBO-Hits 19:00~21:15 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood HBO-Hits 21:15~23:00 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 23:00~00:35 2023-熊蓋毒 Cocaine Bear 2024年01月29日星期一 HBO-Hits 00:35~02:35 1993-李小龍傳 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story HBO-Hits 02:35~03:05 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 03:05~05:15 2022-劫命救護 Ambulance HBO-Hits 05:15~07:40 2018-不可能的任務:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout HBO-Hits 07:40~09:30 2023-讚美 Praise This (TV) HBO-Hits 09:30~11:50 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood HBO-Hits 11:50~13:30 2022-秘密基地 Secret Headquarters HBO-Hits 13:30~15:25 2016-狩獵者:凜冬之戰 The Huntsman: Winter's War HBO-Hits 15:25~17:10 2017-樂高蝙蝠俠電影 The Lego Batman Movie HBO-Hits 17:10~17:40 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 17:40~19:25 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 19:25~21:15 2023-讚美 Praise This (TV) HBO-Hits 21:15~23:00 2016-國定殺戮日:大選之年 The Purge: Election Year HBO-Hits 23:00~01:15 2022-劫命救護 Ambulance 2024年01月30日星期二 HBO-Hits 01:15~03:35 2021-一級任務 Voyagers HBO-Hits 03:35~05:10 2023-熊蓋毒 Cocaine Bear HBO-Hits 05:10~07:10 1993-李小龍傳 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story HBO-Hits 07:10~08:50 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 08:50~09:20 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 09:20~11:15 2016-狩獵者:凜冬之戰 The Huntsman: Winter's War HBO-Hits 11:15~13:30 2021-一級任務 Voyagers HBO-Hits 13:30~15:30 1993-李小龍傳 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story HBO-Hits 15:30~17:10 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 17:10~18:50 2022-秘密基地 Secret Headquarters HBO-Hits 18:50~20:35 2017-樂高蝙蝠俠電影 The Lego Batman Movie HBO-Hits 20:35~23:00 2018-不可能的任務:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout HBO-Hits 23:00~00:50 2016-狩獵者:凜冬之戰 The Huntsman: Winter's War 2024年01月31日星期三 HBO-Hits 00:50~03:05 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood HBO-Hits 03:05~04:55 2023-讚美 Praise This (TV) HBO-Hits 04:55~07:15 2021-一級任務 Voyagers HBO-Hits 07:15~08:50 2010-敗者為王 The Losers HBO-Hits 08:50~11:15 2018-不可能的任務:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout HBO-Hits 11:15~12:55 2022-幸福入場券 Ticket to Paradise HBO-Hits 12:55~15:15 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood HBO-Hits 15:15~17:00 2022-秘密基地 Secret Headquarters HBO-Hits 17:00~18:40 2017-樂高蝙蝠俠電影 The Lego Batman Movie HBO-Hits 18:40~19:05 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set" HBO-Hits 19:05~21:00 2016-狩獵者:凜冬之戰 The Huntsman: Winter's War HBO-Hits 21:00~23:00 1993-李小龍傳 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story HBO-Hits 23:00~00:50 2023-讚美 Praise This (TV) --
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