movie 板


Zen Eagle driver, got it when he squeezed off a shot with his gun during training and hit the target - without using the computer - said it reminded his squadmates of luke using the force to kill the death star 在训练的时候没有用电脑锁定就击中目标,此举让队友们想起star war里面, LUKE用原力杀死death star的画面 ZEUS Given to me by my squadron at Wright-Pat. I had a task I was taking my time getting around to. My supervisor came to my desk and asked me what the progress was, I lied and said "It's nearly done" He then asked me to pull it up and show him. He sat there and watched me complete the spreadsheet from start to finish and bestowed my callsign/nickname ZEUS. He said it stood for "Zero Effort Unless Supervised". It stuck with me my entire Air Force career. 在偷懒的时候被长官问甚麽时候才能交出报表,他撒谎说就快好了,结果长官直接坐在 他面前看他从进度0到完成全部,然後给出这个callsign,"没有监督就没有进度"。 ZIPI(闭嘴) Zafrany is my name, I always need to close my zip so my staff call me ZIPI 我的名子叫Zafrany,我总是在拉拉链,所以工作人员叫我ZIPI。 Zipper(拉链) 'Zipper got into a argument with his girlfriend at a bar. As she attempted to leave in her car, 'Zipper' stood in her path. Somewhat intoxicated, the pilot lost his balance and fell onto the woman's car. As he slid off the car, the zipper of the pilot's flight suit gouged the hood's finish. Not only did he lose the girl, but it cost him $1,500 to fix her car.' 拉链在酒吧跟女朋友吵架,当她试图离开的时候,拉链试着挡住她的去路,但是拉链失去 了平衡倒在她的汽车上,从车上滑下来的时候他的飞行员外套的拉链刮花了车子,最後 拉链失去了女朋友还花了1500帮忙修车。 ZULU(世界协调时间) 有两个人 ZUZU 1号本人在考试的时候用错时区格式,Zulu/GMT,所以被称为ZUZU ZUZU 2号在飞行学校总是算错时间。 YAH My uncles call sign (F-18 us Navy pilot) - You A** Hole 来自我叔叔的callsign Yoda(尤达大师) Was a short Irishman who was in every flight 他在每趟飞行任务中都是最矮小的爱尔兰人。 WAYST Acronym name given to smart mouthed little B-Courser from the Netherlands by the 195th FS at the class solo party. Son of a b**ch would never shut-up during planning, brief, flight, debrief, and BS session at the bar. Acronym stands for Why Are You Still Talking. WAYST. 在任何场合都无法闭上嘴巴 Werewolf(狼人) Always looking for the full moon! Even where there isn't one! 总是在找满月 Whamo(弹弓) Current call sign of a retired F-16 pilot, Jack M. Earned during survival school after finding a Whamo slingshot on the track and feeding all party members with skills previously learned. Everyone ate owl, squril, birds and much more than the onions provided. 在生存训练的时候找到一个弹弓,并且用弹弓喂饱了整个队伍的人,他们吃了猫头鹰/松鼠 鸟等等的动物。 WiFI 2LT that drives a brand new Porsche...his wife bought for him (or at leave financed it)....WIfe Financed It 他开的全新保时捷是老婆买的 Wise Guy(睿智的人) Assigned by my Aerospace Science Instructor Chief Rogers. I always have comments to say to whatever he says, and apparently I'm sarcastic. 我总是在顶嘴,所以我的教官给我这个称号,很明显的他在反讽。 Wizard(巫师) I was really into Dungeons and Dragons in the 80s. Anyone whose played knows that it's really hard to get a gaming group together and it's almost like admitting a social disease (at least in my era). "Hey dude, the word "Tarrasque" mean anything to you?" But you need a gaming group, so I had to convert a few people. Well why not start with my Flight? With some liquid courage and a borrowed copy of the 2nd edition I went full christian missionary on them. They thought it was super nerdy and started calling me Mr wizard. I never did get my DnD group, but the name stuck. 我超爱玩龙与地下城,藉由没来由的勇气我开始了龙与地下城传教之旅,我尝试从飞行夥 伴中找人一起玩,但是我都失败了,他们都觉得我很宅,我只成功得到巫师这个callsign Wombat(袋熊) Can't remember anything, except "Wonderful Momma's B*tts And T*ts" 甚麽都记不住除了超赞的妈妈奶子 Wraith(sc里面的幽灵战机) Played too much StarCraft during R & R. 在R&R训练期间 整天在玩星海争霸 Wrong Way Kiernan "Wrongway" Butz. Landing (as directed) on runway 29 while another aircraft was on short final for opposing runway 11. I landed safely, but the other pilot had to make a go-around. In my defense, I'd been advised by ATC that 29 was the active . . . but the name regrettably stuck! 这个人尝试落在错误的RWY29跑道上,当时RWY11已经有一台飞机在进场了,导致了另外 一台飞机重飞。 WUNA(世界上最丑的海军飞行员) Worked HEMS with a former Marine several years ago. Nice guy, but not particularly good looking. One night a bunch of us were having drinks and telling war stories when he mentioned his callsign in the Corps was WUNA. Sort of like trying to figure out what the pesonal plates of car in front of you means before it drives away. After awhile I said "okay what's it mean? Without looking up from his drink , he proudly said, "Worlds Ugliest Naval Aviator". 一群人飞行员在酒吧喝酒聊天讲述过往的经历,有个海军陆战队的人说自己callsign是 WUNA,我试图像是弄清楚车牌上面的字母缩写样去猜测,过一会儿我直接问他,他很自豪 的说是"世界上最丑的海军飞行员"。 Vampire(吸血鬼) My last name Knobloch translates to the surname meaning garlic in German. And due to my acute hatred for the smell of garlic, I received the call sign Vampire. 我的姓氏在德语中意思是大蒜,但是我又很讨厌大蒜,所以我被叫吸血鬼.... Victim(受害者) After a night of drinking at the O club in flight training I woke up in a random dorm room the next morning with no clothes. The sq had a field day filling in the rest. Though the stories ranged from the mundane to the depraved, they agreed I was the victim of something unsavory. 某天晚上在酒吧喝酒过後,我在一个陌生的宿舍全身光溜溜的醒来,虽然我觉得根本 根本没发生甚麽事情,但是其他人一致认为我是悲剧的受害人(被肛) Vincent(飞行学校最大的屌) Only a few people know the meaning. Short for: "vingt centimètres" (means twenty centimetres in French). He had the largest **** in the flight school. 只有少数人知道这个名子的含意,在法语中这代表20公分,他拥有飞行学校中最大的屌。 Viper(非常低能的人) "Very Idiot Person" Vodkaz(伏特加) Pilot's name was Smirnoff 他的名子听起来就像俄罗斯人 Uta U Talk Alot. Given to a pilot in the squadron who would NOT shut up. 这称号给一个中队里面永远不愿闭嘴的飞行员 T-bone(丁骨牛排) dropped a practice bomb through a cow 他把练习弹丢到一只牛身上 T-Rex(暴龙) Ate two full racks of BBQ ribs faster than anyone else ate one. The comment was made that it was like watching a Tyrannosaurus! 吃烤肋排的时候永远比任何一个人都快,感觉就像看到暴龙在进食一样。 Tarzan(泰山) This new kid's a sport climber, first name starts with T, he likes camping outdoors more than hanging out at the bar. 这个新来的孩子总是喜欢去户外活动而飞酒吧 Taser(电击枪) Wingman was an MP before flight school and they found a contact stun gun in his locker one night on one of those surprise inspections... 我的wingman之前是个宪兵,他在飞行学校的突袭检查的时候被发现放了一把电击枪在 置物柜。 Taxman(税务员) Everybody pays the Taxman. Top in squad. 在中队里面大家都付钱给他。 Terrorist(恐怖份子) Had to grow hair and beard for a infiltration op. With safety glasses on, someone remarked that I looked like one of the Iranians who had taken our embassy hostage. 大家都说我长得像挟持大使馆人质的伊朗人... Thief(小偷) Stole various items from the squadron members 他从中队的每个人那边偷走东西 Torpedo(鱼雷) (Note: Am female.) WeI went out one night and we all got pretty drunk. We were sat around a table, I spotted a cute guy and went and snogged him. They ended up calling me 'Torpedo' because I was so quick they didn't see me move. 我是一个女性,当大家一起出去喝酒喝到挂的时候,我发现旁边有个可爱的家伙,所以 我就亲了他一下,因为大家都觉得我亲吻的速度超快像鱼雷一样,所以叫我鱼雷。 Trash(垃圾) Last name is of course White. 因为我的姓氏是white(白人垃圾的梗) Tubby(天线宝宝) Striking resemblance to one of the Teletubbies 他跟天线宝宝有惊人的相似之处 Tuna(鲔鱼) I tried to cook a can of Tuna over a chemical (hexi) stove during a ground survival training thing, the can blew sky high because of the heat, we were not allowed back on the base ever again and I got a bolloking from my shell-shocked C.O. Somebody called me that on the way back to base and it stuck. 我在生存训练的时候尝试在化学炉火上煮一个鲔鱼罐头,结果鲔鱼罐头炸飞到天空中 ,我直接被赶回部队,途中我的上级还打电话给我,并且给了我这称号。 Turd(粪便) Had to use the bathroom one night and was too far from the AMU, so I went next to the F-16 farthest from prying eyes....but got caught! 某天晚上我忽然想上厕所,但是厕所太远了,所以我跑到一架最远的F-16旁边拉屎, 但是我被抓到了。 turtle(乌龟) My buddy 1st Lt. M. "Turtle" Hidalgo got his name by always wearing this ugly green backpack and one day he was in a wrestling match at the base and got his nose broken. After it healed up he looked like a turtle. 我的好兄弟叫乌龟,因为他每次都背着一个丑到不行的绿色背包,某一天他在基地跟别人 摔角的时候被人打断鼻子,他在复原之後也长得像一只乌龟。 Two Bags(两袋) Barfed twice during an incentive ride 在某次飞行中吐了两袋 Two Dads(两个爸爸) The pilot concerned, acquired this callsign due to his appropriation of a hyphenated surname. 这个飞行员挪用了一个姓氏。 闲着没事做帮忙翻一些有趣的callsign ,英文不好请见谅。 --
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1F:推 aa25019459 : LOL 06/15 02:21
2F:→ chauan : MP应该是指宪兵 06/15 02:27
已更改 感谢
3F:推 xxx60709 : 其实就是笑人用的绰号XD 06/15 02:34
4F:→ richardplch : Smirnoff 是思美洛伏特加 06/15 02:35
5F:推 watchout : Wraith 是幽灵战机啦,鬼子是Ghost 06/15 03:16
6F:推 haoboo : 这些呼号很多很帅啊,只是来源很蠢 06/15 03:25
7F:推 kamadevas : Yoda “who was in every fight”应该是每次打架他 06/15 05:52
8F:→ kamadevas : 都有份的意思 06/15 05:52
他应该是少个L 是指flight 不是fight
9F:推 Anakin : 最後一个hyphenated是连字号,hyphenated surname就 06/15 06:27
10F:→ Anakin : 是说他的姓是两个姓用连字号连起来的,例如Strange- 06/15 06:27
11F:→ Anakin : Gordon 06/15 06:27
12F:→ ronale : 倒数第三段的乌龟没翻到 06/15 06:36
13F:推 kate2008 : 有的感觉在玩笑和霸凌的边界 06/15 07:44
14F:推 hanslins : 绰号都是这样,互相臭。真正霸凌不止这样 06/15 08:19
15F:推 longtimens : 互臭算霸凌? 06/15 08:23
16F:推 kanpfer : 好棒 06/15 08:44
17F:推 iam0718 : 互吐跟霸凌差太多了 06/15 08:44
18F:推 hilemon : 袋熊太好笑了 06/15 09:04
19F:→ kate2008 : 要看当事人感觉,这种玩笑有机会出包阿 06/15 09:19
20F:推 Yatagarasu : 能当到飞官的应该是不用替他们担心抗压性啦 06/15 09:30
21F:推 SmallGG3cm : 只要当事人不爽就是霸凌 06/15 09:33
22F:推 xd987 : XD 06/15 09:51
23F:推 kaoru1992 : 超哭XDDDDD 06/15 10:07
24F:推 joe199277 : GQ驾驶有说啊,真实世界呼号都有很蠢的事 06/15 10:14
25F:推 joe199277 : 所以GQ那位讲解飞官他说他不会讲他为什麽被称呼为Wh 06/15 10:16
26F:推 glacierl : 能够一路熬过军队训练当上飞官的人不会像我们普通人 06/15 10:38
27F:→ glacierl : 这麽玻璃心动不动就觉得被霸凌。 06/15 10:38
28F:推 airflow : 第一集的教官 Viper 也在现场 06/15 10:40
29F:推 bluem0ary : 还好不是taser face, 不然被火箭笑爆 06/15 10:42
30F:推 pandaforever: 06/15 11:01
31F:→ pandaforever: 两个宅宅 06/15 11:01
32F:推 louispencer : 弹弓超帅!是说不知道背景的话这些都蛮帅的啊 06/15 11:16
33F:推 chyx741021 : Poi和胖丁XD 06/15 11:17
34F:推 killeryuan : 税务员是说他超强 每次赌飞都他赢所以只有他能收钱 06/15 11:19
35F:推 bryanwang : 绰号比名字好认,由其在紧要关头。 06/15 11:19
36F:推 glacierl : 这里面最蠢的应该是呼号是大便的那个XD 06/15 11:20
37F:→ glacierl : 在F16旁边大便可以吹嘘一辈子了吧(咦? 06/15 11:22
38F:推 ah64apoche : Zeus听起来超帅,但其实....XD 06/15 11:28
39F:推 chao0201 : 吐了两袋XDDD 06/15 11:31
40F:→ BF109Pilot : 以为是好色才被叫Zeus 06/15 11:38
※ 编辑: LOVEMOON3427 ( 台湾), 06/15/2022 11:47:40
41F:推 v66leo : Wraith幽灵战机,超宅XD 06/15 12:32
42F:→ Rainbowdays : 怎能説,如果大家的呼号都是互臭,没有谁被针对的 06/15 12:36
43F:→ Rainbowdays : 话我觉得还好...... 06/15 12:36
44F:→ Rainbowdays : 倒是觉得victim还蛮不吉利的,不过外国人可能不避 06/15 12:38
45F:→ Rainbowdays : 讳… 06/15 12:38
46F:→ AppleAlice : 星战在美国真的是影响到整个文化,厉害 06/15 12:46
47F:推 ctes940008 : Viper是扞卫战士第一集教官的呼号,很帅 06/15 12:50
48F:推 mamajustgo : 好好笑XD 06/15 12:58
49F:推 OoJudyoO : 弹弓好帅喔 06/15 13:08
50F:推 DorkKnight : 笑死,有些看起来超帅但其实根本在臭 06/15 13:09
51F:推 seal998 : 学到ZEUS的新解了,超帅XDDD 06/15 19:22
52F:推 airflow : Wrong Way 的理由是被改过的版本吧? 科科 06/15 23:40
53F:推 s910928 : vodka不是听起来像俄罗斯人,他的名字和一支伏特加 06/16 00:22
54F:→ s910928 : 同名 06/16 00:22
55F:推 rronbang : 飞行员还要偷东西? 好怪 06/16 12:01
56F:推 k920354496 : 笑死XD 06/16 15:40
57F:推 e12401421 : 这系列真的好欢乐 06/17 20:38

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