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新闻网址: Get Out, the smash hit horror satire that may very well be the best film released in 2017, could be a dark horse awards contender. After all, this is looking like a weak year for prestige pictures and a critically lauded, bold-as-hell vision could sneak in through the cracks. It’s possible! 恐怖讽刺卖座电影《逃出绝命镇》可能是2017年最棒的电影, 也很有可能会是这次各奖项的黑马。 毕竟,今年广被称赞或是高声望的电影实在很少 前卫的拍法可能可以从中脱颖而出!这是可能的。 And if it does sneak in through the cracks, the Golden Globes will treat it as a comedy. 但是如果这部片真的脱颖而出的话,金球奖就会把该电影视为喜剧片。 Variety Awards Editor Kristopher Tapley (a valuable resource for anyone with an interest in awards season rules, details, and gossip) tweeted that the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, who run the Golden Globes, met and determined that Jordan Peele’s explosive horror film will be considered in the “Best Comedy or Musical” category. 综艺报奖季编辑Kristopher Tapley(也是颁奖季节时规则以及八卦的可靠来源) 推特发文说金球奖的运作人好莱屋外国媒体协会(以下称HFPA)跟Jordan Peele见面, 并且决定他的爆炸性强档将会被放在"最佳音乐以及喜剧类电影" 的类别。 If that makes you scratch your head…well, welcome to the Golden Globes. And more specifically, welcome to the Best Comedy or Musical category, which has been baffling people for years. It’s strange enough that the awards show equates comedies and musicals, which means that La La Land had to compete against Deadpool and Les Miserables against The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. But it gets even weirder when some movies slip into the category despite being neither a musical or a comedy. 如果这让你摸不着头绪...哈哈,欢迎来到金球奖。 更具体化而言,欢迎来到最佳音乐以及喜剧类,这个让人感到莫名其妙的奖项已行之有年 。 这个奖项将喜剧及音乐放在一起很奇怪, 代表《拉拉链》《死侍》竞争;《悲惨世界》《金盏花大酒店》竞争。但这奖项更奇 怪的是会有不是喜剧片也不是音乐剧的电影跑进来跟着竞争。 The most famous example is easily Ridley Scott’s The Martian, which won the Best Comedy or Musical trophy in 2016 despite being neither (to be fair, The Martian is very funny, but it’s a sci-fi drama first). Everyone saw this for what it was: a gross attempt for the film to win awards rather than compete in a category where it belonged. 最有名的例子大概就是雷利史考特的《绝地救援》, 一部既不是喜剧也不是音乐片的电影在2016年拿到最佳音乐以及喜剧类奖项。 (虽然,持平而论,绝地救援超好笑der,但是他应该是以科幻为主R) 大家都知道这代表什麽:一个电影不在他该有的奖项竞争,而去别的奖项,就是为了拿奖 恶心投机行为。 The Martian kerfuffle forced the HFPA to change their rules, with dramas with comedic moments being properly corralled into the drama category. Supposedly. Get Out is a tricky one because it is a very funny movie and a pointed, fiery satire. However, the comedy is the relief around the edges of a vicious horror movie, an angry examination of race in America. It doesn’t cleanly fit into any genre, but it would probably feel more at home in the drama category. But the HFPA clearly disagrees. 《绝地救援》的闹剧迫使HFPA改变他们的规则, 规定有搞笑的戏剧片应该要在戏剧的类别。照理来说啦。 所以《逃出绝命镇》是一个很特别的电影,因为他也有够好笑,也拳拳到肉的讽刺。 但是,喜剧的部分只是围绕在这部邪恶、探讨美国种族的恐怖片让你喘息的空间而已。 这部片没办法完全的放进哪个内容,但是他应该放在戏剧类比较适合。 但是HFPB很明显的反对。 Should Get Out get nominated at the Golden Globes, it will join a long history of head-scratchers in the Comedy or Musical category. This rich history includes Dramas With Jokes, like Charlie Wilson’s War, Inside Llewyn Davis, and Her. But don’t forget the Dramas Without Jokes that were also nominated, like Gosford Park, My Week With Marilyn, Birdman, Pride and Prejudice, and The Squid and the Whale. Ah, but this category is also home to Musical Biopic Dramas That Aren’t Really Musicals But End Up Here Anyway, like Walk the Line and Ray. And then there’s the one that stands on its own: The Mask of Zorro, which inexplicably received a Best Comedy or Musical nomination back in 1999. 如果《逃出绝命镇》被提名,就会加入最摸不着头绪的最佳音乐及喜剧类的行列中。 这行列榜上有名的包含有笑点的剧情片。 包含《盖世奇才》《醉乡民谣》以及《云端情人》。 但别忘了没笑点的剧情片也有被提名, 包含《迷雾庄园》《梦露与我的浪漫周记》《鸟人》《傲慢与偏见》《亲情难舍》 阿,不过这个类别还有不是真的音乐剧的音乐传记剧情片唷 ^.< 比如说《为你锺情》。 最後还有自己是一种类别的类别也在里面唷 比如说《蒙面侠苏洛》在1999年莫名的得到最佳音乐以及喜剧类提名。 Anyway, let’s not pretend for a second that the Golden Globes are a bastion of good taste. Just look to 2011, when Alice in Wonderland, Burlesque, Red, and The Tourist were all nominated for Best Comedy or Musical. Caring too much about what the HFPA thinks is silly. 总之,就别假装金球奖的口味很好吧,你看2011年金球奖提名。 《性福拉警报》《魔境梦游》《舞娘俱乐部》《超危险特工》《色遇》 这些都是最佳音乐以及喜剧类提名。 在乎HFPA太多,你就认真过头啦!!! --- 备注 1.手翻的请多指教 2.怎麽可以质疑你的金球奖!!XD --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: LastDinosaur (, 11/15/2017 18:20:49
1F:推 TRASHNET: 为什麽会是喜剧片??11/15 18:20
2F:推 dragon50119: 这个奖本身就很怪了11/15 18:20
3F:→ nondelivery: 那个靠盃又有趣的胖子朋友替这片加分不少 没他就很普 11/15 18:21
4F:推 globe1022: 欸,黑人最後活下来了,这还不够好笑吗 11/15 18:21
5F:推 poister: 这片好看11/15 18:23
6F:嘘 Daboto: 从来都没看过那麽难看的喜剧片11/15 18:24
7F:推 ArtemisDiana: 舞娘俱乐部的音乐是挺不错的11/15 18:24
8F:推 dan800512: Variety Awards editor 应该是综艺报奖季编辑之类的11/15 18:29
啊啊啊豪 谢谢您
9F:推 hmt17: 最近才发现他4怒火边界的的小弟11/15 18:43
※ 编辑: LastDinosaur (, 11/15/2017 18:49:34
10F:推 lpca: XDDDDDDDD11/15 18:50
※ 编辑: LastDinosaur (, 11/15/2017 18:58:29
11F:嘘 harry7319: 笑欸 11/15 19:06
12F:推 sylviehsiang: 乍看还以为是金酸莓奖 结果居然是金球奖 11/15 19:07
13F:推 cashko: 我觉得挺搞笑的 11/15 19:11
14F:推 Neps: 一定是男主同事的关系(?) 11/15 19:15
15F:推 chocoball: 就只是万能钥匙的kuso版... 对照看就很好笑 11/15 19:17
16F:推 mach1210: 归在那类才容易拿好吗 11/15 19:24
17F:推 winnietslock: 奖项本身就很难界定范围,有诸多正义是必然的结果 11/15 19:40
18F:嘘 firemm444: 毒钥就毒钥 三小万能钥匙 11/15 19:42
19F:推 CavendishJr: 不过这个导演也是拍喜剧片出身的... 11/15 19:44
20F:→ arrakis: 高XD 11/15 19:47
21F:推 kenny606: 英文大师堂堂 11/15 19:50
22F:推 pu44062006: 推个~ 11/15 19:53
23F:推 chiishyang: 这部真的不好看,却在本版评价很高 11/15 20:26
24F:推 sunsirr: 我也觉得不好看耶... 11/15 21:04
25F:→ calculus9: 很多黑色幽默的片都会报喜剧类啊 11/15 21:08
26F:推 vendor: 根本惊悚片好吗?看到我惊吓连连 11/15 21:15
27F:推 richway: 很好看耶 11/15 21:31
28F:推 zzz41432: 真的很好笑-3- 不恐怖 画面怪到另我发笑 认真 11/15 22:32
29F:推 dogisop: 男主跟豆豆先生演的凸槌特派员2 很好笑 11/15 22:33
30F:推 WatchNick: 这部真的不好看... 11/15 22:39
31F:推 istanblue: 推翻译! 11/15 22:53
32F:→ istanblue: 喜剧的部分主角那个好友也的确有喜感啦 11/15 22:53
33F:推 damnedfish: 绝地救援归类在喜剧有啥问题 11/15 23:01
34F:推 lin961213: 喜剧片???里面死多少尼哥了 11/15 23:32
35F:推 jeffmao5566: 不到不好看吧 这部不错啊 但是没很神而已 11/16 00:20
36F:推 skygray2: 蛤? 11/16 00:26
37F:→ joey0602: 确实有黑色幽默成分 11/16 00:50
38F:推 guenhwyvar: 本来就喜剧啊,有啥问题? 11/16 02:59
39F:→ fuckingguy: 黑色喜剧 11/16 03:38
40F:推 oglms: 好不好看见人见志,不过评价高不只在本版吧? 11/16 04:13
41F:推 neroilll: 这部就从头到尾都给人诡异的氛围啊 11/16 04:43
42F:推 wertsdfg: 感谢通顺翻译 11/16 08:17
43F:推 Iamidiots: "黑色"喜剧 11/16 09:55
44F:推 Tsai1124: 毒钥番外篇 但是毒钥有奶子看 11/16 10:04
45F:推 JQK2: 这部超无聊,无法理解觉得很好看的心态 11/20 04:39
46F:推 hero568: 导很好的片啊 11/24 23:15
47F:推 cocazero : 烂片 05/13 01:24

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