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原文连结: 新闻原文: Apple is hit with a lawsuit over whether it can take away customer's digital purchases when an iTunes or Apple ID account is suspended. Enthusiasts of all things movies, games, and music are often proud of the collections they amass, with some record collectors owning thousands of albums and some gamers owning an equally large amount of video games. As media has moved into the online realm over the years, many of these fans have moved to collecting digital downloads instead of physical discs, but now the question being presented in a lawsuit against Apple is: Do consumers actually own the digital downloads they buy? As far as lawsuits go, this is far from Apple's first rodeo. In February this year, Apple CEO Tim Cook was instructed to appear in court for a seven hour long deposition in relation to Epic Games' recent lawsuit against the tech giant, and every new iPhone release seems to come with a few consumer lawsuits over battery or repair issues. This most recent suit, however, is slightly new territory. The crux of the suit, lead by plaintiff David Andino, is whether Apple has the right to block a customer's access to media they have purchased on iTunes or the App Store if their account has been suspended. Andino's suit argues, "just like Best Buy cannot come into a person’s home to repossess the movie DVD that such person purchased from it, Defendant should not be able to remove Digital Content from its customers’ Purchased folders." Even though Apple is being investigated for anti-competitive behavior in the fallout of the Epic Games lawsuit and was ordered to pay damages in a recent consumer battery lawsuit, the company appears to be saddling up once again to see Andino's suit through the hard way in the legal system. With the suit moving ahead, Apple has tried to claim that "no reasonable consumer would believe" content purchased on iTunes would remain there forever, however U.S. District Court Judge John Mendez dismissed this claim stating, "In common usage, the term 'buy' means to acquire possession over something." With in-app purchases at an all time high during the pandemic, now is not a bad time to decide, in a court of law, whether these purchases are actually owned by the consumer or not. Judge Mendez goes on to state that the case would not be dismissed because, "Reasonable consumers would expect their access couldn’t be revoked." Fellow tech giant Microsoft recently settled a suit out of court over Xbox controller drift, and it's technically not too late for Apple to settle out of court as well, though there has been no word yet on whether the company intends to move in that direction. Earlier this month Apple tried to block witnesses in the Epic Games antitrust trial, so if the digital download case does go to court Apple will likely have similar moves up its sleeves. Amazon is also facing a similar lawsuit at the moment, so whichever case is resolved first may just set the precedent for the other company as well as all other digital retailers. 心得:略翻一下,美国由原告 David Andino 发起了集体诉讼表示,就算自己的Apple帐 号被Ban,仍应该有权访问自己所购买的数位内容,包括电影与影集等,他说:「就像百 视达不能直接走进用户的家里拿走用户正在看的电影一样。苹果不应该能够从用户那边 删除用户购买的内容,但事实上他们可以,尽管有些消费者很幸运,不会碰上这种问题, 但总有一天人们会发现他们的数位内容就这样消失了。」 但苹果认为,没有人会相信这些东西都能永远保留在iTunes平台上,不过当地法官驳回了 这个说法:「通常而言,「购买」一词代表着人们能够占有某物,通过支付获得这个物品 的拥有权。」,苹果试图证明原告所称的「伤害」只是纯粹的推测,但法官仍然认为苹果 在用词上的误导可能会让消费者错误的理解对於数位内容的拥有权,或者对这些产品花了 本来不会花的钱,目前全案仍在审理当中。 而这个案子所造成的影响可能会比想像中来的广泛,特别是对於现在这个数位内容大行其 道的时代,如果有一天使用者不能再使用我的帐号了,那麽我所购买的数位内容能否持续 保有?对於这些内容我能不能主张自己的所有权?这些或许都是未来厂商们要面对的问题。 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:推 shadowsos: 支持,ban帐号是厂商的权利,但不应该剥夺消费者已经 04/24 13:56
2F:→ shadowsos: 购买过的产品。 04/24 13:56
3F:推 taipoo: 我认同法官的观点,购买就代表取得永久使用权,应该要维护 04/24 14:19
4F:推 fox527: 有被下架过电影的人,就知道这还满不合理的 04/24 14:23
5F:→ fox527: 花钱买的,说没了就没了 04/24 14:24
6F:→ fox527: 应该要把购买改成「下架前,无限次数观看」 04/24 14:25
7F:推 pikakami: 我也有专辑不见过 虽然有备份但是还是@@ 04/24 14:26
8F:推 Aaso: 希望能告成功 苹果真的会乱BAN帐号 很机歪 04/24 14:29
9F:推 comestai: 同理switch被ban帐号也应该能继续使用已购买的数位版游 04/24 14:36
10F:→ comestai: 戏吗 04/24 14:36
11F:推 HiroshiKin: 「没有人会相信这些东西都能永远保留iTunes在平台上。 04/24 14:37
12F:→ HiroshiKin: 」这句话真的垃圾 04/24 14:37
13F:推 dbwu: 在有人出来说steam之前,先告诉大家G胖保证过若哪天steam 04/24 14:46
14F:→ dbwu: 没了会开放游戏库下载,且现在steam无DRM的游戏也越来越多 04/24 14:46
15F:→ dbwu: 。apple这里做的真的不好 04/24 14:46
其实这个东西游戏界先前就已经吵过一轮了,像是Sony直接Ban掉PSN帐号那里面的内容怎 麽办,後来大家的共识是在条款里面声明玩家购买的只是「使用权」而非拥有权(但也没 有卖得比较便宜就是了),当然使用者购买的也是电影、音乐的播放权,不过苹果的确也 没有立场直接禁止用户观看已经购买的东西就是了。个人觉得对於使用者来说,我们是跟 App开发者与创作者购买程式的使用权与数位内容的使用权,苹果不应该因为Ban掉使用者 的帐号就连带让这些权益受到损失。 ※ 编辑: www846www ( 台湾), 04/24/2021 15:03:07
16F:推 autoupdate: 改无限观看也是不合理,购买了就要存在 04/24 15:24
17F:推 jason840226: 商人的嘴脸…恶 04/24 15:30
18F:推 pttx6714: 换个例子,很多服务关闭与下架,这样消费者能提告吗? 04/24 16:03
19F:→ pttx6714: 串流这类商品,确实无法保证”永久”,购买的到底是” 04/24 16:04
20F:→ pttx6714: 服务”还是”商品”,感觉有点模糊。 04/24 16:04
21F:推 myvoice: 支持 04/24 16:12
22F:推 Mimmature: 这真的很难界定 因为一般人包括我 04/24 16:14
23F:→ Mimmature: 也是认为电影应该有永久存取权 04/24 16:14
24F:→ Mimmature: 真的有一天要倒了 至少给消费者下载所有内容 04/24 16:14
25F:→ Mimmature: 但如果iTunes 是像线上游戏那种服务性质的东西 04/24 16:14
26F:→ Mimmature: 那还真无法求偿 目前在上面买了700多部电影 04/24 16:14
27F:→ Mimmature: 我会不敢再继续买下去.... 04/24 16:14
28F:推 waroz: 应该要永久保存,不然会产生不信任感,谁敢买呀 04/24 16:17
29F:→ dosoleil: 所现在都要说subscribe 而不能说purchase了 04/24 16:33
30F:推 Motor: 推,买了还会不见,哪招 04/24 16:34
31F:推 seanhiroshi: epic的无尽之剑123也都无法使用了哈哈哈 04/24 16:49
32F:推 chenming867: 为什麽他的帐号会被Ban? 04/24 17:02
33F:→ charles1010: 还好我从来都没买过 04/24 18:09
34F:→ kouta: 把商店当成云端硬碟啊? 04/24 18:17
35F:推 KimomiKai: 真的..我的无尽之剑QQ 04/24 18:36
36F:→ fiiox3: kouta在回什麽鬼东西... 04/24 18:56
37F:→ smallcar801: iTunes无法继承 04/24 19:05
38F:推 chenming867: 因为这对苹果不利吧 04/24 19:05
39F:推 waroz: 真的不知道在回啥鬼ww 04/24 19:10
40F:推 hsulinchih: 买过铃声,换新手机以後就不见,当时觉得傻眼 04/24 23:19
41F:→ hsulinchih: 现在学乖了,铃声自己做 04/24 23:20
42F:推 kevin95257: 看了新闻去查一下购买纪录,骄阳似我有买过但是点进 04/25 02:14
43F:→ kevin95257: 去要我再购买才能看,检视购买纪录发现原来发行商换 04/25 02:14
44F:→ kevin95257: 人,旧的版本有存在片库里可以直接观看,商店里的是 04/25 02:14
45F:→ kevin95257: 新发行商的版本,如果我再买一次不知道会不会出现两 04/25 02:14
46F:→ kevin95257: 个不同发行商但是相同片名的版本? 04/25 02:14
47F:→ nintenblo: 其实合议书(包括现在其他主流的数位提供商)里面是有 04/25 08:26
48F:→ nintenblo: 提到数位只有使用权而非拥有权,最主要的症结点是法官 04/25 08:26
49F:→ nintenblo: 认为不该拥有「购买」这个字眼让消费者误会。至於使用 04/25 08:26
50F:→ nintenblo: 者即便Ban帐号,里面的内容也应该可以使用,这倒是蛮赞 04/25 08:26
51F:→ nintenblo: 成的。 04/25 08:26
52F:→ hoos891405: 无尽的剑好像真的连购买纪录都找不到? 04/25 10:59
53F:推 LonyIce: 不太意外 那个ID 超级护航苹果 苹果只有优点没有缺点 04/25 15:50
54F:→ jameshcm: 缴了N年的FHM,结果现在APA下架通通都下载不到,你说呢? 04/25 16:04
55F:→ jameshcm: APP下架 04/25 16:04
56F:推 duece0927: 我也觉得该跟steam一样 下架游戏 但是你还是可以从你 04/25 17:09
57F:→ duece0927: 个人的收藏库内重新下载 04/25 17:09
58F:推 ezo786: 等等我电影买了两万多块欸== 04/25 22:43
59F:→ ezo786: 如果哪天我被ban掉,在台湾不就要在打一次诉讼... 04/25 22:43
60F:→ a1106abc: 那以後手游用外挂被ban还是要能访问游戏内的购买内容吗 04/29 11:57
61F:→ a1106abc: ? 04/29 11:57

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