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不知道是Google太强还是目前某些智慧携带装置的麦克风真的会片段撷取?! 某次朋友跟我聊YouTube频道谁谁谁的影片好笑 但他讲的频道主我从来、never没看过 就是因为没看过所以聊了一些关键字、频道特色 而我的手机放口袋,我朋友的手机拿在手上 隔天晚上,该类似关键字影片就在我的首页清单了... 我确定的是我没有去search 而且还不是该频道近期影片 是我们聊天出现的关键字影片 几个月前的啊!! 不信?可以跟朋友去试试讲某些关键字(ex YouTube, 某个没看过的频道主)的时候手机放附近 手机当时作业系统iOS 13.5 ※ 引述《kouta (F.U.)》之铭言: : Instagram promises to fix bug : after being exposed by always accessing the camera on iOS 14 : Filipe Espósito - Jul. 25th 2020 8:50 am PT @filipeesposito :
: We have already covered here some apps that were caught accessing users’ clip : board thanks to a new feature of iOS 14, but that’s not all. The next major u : pdate to Apple’s mobile operating system also indicates when an app is using : the camera or microphone, and that has just exposed Instagram’s app. : According to some reports shared on social networks by users who have already : installed iOS 14, the camera’s indicator stays on when the Instagram app is o : pen. Even if the user is not using the camera, as when scrolling through the p : hoto feed, the green dot shows that the app is accessing the camera in the bac : kground. : The expected behavior, of course, is for the app to access the camera only whe : n necessary — such as when you open the Instagram Stories composer. However, : Instagram told The Verge that this behavior is just a bug. : “We only access your camera when you tell us to — for example, when you swip : e from Feed to Camera. We found and are fixing a bug in iOS 14 Beta that mista : kenly indicates that some people are using the camera when they aren’t,” the : spokesperson said. “We do not access your camera in those instances, and no : content is recorded.” : According to the company, the system sometimes understands that the user has s : wiped the finger to open the in-app camera, which is not always the case. Inst : agram promises to fix this problem in a future update of its iOS app. : The privacy features of iOS 14 aren’t even available to the general public ye : t, but they have already caused trouble for some developers. More recently, Li : nkedIn was sued by being caught reading the content of the users’ clipboard w : ithout authorization — the company also says that was a bug. : iOS 14 is currently available as a beta release and it’s expected to be avail : able to everyone this fall. : 来源: : ----------------------------- : 这次换IG,究竟是新系统造成的 bug, : 还是网路流言的---手机会偷听你说话的神秘机制呢? : (有次朋友才说到某牌某产品,後来他下车我就在手机看到广告,怕) --
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1F:推 stlinman: 大家没想过可能是朋友去搜寻或去看啊? 你跟你朋友是同一 07/26 20:06
2F:→ stlinman: 投放客群,只要大数据能把你们连在一起就可能推送啊! 07/26 20:07
3F:→ pilitiger: 他就算有搜寻干我啥事XD我跟我朋友又不同帐号怎麽一起 07/26 20:10
4F:→ pilitiger: 投放?而且怎麽知道在讨论什麽XD? 07/26 20:10
5F:推 Andosinjo: 很多人做过实验,并没有偷录音的情况。就演算法刚好命 07/26 20:13
6F:→ Andosinjo: 中或对方有投放广告 07/26 20:13
7F:推 Dongdi: 我也遇过XD真的是刚讲完打开youtube要搜寻就出现在推荐了 07/26 20:13
8F:推 cowcowleft: 朋友每天在那边我谁,也没看过YouTube推很爱演给我 07/26 20:28
9F:推 stlinman: 空间和时间、脸部辨识或是SNS都能把你跟你朋友勾勒在一 07/26 20:31
10F:→ stlinman: 起啊! 07/26 20:32
11F:→ greg7575: 会抓位置重叠的ip丢相同影片 07/26 21:51

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