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闲闲的我来试试吧 欢迎指正 ※ 引述《furtwangler (omission is betrayal.)》之铭言: : 其实应该是American petroleum institute这个机构建议的 : 不过是Chevron公司在杂志上砸钱登广告推广这十点省油的秘诀 : 许多点都可以说是老生常谈 就当作是一个整理吧 : 热心的版友翻成中文吧~~ : Ten Easy Ways to Conserve Energy: 节省能源十撇步 : In the Car 开车 : 1.Have your car tuned regularly. An engine tune-up can improve car fuel economy : by an average of one mile per gallon. 1.定期保养汽车,平均每加仑汽油可多走一英哩。 : 2.Keep tires properly inflated. Underinflated tires can decrease fuel economy : by up to one mile per gallon. 2.轮胎的气要够饱,不饱的轮胎会消耗汽油最多每加仑少走一英哩。 : 3.Slow down. The faster you drive, the more gasoline your car uses. Driving : at 65 miles per hour rather than 55 miles per hour reduces fuel economy by : about two miles per gallon. 3.开慢一点。 开得愈快,用愈多汽油。 时速65英哩比55英哩每加仑汽油会少走2英哩。 : 4.Avoid jackrabbit starts. Abrupt starts require about twice as much gasoline : as gradual starts. 4.避免急起步。突然起动需要汽油是缓起步的两倍。 : 5.Pace your driving. Unnecessary speedups, slowdowns and stops can decrease fuel : economy by up to two miles per gallon.Stay alert and drive steadily, not : erratically. Keep a reasonable, safe distance from the car ahead of you : and anticipate traffic conditions. 5.顺顺开。不必要的加速、减速和停车会让你每加仑少走两英哩。 保持警觉、稳定驾驶。与前车维持合宜和安全的距离并且预先考虑交通状况。 : 6.Use your air conditioner sparingly. The use of air conditioning can reduce : fuel economy by as much as two miles per gallon under certain speeds and : operating conditions. 6.节约使用冷气。冷气的使用在某些条件下会让你每加仑少走两英哩。 : 7.Avoid lengthy engine idling. Turn your engine off when you are delayed for : more than a couple of minutes. 7.避免长时间怠速。停车超过几分钟乾脆熄火。 : 8.Plan your trips carefully. Combine short trips into one to do all your : errands. Avoid traveling during rush hours if possible, to reduce : fuel-consumption patterns such as starting and stopping and numerous : idling periods. Consider joining a car pool. 8.仔细规划路程。把短程交通整合成一整个。避免尖峰时间出门,可以减少 耗能的行驶模式,像走走停停之类的。 : 後两点是在家的 还是贴出来给大家参考 : At Home 在家 : 9.Set your thermostat to save power. Use a programmable thermostat to adjust : the temperature of your home while you're away or sleeping. You may be : able to save as much as $100 each year in energy costs. 9.调整恒温器以节省能源。当外出或睡眠时,使用可程式化的恒温器来调节家中温度。 这样每年在能源花费上可以节省100美金。 : 10.Change your light bulbs. Replace light bulbs or entire light fixtures with : new energy efficient models. New energy-saving products require less energy, : generate less heat, and last up to 10 times longer than standard lighting. 10.把灯泡换掉。把灯泡或灯座整个换成新型的、能源效率较好的种类。 新的节能产品花费更少能源、产生更少废热、而且至多耐用10倍。 --
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