看板 WOW  RSS activision-blizzard-announces-third-quarter-200500360.html 只看暴雪部分 Blizzard Blizzard segment revenue grew 20% year-over-year in the third quarter, driven by the successful launch of Diablo® II: ResurrectedTM. Blizzard had 26 million MAUsD in the third quarter. 2021 第三季 因为暗黑2-狱火重生 所以比上季成长 20% 另外 和2020第三季相比差不多 目前暴雪约有2600万活跃用户.. For Diablo, our plan to enter an era of unprecedented content scale for the franchise has experienced a strong start with the September release of Diablo II: Resurrected, the return of one of the most acclaimed titles in PC gaming history. First week sales of the title were the highest recorded for a remaster from the company. On mobile, Diablo® ImmortalTM is in public testing, and remains on track for release in the first half of next year. 手机板暗黑 公测中~ 预计明年 2022 出 World of Warcraft® reach and engagement continues to benefit from the combination of the Modern game and Classic under a single subscription. World of Warcraft is on track to deliver its strongest engagement and net bookings outside of a Modern expansion year in a decade. 魔兽世界 收入和人数有点小滑 差异不大 没啥事.. Hearthstone® net bookings were stable year-over-year in the third quarter. In October, the team launched MercenariesTM, an innovative role-playing mode that gives existing, returning and new Hearthstone players an entirely new way to play the game. 炉石 持续稳定 因为10月出新模式-佣兵战队有一些新玩家进来玩 另外 Overwatch2 和暗黑4 延期到2023~ -- 当好赛评的三要素 1.会吹牛:吹死人不偿命 2.不要脸:脸皮要厚说的天花乱坠谁也管不着 3.墙头草:高手输了叫失误 其他人输了就是菜! --
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1F:→ Despairile: 刚刚看股票版有人空暴雪有赚的样子 11/04 01:11
2F:推 Abre: 人家选择权赚爆 11/04 01:24
3F:→ Abre: 美股我只敢买SP500 11/04 01:24
4F:推 Dedian: 财报永远都会讲好听,投资者跑掉就麻烦了XD 11/04 06:56
5F:推 Yanrei: ATVI大崩,因为我有买… 11/04 08:41
6F:→ ZzERICzZ: 出那麽多奇怪的事投资者还不快跑,一定是没看ptt 11/04 08:55
7F:推 ccl007: 社会主义铁拳动不动就往中国游戏业打过去 比起来BZ好多了 11/04 08:55
8F:推 oldriver: 两款游戏延期一定要空的啊 你玩暴雪这麽久了 11/04 09:49
9F:推 DEVIN929: 有钱人都没跑房价还在涨 你是在担心什麽啦 11/04 12:18
10F:推 samsonfu: D2R又能吃一季,怕啥 11/05 02:45
11F:推 vking223: 天啊,大家拼命嘴,然後还喜迎+20%,难怪躺着爽数钞票 11/05 04:11
12F:推 deathnote14: 真的是靠经典服 D2R凹一波财报了 11/07 23:09

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