One of the great benefits of an MMORPG game is player choice, and occasionally a World of Warcraft player really stretches that autonomy. One such plucky advent urer had managed to get to level 50 without leaving their first area, a feat tha t’s taken more than a little dedication, and a few worms. Nobb the Goblin has yet to venture away from Kezan, the island home for goblins in the fantasy game. Instead, they’ve been grinding away on the creatures and e ncounters that exist there, gradually building towards the big 5-0. It started w ith tunneling worms, a good 5,000 of those to reach level 20, then another 10 fr om the banked experience you’re allowed without subbing Once he subbed, he started using alts to complete dailies that impacted the whol e account, slowly feeding Nobb points to help him. Goblins become Horde once you finish the main questline in Kezan, and without doing that Nobb isn’t able to enter dungeons or PvP or anything like that. This is the only effective method o f still gaining experience points, and now that Nobb’s at level 50, gains from everything, even dailies, is severe diminishing returns. Talking to WoWhead, the owner has put out a plea for anyone who might know how t o get to level 60 without taking eons. Current pace means it’ll take several we eks to reach level 51. “If anyone knows another way to gain XP on alts where mi ning and herbalism aren’t possible,” They said, “feel free to share it with m e so I can expedite the process a bit more, that’d be great.” You can find the m on Reddit. World of Warcraft is offering cute pets in exchange for donations to Doctors Wit hout Borders right now, and while we can’t help you reach level 50 in the first area, we do a have WoW Classic leveling guide for regular progression. Get involved in the conversation by heading over to our Facebook and Instagram p ages. To stay up to date with the latest PC gaming guides, news, and reviews, fo llow PCGamesN on Twitter and Steam News Hub. 嗯嗯 真简单! ———-拜托翻译———— 原文 --
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1F:推 wolf0120: 看看起来是哥布林在凯赞直接练到50 03/27 11:50
2F:推 Ebergies: 跟满等的中立熊猫不知道谁难 ... 03/27 11:52
3F:→ shuten: 艾尔文森林打野猪 03/27 13:09
4F:→ imymeyou: 我推荐一律哥布林打武卷! 03/27 13:14
5F:推 ALEGG: 03/27 18:41
6F:推 mtflying3037: 凯赞剑神 03/30 07:24

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