Tech_Job 板


【公司名称】 Kronos Research 麒点科技有限公司(统编:50787692) 【公司地址】 台北市内湖区瑞光路333号 【职缺名称】 Senior/Staff Software Engineer, C++ 资深工程师, C++ 【职务内容】 Job Description As a Senior/Staff Software Engineer, you will be one of the technical leaders of our core technology team that pushes the boundaries of our state-of-the-art high-frequency trading platform. You will come up with innovative yet simple solutions to tackle complex problems. You will reimagine how we solve engineering problems and lead our team to make major improvements. This is a highly selective opportunity for talented individuals that are looking to join a leading team in a fast growing quantitative trading industry. Responsibilities -Lead design of major software components, systems, and features -Design, develop, test, deploy, maintain and improve our core libraries -Redesign our existing software architecture to improve efficiency and scalability, as well as reducing time effort and potential for errors on future development -Leverage advanced algorithms and data structures to improve the speed and accuracy of our tick by tick backtesting research platform -Interact directly with traders to communicate technology changes, manage incidents and troubleshoot problems -Contribute to technical discussions, code reviews and internal sharing -Mentor and train other team members on design techniques and coding standards Requirements -Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field -Sr: 5+ /Staff: 8+ years of strong *hands-on* programming experience using C++14 (not C-style C++) in linux environment -Hands on technical leadership experience leading software engineers and setting technical direction -Strong understanding of computer systems, multithreading, networks, and performance optimization -Experience architecting and developing large-scale software systems -Strong written communication skills and intermediate English skills -Passion and curiosity for quant trading and cryptocurrency markets Preferred Qualifications -Experience on low-latency C++ -Experience on developing low latency systems Interview process -Coding assessment (via Codility) -Technical interview -Manager & HR interview 【薪资待遇】 Staff Salary NT$ 6,000,000 ~ 10,000,000+ / year Senior Salary NT$ 4,000,000 ~ 8,000,000 / year 【工作时间】 8 * 5 = 40 hr / week 【工作福利】 -每日免费午餐 - 精选优质店家,不用到外面人挤人 -每月体重加值 - 免费咖啡、牛奶、饮料、零食、新鲜水果任你吃 -每月欢乐庆生会 + Happy Hour - 各类有趣活动,有吃又有玩 -每周健康行程 - 羽球桌球篮球,不怕想打球没人揪 -每月高级按摩服务-专人到府服务,让你舒缓酸痛、提振精神 【应徵方式】 --
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1F:推 cityhunter04: 夭寿薪水 03/31 18:47
2F:推 maxking3388 : 薪水太猛了 03/31 19:06
3F:推 teddyisgood : 金融就是好赚 03/31 19:29
4F:推 biglightbulb: 不知道工时如何? 03/31 19:42
5F:推 iamala : 不错唷,推推。 03/31 19:54
6F:推 peterlin0224: 确定没多打1个0吗?哈哈 03/31 20:02
7F:推 lhz135 : 赞 03/31 20:09
8F:→ final01 : 勉强可以跟猪屎屋一战 03/31 20:24
9F:推 a865201233 : 年薪600-1000? 03/31 20:33
10F:推 marsonele : 这间是交易公司 不是传统科技公司 03/31 20:45
11F:推 xxp680 : 狂 03/31 20:46
12F:推 gn01216674 : 这家徵才文一直都很高 03/31 21:06
13F:推 gn01216674 : 肯把美国薪水放台湾就是赞 03/31 21:10
14F:推 Evoque : 推 03/31 21:13
15F:推 gogogogo3333: 推! 03/31 21:27
16F:推 Dontco : 伴随而来的是责任 不是阿猫阿狗都能上吧= = 03/31 21:34
17F:推 Dracarys : 准备花八年研读ISO C++ working draft 了 03/31 21:43
18F:推 jupei : 靠 在那边数0以为看错 前面还想说要求一堆 03/31 21:49
19F:推 yumen : 一千万!? 03/31 22:05
20F:推 SkyIsMyLimit: 猛! 03/31 22:17
21F:推 nlriey : 这间钱不是问题 但不轻松 03/31 22:20
22F:推 wtl : 高薪公司给推 03/31 23:08
23F:推 b0690151 : 薪水高必须推 03/31 23:10
24F:→ Lowpapa : 这才叫正常薪资阿 一堆公司开那啥懒叫薪水 03/31 23:17
25F:推 trevorwu : 有哪家钱多的公司会轻松,顶尖ic外商也是这样薪资, 03/31 23:42
26F:→ trevorwu : 但也不轻松 03/31 23:42
27F:推 XJY13 : 推 够高!! 03/31 23:52
28F:推 algorithms : 推 04/01 00:42
29F:推 Kimheeche : 某种程度算on call. 毕竟你测略有问题肯定要马上回 04/01 03:55
30F:→ Kimheeche : 来调整 04/01 03:55
31F:推 cityhunter04: 拜托,这种新水让我住公司都没问题……还嫌嘞 04/01 04:08
32F:推 shikemurajy : cryptocurrency markets 04/01 05:03
33F:→ yamakazi : 美股还有休市,加密货币交易是7/24,很累 04/01 05:37
34F:推 yamakazi : 一样是交易公司,能选的话还是选股票期指,有开市休 04/01 05:41
35F:→ yamakazi : 市时间。加密货币是7/24,压力完全不是一个档次 04/01 05:41
36F:→ yamakazi : *股票期权 04/01 05:42
37F:→ yamakazi : 以前玩外汇保证金没有开盘收盘就觉得很累,现在只玩 04/01 05:43
38F:→ yamakazi : 美股觉得人生彩色多了 04/01 05:43
39F:→ yamakazi : 美股冬天十点半开盘,通常看个一两个小时就可以去睡 04/01 05:44
40F:→ yamakazi : 了,隔天上班刚刚好 04/01 05:44
41F:推 zzzz8931 : 有看到台大资工的去 04/01 07:21
42F:推 a0684712 : 这薪水给推 04/01 07:24
43F:推 m54k600ive80: 有免费咖啡耶 04/01 09:58
44F:推 audibmw888 : 精通嘻++就是赞~ 04/01 10:17
45F:推 ddonme : Preferred那边的条件.科技业有什产品会用到相关技能 04/01 11:06
46F:推 wei12f8158 : 这间薪水真的很神 04/01 11:11
47F:→ sc1 : 这家Senior 4-8百万台币 Staff 6-10百万台币 04/01 12:54
48F:推 balire2351 : 推 这薪水太厉害 04/01 14:56
49F:推 newking761 : 精通C++屌爆惹 04/01 18:13
50F:→ MTKer5566 : 原来这样的薪水大家就满意了 04/02 00:30
51F:推 WWIII : staff跟猪屎屋基层差不多... 04/02 01:49
52F:推 s06yji3 : 猪屎屋基层是什麽概念? 04/02 16:30
53F:→ s860134 : 数字没错拉 04/02 17:42
54F:推 efiefi : 薪水真猛! 我喜欢! 04/02 23:41
55F:推 jimmytzeng : 这种薪水不是说愿意睡公司就qualified 吧.. 04/05 13:15
56F:→ cylee : 看本事核薪,东西上线出包应该就被开除了吧 04/05 19:28
57F:推 bigair888 : 推推 04/09 12:46

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