Tech_Job 板


[公司名称] Pickupp [公司网址] [公司地址] 台北市松山区敦化北路 207 号 13 楼 [公司简介] *本篇徵才文由 徵才平台所发布, 应徵请点击下方连结进入 平台投递履历。* Pickupp 皮卡物流科技,深信科技与数据化将持续推动物流的未来, 2016 年於香港创立,陆续在新加坡、马来西亚以及台湾,成立国际 化专业团队。 Pickupp 提供敏捷、弹性的智慧物流平台服务,不仅媒合商家、配送 夥伴及消费者的需求,并与闲置空间业者、物流业者共享合作,善用 数位科技颠覆传统物流商业模式,有效节省用户的营运成本,提高物 流效率。Pickupp 已为超过 2 万间跨国公司、物流巨头 、零售和电 子商贸等企业提供配送服务。 [职位及待遇] 1. Senior Software Engineer 年薪 1.4m - 1.7m 台币 [工作内容 / 应徵条件] About The Role: · Design high quality technical solution for complex features · Implement complex features independently or if needed lead a small team of juniors to complete it together · Research on new technologies and possibility to improve our system · Refactor / Revamp our codebase as to continuously improve code quality · Coach and teach juniors about new technologies, best coding practice, solution design thinking, provide guidance in their growth · Participate in code reviews to ensure clean and efficient code · Contribute effectively to our technical capabilities in longer term, both front and back end · Analyse our data and come up with solutions that help our business scales Requirements: · Bachelor’s Degree or above · Fluent in written and spoken English · 5-7 years of relevant experience. (Less experienced candidates will be considered for a more junior Software Engineer role automatically) · Team player and proven record of completing tasks independently and with teammates · Proven strong coding skills, following best practice and software design pattern · Able to propose and evaluate solution to complex problems, with performance, scalability, security considerations · Proven ability on some soft skills, like communication and project management, can work with Designers, Product Managers smoothly · Can demonstrate good problem solving skills, how to use technology to solve business problems, good use of algorithm and data structure is expected if needed · Deep knowledge of JavaScript (ES6), React, Node.js, Golang, SQL, Git, AWS, CI/CD [工作时间] 符合台湾的劳动法规。 [应徵方式] 直接於网站投递履历,企业将於第一时间回覆。 [其他资讯] == --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:嘘 hegemon : 这个薪资太惨了 02/14 18:36
2F:→ keel90135 : 下一篇贫穷线的一半 可怜 02/14 18:46
3F:→ wolfwolf : 前几篇1年经验领140,这个senior只有130 02/15 00:04
4F:→ wolfwolf : 看错 这个senior也是140 02/15 00:04

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