Tech_Job 板


[徵才公司] acer宏碁 [快速面试] 板上的大大对 acer 已经很熟悉了,就不罗唆,直接上职缺! 这次 acer 也有参加 11/7 的 快速面试, 跳过繁琐的传统面试流程,10 分钟直接与用人主管对谈! 如果你对企业有更多想了解的, 会竭诚为大家服务 如果觉得薪资、职缺有任何建议,也欢迎提出,我们亦会将意见回馈给企业。 像之前有板友觉得别家企业机构工程师的薪资太低, 在反映给企业之後也往上做了调整,各位的意见我们都十分重视! 活动时间:2020/11/07 报名截止:2020/11/01 参与企业:acer, 电獭, BenQ明基材料, Dcard, Tomofun(Furbo), Gogoro, Playsee, Titansoft, Swingvy...等,欢迎立刻应徵卡位面一波! [公司地址] 新北市汐止区新台五路一段88号8楼 [职缺待遇与工作内容] (职缺众多,不占太多篇幅,仅节录重点,详情请见连结) # IT Manager 1.2m - 1.7m /年薪 The IT Manager is responsible for leading professional team for all Microsoft Active Directory & Exchange & M365 activities, Infra budget control, HelpDesk and new solutions investigation. This includes regular System operations checking, tuning, monitoring, designing and resolving complex client related problems. Mechanical RD Manager/Associate Manager 850k - 1.5m /年薪 1. To solve the factory problems of ME issue after MP. 2. Designs, analyzes, documents and functionally validates mechanical components and assemblies. 3. Mechanical structure and component design. 4. Project development and mass production beginning trouble shoot. 5. Timely resolve technical / quality issues from mechanical vendors. 6. Responsible for testing, analysis and debug on assigned project. 7. Work cross-functionally with PM, ID, ME, EE and Thermal,… all function teams to come out workable solutions. 8. Production feasibility study estimation 9. Study new technology # RF Supervisor 640k - 1.25m /年薪 As an RF RD Supervisor you will be responsible for leading RF design and integration for various wireless devices with support of internal and ODM/RF partners. You will work closely with internal team (Antenna /ME/ID/EE/BIOS) and external partners to drive key aspects of product definition, design, optimization, implementation and test. You must be responsive, flexible, attentive to details and able to succeed within an open collaborative environment. # eSports platform Web Engineer 640k - 1.1m TWD / 年薪 This job of Website Engineer in eSports team is responsible for maintenance and development of web pages which are related with platform operations and promotion events. To handle the related engineering independently, candidate of this job should have professional skills on website maintenance and webpage development. 本次快速面试还有多达 10 种以上的职缺一次看: [应徵方式] 本文为人才媒合平台 Meet.Jobs 代 po 有任何问题欢迎推文或是来信 [email protected] 询问 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: dolinian ( 台湾), 10/27/2020 15:12:50
1F:推 AudiA4Avant: Manager的低标850K是什麽巫术 10/27 15:33
2F:推 goodga: 这IT Manager 少的可怜,起码至少也要2m起跳 10/27 15:43
3F:推 giantwinter: manager什麽鬼薪水 10/27 15:54
4F:推 WZL: 以食品业的水准来看还不错啦 10/27 15:59
5F:推 edcxz: 我看过最便宜的RD Manager 10/27 16:01
6F:推 iamala: 有薪水给推 10/27 16:25
7F:→ noneme1: 给这种薪水叫Manager?? 挂Leader都嫌少好吗= = 10/27 16:30
8F:→ DrTech: 这是人力仲介广告文吧,要写写有争议的,吸引热度就成功了 10/27 16:32
9F:→ DrTech: 光是看到薪资范围,不是乱写应付,就知道连招什麽样人都不 10/27 16:34
10F:→ DrTech: 确定了。 10/27 16:34
11F:推 NeoRasier: 好公司快进来,你进来,我出去 10/27 16:40
12F:→ shooter555: RD manager真惨 10/27 16:57
13F:→ allenxxx: 赠佛珠结缘吗? 10/27 17:19
14F:推 gaea0127: RD manager薪水好惨,比我们工程师还低 10/27 18:49
15F:推 MINGSING: RD manager约GG31的薪水....惨啊! 10/27 19:25
16F:推 Csongs: 我只能说po错版 10/27 19:28
17F:推 drwhmsjustdo: Manager没2 million算什麽manager? 10/27 20:45
18F:→ gust0985: 所以那个主管缺已经空很久了…… 10/27 22:38
19F:推 adsl12367: 食品业XD 10/27 22:43
20F:推 sunzoohsieh: 一般非领导职已经123k了 85k是要请? 10/28 06:56
21F:推 moboo: 真的有点跟不上市场,可能内部慢慢升的人对这薪水才ok吧 10/28 08:45
22F:→ moboo: 到市场上找人,要比人家公司多开15-20%比较有机会,所以现 10/28 08:46
23F:→ moboo: 在这范围再打八折的人才会考虑吧 10/28 08:46
24F:推 waterydan: 这薪水比我现职做一样的事情还差.... 10/29 02:15

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