Tech_Job 板


Kneron 急徵一起打仗打拼的夥伴, 欢迎大家帮忙 refer: Application Software Engineer [Job Overview/Duties] . Responsible for designing, developing, troubleshooting, and debugging AI softw are programs with GUI. . Has strong desires to learn and explore new technologies and demonstrates good analysis and problem-solving skills. . design and develop automation scripts . detect and track defects and inconsistencies [Requirements] . MS in CS/EE or relevant . 0-2 years of experience as a software engineer . Be familiar with Linux, Shell, and python . Be familiar with C/C++ language, Qt GUI implementation . web application experience is a plus . Ability to handle multiple tasks . great interpersonal and communication skills Software engineer - tool chain and simulators [Job Description/ Duties] . toolchain design for AI SoC platform . Responsible for designing, developing, or debugging software programs. . know compiler(front-end/back-end) flow (C/C++) [Requirements] . CS or EE master degree is necessary . 2-6 years of experience as a software engineer . Be familiar with Linux, shell, python . Be familiar with C/C++ coding, and a strong background in data structures and algorithms . Has strong desires to explore new technologies and problem-solving skills. . Works on team-driven and task-oriented projects . Strong communication skills, verbal and written in English Software and Firmware testing [Duties] . Develop embedded system software of product on Kneron platform . Deal with SW/FW testing flow [Requirements] . MS in CS/EE or relevant . 0-6 years of software application development experience or FW testing experi ence . Embedded RTOS system programming (KEIL system) . Be familiar with debug skills in KEIL MDK . Knowledge of I2C/GPIO/SPI/UART module . Be familiar with multi-thread programming and debugging (mutex, semaphore, et c.) . Strong analytical skills for problem solving . Be familiar with C/C++ . Be familiar with Linux, Shell, Python 抱歉忘记写上薪资范围赶紧补上! 新鲜人 USD 25~30K 有年资的工程师 USD 30~50K 高阶人才 USD 60~100K *实际薪资於面议时依照工作经验及工作地调整。 Please email your resume to [email protected] 仅为代Po, 请联系上方e-mail, 谢谢! --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:→ hongwl030: 都发那麽多篇徵才文了 还会漏薪资.. 10/19 23:34
2F:嘘 final01: 加油好吗 10/19 23:49
3F:嘘 magic704226: 薪资 10/19 23:50
4F:→ tryshin: 这家薪资不是不错吗 10/20 00:07
5F:推 opencat: 去年开60K~100K usd 疫情qe後会开更高吗 10/20 00:13
6F:嘘 hanklau: 薪资?? (版规) 10/20 01:25
7F:嘘 Morphee: 薪资 10/20 02:28
8F:嘘 j02850: 呵呵 10/20 03:12
9F:嘘 nctuuser: 重点? 10/20 07:39
10F:嘘 InvincibleK: 刚启动去面,公司态度跩上天,之後陆续薪资狂降,所以 10/20 10:36
11F:→ InvincibleK: 问题是? 10/20 10:36
12F:嘘 EKman: 所以是不支薪? 10/20 10:37
13F:→ kkkkerkerker: 面谈後跟人感觉老板只想着ipo跟画饼xD 10/20 11:29
14F:→ mandysuks: 啊!忘了薪资,感谢提醒!正询问中稍後补上~ 10/20 11:30
15F:→ sc1: 实收资本额4亿英属开曼群岛 10/20 11:52
16F:→ sc1: 跟phison做的产品类似已经在媒体上畅谈成功经验 10/20 11:55
17F:→ sc1: 有中资背景呦 10/20 11:57
※ 编辑: mandysuks ( 台湾), 10/20/2020 12:04:01
18F:嘘 successman: 这家不是快倒闭收摊了 10/20 12:14
19F:→ blackrays: 嗯这薪资加上现在美金汇率 真的有梦想才会去 10/20 13:41
20F:嘘 InvincibleK: 人家写的可是美金耶 10/20 13:59
21F:嘘 zhi5566: 新人保证25k 笑死 没机会啦 还IPO勒 10/20 22:18
22F:→ zhi5566: 就是专门笑这种起薪的员工 25k 哈哈哈哈哈 10/20 22:18
23F:嘘 rock2345: 这起薪被小七屌打耶 确定对得起本科硕士学士? 10/21 09:49
24F:嘘 a2322896: 是月薪我就给推 10/21 13:25
25F:嘘 ilovevear: 钱真少 10/21 15:01
26F:推 hcman: 说不定是iphone的汇率 10/21 16:16
27F:嘘 rewqasdf: where 10/22 09:50
28F:推 shietsd: 这间薪资不高 10/23 01:36
29F:推 MorikonHase: 美金美金 各位 是美金 10/27 13:38

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