Tech_Job 板


※ [本文转录自 Soft_Job 看板 #1TNI0ZFt ] 作者: dolinian (杜丽娘) 看板: Soft_Job 标题: [徵才] 虾皮新加坡总部大规模招募 工程/产品职位 时间: Wed Aug 21 18:42:40 2019 [公司名称] Shopee Singapore Pte Ltd [公司网址] [公司地址] 5 Science Park Drive, Singapore Science Park 1, Singapore [公司简介] 【Our Purpose】 The Shopee team believes in the transformative power of technology and wants to change the world for the better by providing a platform to connect buyers and sellers in one community. As shopping on mobile devices becomes the new norm, Shopee aims to continuouslyenhance its platform to deliver a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience forall users and be the region’s e-commerce platform of choice. 【Our Values】 We serve: Our customers are the sole arbiter of the value of our products and services.We strive to meet unmet needs and serve the underserved. We adapt: Rapid change is the only constant in the digital age of ours. We embrace change, celebrate it and always strive to be a thought leader that influences it. We run: We are in a constant race to success while grappling with rapidly shifting forces. We move faster, better and with more urgency every day. We commit: Our work is our commitment. We commit to our values, institution, customers and partners. We commit to each other. Above all, we commit to doing the best we can and being the best we are. We stay humble: We have travelled a long way from our humble beginning and yet, we never lose our humility in our continual quest for greater heights. [职位及待遇] 以下为Software Engineer,薪资皆为5k-8k SGD/mth 1. Server 2. ReactNative 3. Web-Backend 4. Web-Frontend 5. TechOps/ DevOps 6. Machine Learning 7. Platform Engineering 8. Mobile App (Android) 以下为Product Manager,薪资皆为4k-8k SGD/mth 1. Search 2. Country 3. Paid ads 4. Data Products 5. Recommendation 6. Fraud/ Risk Control 7. Marketing / Promotion 8. Payment (Digital Products) 9. Consumer, Product & Technology 10. Technical(Software Application) 11. Business (Supply Chain Management) 12. Order,Consumer Experience and Platform 其他职缺 1. Senior User Researcher 4k-8k SGD/ mth 2. UI/UX Designer 4k-8k SGD/ mth 3. Senior UI/UX Designer 4k-8k SGD/ mth 4. Data Engineer 4k-8k SGD/ mth 5. Database Engineer 5k-8k SGD/ mth [工作内容/应徵条件] 因为有多项职缺,为避免洗板,详细工作内容请看: [工作时间] 弹性上下班,符合新加坡的劳工基本法规 [应徵方式] 直接於网站投递履历: 透过 应徵并顺利就职,可以获得美金 100 元就职祝贺金唷! [其他资讯及应徵攻略] 本文为代发徵才,应徵请勿直接回信。 如有违反板规恳请告知,感谢! [签证及物价资讯] 新币8k直接以货币换算,约为台币183k。但新加坡物价较高,同样金额在新加坡的生活水 准,约相当於台币120k在台北的生活水准。新币4k以上的薪资,则可以保证新加坡的EP( Employment Pass)工作签证。 建议在台北薪资60k、70k以上,且工作上可用英文沟通的人,即可应徵。 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: dolinian ( 台湾), 08/21/2019 18:45:45
1F:→ jatj: 为中国工作喔 08/22 03:34
2F:→ frankcheese: 4k只能拿sp吧?回去看看rule吧 08/22 05:26
3F:→ visa9527: EP只要3开头,谁跟你 4K 只能拿 SP 08/22 10:12
4F:→ frankcheese: I see, 的确毕业生只要3600 有经验的要更高才有EP 08/23 08:30
5F:→ frankcheese: 08/23 08:40
6F:→ frankcheese: 有兴趣可以玩玩看 看多少可以换到EP 08/23 08:40

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