科见Online线上英日语欢庆37周年,免费赠送「儿童/成人-线上真人互动课程」 一堂。 免费赠送课程连结: 成人英日语官网注册连结: 儿童英语官网注册连结: 多益单字 TOEIC 750 -- * isolate (v.) 隔离;孤立;分离 例句: A high wall isolated the house from the rest of the village. 高墙使得这栋房子被孤立於村中。 其他词性:isolation (n.) 隔离 同(近)义词:confine, divide, disengage, disconnect, detach, insulate, marginalize, remove, separate, segregate, seclude, keep apart 反义词:assimilate, associate, connect, join, link, unite, discharge, free, liberate, loose, release, desegregate, integrate, reintegrate ~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~ 新闻英语分享-- 美国总统川普15日动用行政权,宣布全国紧急状态,以便在美墨边界筑墙;这是川普上任 两年多来第三度宣布进入紧急状态,做法虽然再度引发政治波澜,但也让这项不常见的总 统权力摊在阳光下。 新闻来源: (The New York Times 纽约时报) # 新闻英语单字 (1) outline (v.) 概括 (2) momentum (n.) 推动力;动力 (3) grinding (adj.) 折磨人的 (4) unilateral (adj.) 单方面的 (5) condemnation (n.) 谴责 (6) unconstitutional (adj.) 违宪的 # 新闻英语短文 President Trump declared a national emergency on the border with Mexico on Friday in order to access billions of dollars that Congress refused to give him to build a wall there, transforming a highly charged policy dispute into a confrontation over the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution. 美国总统周五(15日)宣布全美进入国家紧急状态,以取得他被国会否决的美墨边境筑墙预 算,使原本此高争议性的政策正反方意见冲突,俨然演变为成为川普此举是否违宪的讨论 。 Trying to regain momentum after losing a grinding two-month battle with lawmakers over funding the wall, Mr.Trump asserted that the flow of drugs, criminals and illegal immigrants from Mexico constituted a profound threat to national security that justified unilateral action. 川普在与国会议员交锋於筑墙预算的两个月後,试图透过颁布紧急状态,重新稳居上风。 川普表示美墨边境的毒品、犯罪和非法移民问题是对国家安全的重大威胁,因此美国方面 自然有筑墙的正当性。 The president's decision incited instant condemnation from Democrats, who called it an unconstitutional abuse of his authority and vowed to try to overturn it with the support of Republicans who also objected to the move. 川普此举饱受民主党的批评,更被质疑是毁宪乱政,意图想要拉拢支持筑墙的其他共和党 同党党员。 ~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~ 多益课程独卖方案新推出,750 Sure Pass循环开课中,欢迎填表试听课程。连结: 也可试听成人/儿童 任一主题课程~ #成人课程七大主题都可以试听-- (1) 实用英语 (2) 商务英语 (3) 旅游英语 (4) Free Talk (5) 微讲堂 (6) 多益新制 (7) 日语会话 #儿童课程三大主题都可以试听-- (1) 战胜K12 / 升学英语专班 (2) English新鲜屋 / 生活英语专班 (3) Free Talk / 外 师班 #简单上课设备 (1) 桌机、电脑或平板、手机。 (2) 耳机、麦克风。 (3) 稳定上网环境。 体验课程前,会有专人协助设备上课环境~ --
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