同学们好,我是SK2实力养成班顾问Jacob(J2) 相信同学们在准备托福、或甚至在学习英文路上,常听说要多看新闻。看新 闻确实不错,但今天想跟同学分享的是,除了看新闻本身的文章或是影片 外,也建议同学可以多看底下FB, Twitter等等社群媒体乡民的留言, 是非常好增强口说写作实力的方式喔! 看留言有几个好处: 1. 学习惯用语:留言就是乡民把自己想说的话转化成文字,很多都是常用的惯 用语、实际上母语人士会讲的话,学起来对於口说、甚至托福写作都有大帮 助。 2. 了解不同人的观点、想法:对於同一件事,大家看法一定都不同,所以可以 很轻松的看到不同人的想法,如果看到跟自己相同想法,还可以把英文的表 达方式学起来,让自己的想法表达更道地。 以下就分享几则一些关於最近肺炎疫情的新闻留言,看看我们可以怎麽利 用。 对了,留言很多不知道从合看起的话,可以先挑按赞数最多的那几则就好, 有兴趣可以继续看更多。 (*注意因为大家留言难免有一些情绪性字眼,我们就着重在惯用语上即 可。) 1. panic buying, hoarding, stockpiling 抢购、囤货 “If people didn’t panic buy and just thought ahead in general then it would give the shops time to recoup rather than this mass stampede ” “These people should be punished and fined for hoarding.” “Also, why the hell stockpile fresh veg? Only certain things can be frozen, so many of these items are just going to be thrown in the bin, when some elderly person is stressed & upset that they can't buy any.” 2. witch hunt 猎巫 “The National Salem Witch Hunt has started. The next phase of the Pandemic, people turning against each other is unfortunately at hand.” “It’s unfair that all people rebuke Shincheonji. “It’s like a 19th century witch-hunt.” 3. social distancing, quarantine 保持社交距离; 隔离 “Social distancing measures can play a critical role in controlling the spread of pandemics, but only if carried out properly. ” “Most people hire cleaners because they are busy working. If they are at home in quarantine, why not clean your own messes for a change. Give your cleaner a paid day off.” “The Cripple Creek residents are supposed to be quarantined because they came here from another state and could have Covid-19. ” 4. price gouge 哄抬价格 “After this has happened, we need to open medical companies that produce masks, gowns, and sanitizer as well as ventilators to be made in USA but make it where people can’t price gouge!” 5. foment panic 引起恐慌 “Why does the story say doctors are currently being forced to make life and death decisions.. Maybe in Italy, but definitely not here. Way to foment more panic NYT!” 6. overwhelm health care capacity 瘫痪医疗体系 “The coming crisis is overwhelming our health care system.” “We have an impending catastrophe when this wave of growth crashes on the hospital system and we don’t have the capacity." --
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