版友好,我是字神康康老师 :) 今天来跟大家分享2018年03月托福最新阅读机经单字题整理 也在这边要祝大家备考顺利!! 托福破百,留学圆梦!! 阅读文章标题:Eli Terry's Clock 单字 painstakingly = with great effort precise = accurate his imitator = the people who copied him 阅读文章标题:Homer and Oral Poetry 单字 culmination = high point controversy = disagreement anonymous = unidentified exhibit = display 阅读文章标题:Newspapers in Western Europe exercise = apply emergence = rise tactic = strategy thus = consequently 阅读文章标题:Economic Decline in Europe during the 14th Century striking = noteworthy considerably = significantly account for = explain 阅读文章标题:Earth's Atmosphere constituent = component gradual = slow predominate = are in the majority diffuse = spread 阅读文章标题:Early Modern Industrialization determinants = causes hastened = rushed diffusion = spread perfected = completed 阅读文章标题:The Sentinel Behavior of Meerkats contains = includes refine = improve furthermore = in addition approaches = comes close 阅读文章标题:The Megafauna Extinction devastating = extremely destructive pointed out = stated favored = preferred 阅读文章标题:The Greek Revival sentimental = emotional assimilated = absorbed eventually = at a later time 阅读文章标题:Can Io and Europa Support Life? proximity = closeness intense = strong pierced = broke through 阅读文章标题:Southwest Agriculture eventually = in the end initially = first adjacent = neighboring dependable = reliable 阅读文章标题:The Milankovitch Hypothesis slightly = by very small amounts skepticism = doubt irritating = annoying renewed = restored 阅读文章标题:Individual Performance and the Presence of Others enhance = improve peculiar to = unique to exert = put forth 阅读文章标题:Honeybee Society expelled from = left by prompted = stimulated explicit = clearly expressed imply = suggest 阅读文章标题:Methane and the PETM dramatically = significantly triggering = starting simultaneously = at the same time magnitude = extent 阅读文章标题:Butterfly Wing Patterns and Predator Defense virtually = almost completely startled = surprised disrupt = disturb rudimentary = simple 完整版在这领取喔: 准备考试时总是有许多不懂的地方吗? 让FB托福学习团帮助你吧~ TOEFL学习团: (欢迎一起加入,收集最新情报!) --
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