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原文标题: Wendy's Is Suddenly a Meme Stock 温蒂汉堡突然变成迷因股 原文连结: 发布时间: Jun 8, 2021 at 1:09PM 原文内容: Shares of The Wendy's Company (NASDAQ:WEN) were rocketing 18% higher today after the WallStreetBets subreddit crowd apparently turned its attention to the fast-food chain and mentioned it as a possible short squeeze candidate. Chat room traders this year have driven up the shares of a number of companies that short-sellers have bet heavily against. While squeezes are not uncommon, retail investors have driven the discussion since January when they rallied together to support GameStop (NYSE:GME) and lash out at hedge funds that overplayed their hands. Wendy's, though, is an unlikely stock to serve as a rallying point for Reddit investors, as there were just 8.2 million shares sold short at last count, down almost 18% from the prior period and amounting to just 4% of the shares outstanding. With days to cover standing at around 2.5, it doesn't seem like a strong candidate to carry the banner next. Wendy's stock is actually up 43% from the 52-week low it hit in March, and last month beat analyst expectations for first-quarter results, posting revenue of $460 million and generating adjusted profits of $0.20 per share. That was notably better than the $444 million in revenue and $0.14 per share in earnings Wall Street anticipated. While the meme stocks of the trading frenzy that started 2021 continue to capture the Reddit crowd's fancy, such as AMC Entertainment Holdings (NYSE:AMC), which has doubled in the past week alone, there have been a few other stocks that were curious choices, such as Tootsie Roll Industries (NYSE:TR), whose stock spiked over 100% in January and still trades 15% above where it started the year. Wendy's has several tailwinds, including a returning workforce and a bullish outlook by management that raised full-year guidance. 机翻如下: 温蒂公司(NASDAQ:WEN)的股价今天飙升18%,此前WallStreetBets分论坛的人群显然将 注意力转向了这家速食连锁店,并提到它可能是做空的候选者。 今年以来,聊天室交易员推动了一些被做空者大量押注的公司的股价上涨。虽然嘎空并不 罕见,但自1月份以来,散户投资者已经推动了讨论,当时他们聚集在一起支持GameStop (NYSE:GME),并抨击那些玩过头的对冲基金。 不过,温蒂的股票不太可能成为reddit投资者的集结点,因为据最後统计,只有820万股 被卖空,比上期下降近18%,仅占流通股的4%。 补仓天数约为2.5天,它似乎不是下一个扛起大旗的有力候选人。 温蒂的股票实际上比3月份创下的52周低点上涨了43%,上个月的第一季度业绩超过了分析 师的预期,公布的收入为4.6亿美元,调整後的利润为每股0.20美元。 这明显好於华尔街预期的4.44亿美元的收入和每股0.14美元的收益。 虽然2021年开始的交易狂潮中的迷因股继续吸引Reddit人群的目光,比如AMC娱乐控股公 司(NYSE:AMC),仅在过去一周就翻了一番,但也有一些其他股票是令人好奇的选择,比 如Tootsie Roll Industries(NYSE:TR),其股价在1月份飙升超过100%,目前仍比年初 时的价格高出15%。 Wendy's有几个有利条件,包括劳动力回流和管理层提高全年指导价的看好前景。 心得/评论: WSB有时候真的是疯疯的 被带风向去怒炒了一波温蒂汉堡 虽然温蒂汉堡严格来说也算是疫情复苏股 半夜一边笑一边转这个新闻真的肚子饿了 --
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1F:推 Coffeewater : WSB炒股炒疯了 06/09 02:32
2F:推 wangsuck : 怀念温蒂,现在最近只能到日本吃了 06/09 02:39
3F:推 pantani : 美国最好吃的汉堡 06/09 02:53
4F:推 kyova : 很久以前吃过 06/09 03:32
5F:→ cityport : 换菜单就涨价的烂店..以为门市拉皮就比汉堡王高档 06/09 04:19
6F:推 hutten : 怀念温蒂 06/09 04:22
7F:→ cityport : 要便宜去汉堡王..要好吃去Arby's..要方便去麦当劳 06/09 04:23
8F:推 ppjoey : 温蒂湿汉堡 06/09 04:40
9F:→ XDDDpupu5566: 温蒂业绩输麦当劳ㄚ每次麦当当薯条加大都要等很久 06/09 04:49
10F:推 a28124209 : 还是学生的时候都吃他的 $4 for 4套餐 06/09 05:00
11F:→ a28124209 : $4有 薯条汉堡鸡块跟饮料 超划算 XD 06/09 05:01
12F:推 ratu7919 : wish睡醒多50% 06/09 05:20
13F:推 TheTruth44 : 离开纽约最後一天吃Wendy’s 真的经典 06/09 05:32
14F:推 PoloHuang : wendys难吃死…还是吃jack in the box吧嘻嘻 06/09 05:39
15F:推 alcard22 : 这样叫疯吗XDD 06/09 06:38
16F:→ chousirbuy : 等待赔钱的人割好股票补破洞 06/09 07:07
17F:推 tarjan33167 : 不好吃== 06/09 07:10
18F:推 KID0924 : 乾我欧印了 06/09 07:48
19F:推 Homeparty : 以前在台湾有自助吧 06/09 08:27
20F:推 pantani : 温蒂要吃三层的才爽 06/09 08:48
21F:→ cityport : 说温蒂好吃的..你还好吧~~ 06/10 06:19

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