P2PSoftWare 板


刚刚打开信件 才发现有这个公告... 1.开放邀请权限延长至2020.1.31 24时结束,全站free延长至2020.1.28 24时结束。 2.捐赠开启,由於捐赠系统故障,请使用以下方式进行捐赠。 如需捐赠通过支付宝人民币捐赠帐号:[email protected] 捐赠流程:登录您的支付宝後,请直接点选“转账”,再输入上方所示的收款人账户即可 。另请在付款说明部分填写您的PT用户名,方便我们快速确认。 捐赠选项更新: 新增免除新手考核选项(提醒:新手考核为新手入门初步了解适应PT之途径、不建议捐赠 。); 新增限时VIP 选项;部分选项权益提高。 一:¥150 ·免除新手考核 二:¥200 ·想在关邀期间邀请朋友 可以通过捐赠¥200透过官方邀请邀请朋友 注:不与前面的待遇重叠 需提交受邀人的邮箱地址(谢绝使用网易系邮箱,如163 126等) 此为官方邀请途径,我们没有通过淘宝等网站销售邀请。这些渠道所发放的邀请视为交易 行为,违者严处。 三:¥245 ·一个月VIP 四:¥450 ·三个月VIP 永久捐赠荣誉标志 永久做种魔力值2倍统计加成 五:¥850 ·六个月VIP 永久捐赠荣誉标志 永久做种魔力值2倍统计加成 六:¥1588 ·一年VIP(增加限时VIP) 奖励4.75T上传流量 687500魔力值 永久捐赠荣誉标志 永久做种魔力值2倍统计加成 七:¥2888 ·永久VIP 永久保号权限 奖励8.125T上传流量 687500魔力值 永久捐赠荣誉标志 永久做种魔力值2倍统计加成 八:¥350 奖励1T上传流量 125000魔力值 永久捐赠荣誉标志 永久做种魔力值2倍统计加成 九:¥650 奖励2.25T上传流量 312500魔力值 永久捐赠荣誉标志 永久做种魔力值2倍统计加成 以上各项更新仅为临时设置,下架时间另行通知。 在完成相应的捐赠後,请一定将你的付款信息(支付宝交易号)通过邮件发送给 [email protected],方便我们手动确认你的捐赠。所有捐赠的回馈会尽快发放,请 耐心等待,切勿重复催促 其余未尽之处均以网站规则为准,如有捐赠方面的疑问,比如认证全名等请联系邮箱 [email protected], 谢谢支持。 HDChina管理组 2020年1月25日 1.Donation system is down. Please don’t use it. Please make donation through Paypal to [email protected] 2.Updates on the rewards: New: Exempt from the newbie assessment (notice: newbie assessment is designed for beginners to get familiar with private trackers; it’s not advised to make a donation on this) New options on limited time VIP. Some options offer better rewards than the previous. 1. 150 CNY Exempt from the newbie assessment. 2. 200 CNY For users who want to invite friends when the invite system is off, you can donate 200 CNY and send an official invite to your friend. Notice: This does not include offer 1. You need to inform the invitee’s email when making the donation. (NetEase mail is prohibited, e.g. 163 mail. 126 mail, etc) This is the official way to acquire invites. We do not have any online business at Taobao or other websites. Acquiring invites from any of the online businesses will be treated as trading, and violators will be strictly punished. 3. 245 CNY One-month VIP. 4. 450 CNY Three months VIP, life time donation sign and life time X2 seeding bonus 5. 850 CNY Six months VIP, life time donation sign and life time X2 seeding bonus 6. 1588 CNY One-year VIP, life time donation sign, life time X2 seeding bonus, 4.75TB uploads, and 687,500 bonus points 7. 2888 CNY Life time VIP, life time donation sign, life time X2 seeding bonus, 8.125TB uploads, 687,500 bonus points, and immuned from deactivation for inactivity 8. 350 CNY life time donation sign, life time X2 seeding bonus, 1TB uploads, and 125,000 bonus points 9. 650 CNY life time donation sign, life time X2 seeding bonus, 2.25TB uploads, and 312,500 bonus points All above updates are temporary, you will be notified for changes. 3. Please remember to send the transaction information (transaction reference number generated by Paypal) to [email protected], so we can manually confirm your donation. All rewards will be given at the earliest convenient. Please be patient and avoid sending bulk inquiries. Please refer to the tracker’s rules for other details. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email: [email protected]. Thank you for your support. HDChina Staff 2020/1/22 -- ※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/P2PSoftWare/M.1580014796.A.A2B.html ※ 编辑: QQKKQKQK ( 台湾), 01/26/2020 13:00:19
1F:推 mobbsong : 有没有好心人能邀,有他站数据 01/26 16:20
2F:→ interception: 有3个 需要的来信附上数据 01/26 21:00
3F:→ interception: 已发完 01/27 12:30
4F:推 apatosaurus : 有人有邀请码吗? 01/28 13:08
5F:推 general0319 : 可以给我一个邀请码吗??有在M-team的上传下载统计 01/30 16:24
6F:推 keigi1203 : 求一个邀请码 可附上MT/HDH/EMP资料 或用MT邀请换 02/02 21:44
7F:推 reaper317 : 求邀请码 可附上CHD/TTG/MT资料 02/04 14:09

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