P2PSoftWare 板


发布页面: https://bit.ly/2JQwnS7 win32: https://bit.ly/2HMoqLI win64: https://bit.ly/2FIJf8P change logs: FEATURE: UI | Option to split the advanced library view vertically (and select location of complete/incomplete panes) [Parg] FEATURE: UI | nl_BE: New Flemish translation [Pierre VdC] FEATURE: UI | Support returning to the PrivacyView for lookup results [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Add save-location to archive view [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Add main-tracker to archive view [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added tag-group menu sub-items to tagging library view context menu [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added ETA graph to speed tab [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added message count to chat [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Friends now support profiles made visible in decentralized chat [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Added option to add friend key when available in decentralized chat [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Properties window now supports links [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Download rename dialog now shows the current download/save-path/torrent details and supports copying them [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Detect URLs in simple text entry window and show as clickable link [Parg] FEATURE: UI | Option to set user download comment in the add-torrent options dialog [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Option to pause/resume downloads when network force-bind lost [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Option to control search template/RSS feed read timeouts [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Added size-tolerance setting to 'find existing data files' [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Option to disable crypto-port extension in all-trackers view [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Option to auto-select sequential download by file extension [Parg] FEATURE: Core | ETA based download priority [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Sparse file support [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Support non-public partial friends [Parg] FEATURE: Core | Support non-public friends with separate nick/status/profile config and display [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added binary + decimal unit suffixes to constraints [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added control of Library row colors (foreground+background) on tag assignment [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added max_up and max_down constraint variables [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Warn if setting a tag constraint might remove existing manual assignments [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added file_names_selected variable (ignores skipped files) [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | New constraint scope of 'new downloads' to be applied once only on download addition [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Auto tag based on file extensions [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added Library columns for tag-groups (text and icon) [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added exclusive option to tag-groups [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added tag icon sort order [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Tag selection dialog now used when specifying Friend/Chat tags/categories [Parg] FEATURE: Tag | Added 'isNew' tag constraint function [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Added reference to more settings/info from Friends plugin config page [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Use aggregate scrape results for seeds/peers item columns [Parg] CHANGE: UI | pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese translation update [Havokdan] CHANGE: UI | sl_SI: Slovenian translation update [upwinxp] CHANGE: UI | yo_NG: Yoruba translation update [zoneboy,fatherfaith] CHANGE: UI | no_NO: Norwegian translation update [lislei] CHANGE: UI | Always add save-path to history, even if same as default [Parg] CHANGE: UI | SWT can handle system menu on OSX, remove JNI hacks [TuxPaper] CHANGE: UI | All-tracker view filter now works on status as well as name [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Sort tag group names [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Speed limit handler info now shows current time [Parg] CHANGE: UI | Don't reserve space in peer/seed columns when networks icons disabled [Parg] CHANGE: UI | File name is now pre-selected (except extension) in rename dialog [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Archive auto-add tags as well and ignore on restore for documentation purposes [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Don't allocate entire file if existing is shorter during rechecking [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Improve default ipv6 address selection [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Open manual browser on OSX via 'open -a' [Parg] CHANGE: Core | Force non-public tracker announce protocol to non-compact [Parg] CHANGE: Plug | Removed deprecated PluginConfigUIFactory and related classes [TuxPaper] BUGFIX: UI | Improve twisty alignment [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix incorrect button being disabled when no templates in template editor [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix tag assignment menu inconsistency [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Clear tag constraint errors when constraint removed [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix general view not being rebuilt [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix status bar progress not clearing on min/max of BiglyBT [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Remove selection when row removed [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix space/comma entry bug in add-peers dialog [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix download speed selector display for unlimited [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Change ETA calculation to use outstanding pieces as well as file totals to fix incorrect estimation with DND files [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix resize behaviour of graphic plots [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Fix entries being added to sidebar when already removed [Parg] BUGFIX: UI | Inherit tag button background colour [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix JSON Web Engines matching no more than 9 results [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix launching files on Linux 64 [tsoliman] BUGFIX: Core | Fix launching files that contain spaces on Linux [tsoliman] BUGFIX: core | Fix potential delay download magnets during startup [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Ensure core life-cycle started event always fired [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix issue causing premature triggering of download completion [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix concurrent-modification exception building swarm merge info [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Ensure state file is deleted on download removal [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Restart network listeners on separate threads to avoid blocking [TuxPaper] BUGFIX: Core | Increase allowed backup path depth [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix sequential flag being cleared on other flag changes [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Fix case-only file name changes not having any affect [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Attempt to detect Alcohol 120 and disable related file icons on Windows as causing crash/hang [Parg] BUGFIX: Core | Always honour file priority delete/DND settings [Parg] --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/P2PSoftWare/M.1553865815.A.442.html

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