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Game 1 1.SHOEMAKER (这应该不用翻译XD) Game 2 1.Khan : What is my purpose ? Kkoma : You hit nexus. 可汗:我要干嘛? 扣马:打主堡。 赛後 1.The top 4 LCK teams: The Elite Four SKT: The guy who overlevelled his pokemon + 30 levels 前四名的LCK队伍:四天王 SKT:那个把自己的宝可梦冲等冲超过30等的家伙 >Top 4 LCK are the Kanto elite four, SKT is Red 前四名是关都四天王,SKT是赤红 >>SKT's team jersey is red color, scripted confirmed. SKT的队服是红色的,这剧情我看过 >>What pokemon would Faker be 那飞可是哪只 >>>Mega Rayquaza Mega绿毛虫 >>>>Faker starts his career in Season3. Rayquaza is a Gen3 pokemon. 非可在S3出道,Mega绿毛虫是第三世代的宝可梦 >>>>>Yes, and Groundon is Khan, and Kyogre is Teddy. Clid is Latios, Effort is Latias. Op ass team 对,然後可汗是固拉多,泰迪是盖欧卡,Clid是拉帝欧斯,Effort是拉帝亚斯 神兽厨的队伍 2.Stop please SKT we need a third seed for KR that doesn't have their mental boomed 拜托SKT你别打了,我们需要一个没有被打到心态爆炸的韩国第三种子 3.To think that this team almost missed playoffs... 想想他们差点没晋级季後赛 >To think this team started 1-5. 他们夏季赛一开始1-5 >>SKT be like SKT就像这样
3.DWG: How do we stop Khan backdooring our base? Someone else: Just lose faster of course. DWG:我们要怎麽防止可汗BD? 某人:就输快一点啊淦 >DWG, aka, Doesn't Win Games, is an LCK team that is often ridiculed for their coin flip solo laners and lack of map awareness. They are specifically known for not guarding their base during playoffs and rolling over to SKT. DWG,全名是不赢下游戏,是一支以线上掷骰子以及没有地图意识着名的LCK队伍。他们 特别为人所知的是在季後赛对SKT的时候不守家然後直接开送。 4.I guess its that time of year again 我想又到了这个时候 ( ) G1: G2: 赛後: 恭喜SKT跟AHQ重返世界赛!可惜非可还在,西门却退了,他们没办法在世界赛相遇了QQ -- "There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first or last time. I owe him my best." -Joe DiMaggio --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:嘘 bear15328 : SKT赶快祈祷不要抽到AHQ吧 否则准备被AHQ屌打 08/25 21:56
2F:→ ses31904 : 伪强队三宝(2/3) 08/25 21:58
3F:推 davidliudmc : Rick and Morty梗XDDD 08/25 21:59
4F:推 david3809 : AHQ也重返世界赛了 08/25 21:59
5F:推 ilove640 : 从#超越到出国 真的太爽了 08/25 22:01
6F:推 virus0418 : Mega绿毛虫ww 08/25 22:01
7F:推 poiu0987yaaa: FAKER感叹对手一个个不见 08/25 22:03
8F:推 eric890817 : Rayquaza不是烈空座吗 还是绿毛虫是他的代称? 08/25 22:05
这是一个梗www ※ 编辑: JEFF11503 ( 台湾), 08/25/2019 22:06:02
9F:推 ODFans : JT也重返世界赛了 08/25 22:05
10F:推 PLS1312 : 两年前的死神图又来啦 08/25 22:06
11F:→ eric890817 : 喔喔我就想说应该是梗哈哈哈哈 08/25 22:06
12F:→ ODFans : FAKER没有时间感叹了 马上要被FOFO虐应该在瑟瑟发抖 08/25 22:07
13F:嘘 hioer : ahq跟skt比哈哈哈哈哈,脑粉也别那麽脑好吗 08/25 22:08
14F:推 Wing1984 : 需要一个心态没崩的第三种子 XDD 08/25 22:12
15F:推 paul31788 : 笑死熊又来了 08/25 22:13
16F:推 f40075566 : 死神图笑死 08/25 22:13
17F:→ Ten6666 : 那只狗xDDDD SKT加油啊!!! 08/25 22:18
18F:推 a3221715 : ahq呢 JT是第一次打世界赛 改名後 08/25 22:23
20F:推 Fantasyweed : Red应该不用翻赤红XD 08/25 22:31
21F:推 frank8979 : 那只狗好靠杯哈哈哈哈 08/25 22:44
22F:推 fresh75515 : Ahq眼中只有ig 08/25 22:52
23F:推 xx890197 : 狗图真的超白烂,笑死 08/26 04:49
24F:推 Himm3Q886 : 9楼,所谓的重返,是要曾有参加过才叫重返 08/26 16:44
25F:推 zero200336 : JT前身是tpa啊 08/27 16:07

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