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听说更新要上了 Information regarding the update’s delay and FAQs 星尘价格 S6 & 3.0 preview ---------------------- Gaia(开发商老大) 挂病号 除了他的部分以外已经全部做完了 但是他的部分没其他人会 所以无限延期ing FAQs 1.这次不会有新的chest heroes 2.Daily event 3.Season Pass卖Kred, 买了以後一定能拿到英雄 4.以後可能会更常出现限时UM英雄 5.Lucy minions这次不会变动 之後会有新功能 6.Daily event有固定轮回 会调整到同一个event不会出现在连续两周的同一天 让不能每天玩的人也有机会体验不同活动 (这周周一A活动 下周的A活动就不会在周一) ---------------------- 下季会新增一种货币单位 星尘 1 x Prana Gems: 30000 Star Dust 20 x Prana Gems: 570000 Star Dust 100 x Prana Gems: 2700000 Star Dust 1 x Ascension Spheres: 60000 Star Dust 20 x Ascension Spheres: 1140000 Star Dust 100 x Ascension Spheres: 5400000 Star Dust 只有很缺AS 当AS用才买 1 x Keys: 50000 Star Dust 20 x Keys: 950000 Star Dust 100 x keys: 4500000 Star Dust chest rare & chest common全满的最佳选择 还没满就不是很好 另一个缺点是资源分散 1 x Hero Keys: 300000 Star Dust 20 x Hero Keys: 5700000 Star Dust 100 x Hero keys: 27000000 Star Dust 垃圾比例 不要买 1000 x Followers: 1000 Star Dust 20000 x Followers: 19000 Star Dust 100000 x Followers: 90000 Star Dust Mr_Ozzy提了一个很有趣的方式 全部砸follower 从WB的AS转PG 直到follower跟满等chest hero够多再买key 反正任务靠quest hero跟一狗票follower就够了 以前是前期follower太少 只靠quest hero打不赢 现在follower不是问题了 ------------------------------ Introducing new rotating events feature, currently consisting of 5 rotating events each with a limited duration. One Event will always be active: 1) Flash Tournaments: Cost 100 UM to enter, UM as prize pool as well as random Seasonal heroes. 2) Cosmos Quest Lottery: Purchase as many tickets as you like to enter the lottery for a chance to win UM. 3) Dungeon Quest: Complete limited quests to earn Star Dust per quest completed (All players have the same quests). 4) Super World Boss’: World Bosses spawn with less attacks required to kill, and an increased Ascension Sphere pool! 5) Double UM weekends: Weekend purchases will double UM obtained. 日常活动轮替 其中一种会是常驻 1. flash tournament 简单说就是上次的万圣节模式+以前的tourn奖励 2.乐透 就是个骗钱的东西 3. 地下城 完成任务拿星尘 4.超级WB 血更少奖励更多 5.周末UM特价 Introducing Season Pass: Purchasing a Season pass in the shop gives access to a list of challenges, when completed you're awarded an Ascended Season Hero. Each task will award a prize when completed. Season pass expires at season ends. 限时挑战 商店贩售挑战任务列表 每季更换 完成每个任务都会有奖励 全完成额外给 Ascended Season Hero Tournament reward & Season reward structure is being revamped. Seasons will now reward Star Dust - a new currency that enables players to purchase other in-game currencies, currently that is Keys, Hero Keys, Ascension Spheres, Prana or Followers. (This was done to enable players to have choice over how their Season performance rewarded them - previous Seasons saw players obtaining different currencies with feedback being that some Seasons rewards were notably worse because of it). Tournaments will no longer reward UM or Prana, instead rewarding Star Dust. Overall, when converted, tournaments should reward roughly the same currency as before. (Based on previous tournaments, a Sunday tournament would be roughly 200,000,000 Star Dust Prize Pool). Tournament reward structure will now resemble that of World Boss, where each position is worth more than the previous. PVP奖励全改成星尘 Tournament奖励分配改成World Boss的方式 号称奖励会比以前多 Win Rate rewards are being removed. Tournament Win Rate奖励取消 Easter event Heroes are being lowered to 9 levels per Auction. (Auctions in process will end once the patch is applied and winners will obtain the respective hero at Level 99, after that new auctions will start following the 9 levels per auction rule.) Easter Heroes拍卖改成每次+9等 Season 2 Heroes will be added to the Auction House. S2英雄放进拍卖 Starting Season 6. S6 Season 5 players will obtain 1 hero based on their Tournament performance. S5英雄 流出图有点中国古装风格 Introducing Ascended Bavah Ascended Bavah Introducing new hero in the Shop purchasable with UM, the offer will last 15 days. 限时UM英雄 据说10K Reworking Battle System - Some technical limitations are being removed that enables new skills, as well as more skill affects to be displayed (Things such as +Attack bonus’ will be easier to see in Battle). 重做战斗系统 以後可以有更多样化的技能 同时战斗时能显示更多的技能影响 3.0 Preview底下有大佬开炮 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: smart0eddie (, 04/19/2018 01:09:30
1F:推 y1896547 : 大改欸 04/19 01:11
2F:推 keniori : 这游戏已经脱离原本的主轴很远了XD 04/19 07:09
3F:推 xacr : 明明是放置游戏 结果上次节日活动完全没有放置成分 04/19 09:32
4F:推 ccchenny : 感谢翻译 已经好几次改版都没有新增放置元素了XD 04/19 13:07
5F:推 O10lOl01O : 有没有不重要 有人玩才重要 虽然我早早就弃坑lol 04/19 13:42
6F:推 incog : 最早以为异次元很炫才入坑,後来觉得锦标赛比较有趣 04/20 18:31
7F:→ smart0eddie : 听说发了200PG 更新继续顺延 04/21 07:48
8F:推 y1896547 : 暂时换游戏玩了 有点拖XD 04/21 12:47
9F:推 DaringDo : 还好我早弃了XD 好不放置 04/21 14:23
10F:推 ccchenny : 要改的东西太多了 不如就改天吧 04/21 15:21
11F:推 neca : 要改的东西太多了 那就改完别的吧(!! 04/22 00:41
12F:推 incog : ccc,现在哪边还有latas 的信众自动点击载点啊? 04/22 17:40
13F:推 neca : 求载点+1 04/23 11:26
※ 编辑: smart0eddie (, 04/24/2018 01:49:11
14F:推 incog : 後来想一想,rare没满就先拿到AS,去升级AS反而会拖慢 04/24 03:38
15F:推 keniori : 没关系 最好等我chest rare点满再来XD 但我还有七只 04/24 19:44
16F:推 ccchenny : 可以不要吗XDDDDDDDD 04/24 23:22
※ 编辑: smart0eddie (, 04/28/2018 14:36:35
17F:推 y1896547 : 改玩Crusaders of the Lost Idols了XD 04/28 15:55
18F:推 incog : 楼上那款比较花时间,cosmos 每日任务跟锦标赛其实花 04/28 16:06
19F:→ incog : 的时间很短耶,登入打完,排一下阵型就没事做了..... 04/28 16:06

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