Gossiping 板


※ 引述《a40494 (田埂牧者)》之铭言: : 现在请用你的搜寻软体 : 输入「乌军告捷」等等的关键字 : 大部分都会跳出来这些 : https://i.imgur.com/pOY0Xyc.jpeg
: 若是不是我们这种每天无聊会打开deepstate 看战线的无聊人士 : 只看这些新闻 : 仅凭想像再搭配这些战术胜利的影片 最好笑的是 连Deepstate 都看不下去了 发文表示乌军的军事发言人的发言有问题 还被CNN拿去报导 https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/28/europe/russia-daily-gains-ukraine-military-criticism-intl/index.html https://reurl.cc/ez3x9j Criticism of military communications 随着撤军和损失的不断累积,Myroshnykov 和 DeepState 网站等军事部落格都将矛头指 向乌克兰官方通讯,指责武装部队提供的战场最新情况越来越不切实际。 DeepState 在 Telegram 上发布了一段视频,显示一名俄罗斯士兵在索洛维奥韦村的无人 机袭击中丧生,但利用该视频辩称,孤立的事件可能掩盖了大局,并指责军方这样做以及 。 DeepState 写道:「你可以永远愉快地观看俄罗斯(士兵)被撕成碎片的视频,但附近还 有另一个需要注意的地方:莫斯科人在村庄周围平静地走动,控制住村庄。 (乌克兰) 国防军对他们造成火灾破坏,人们可以(在国家电视台)重复至少十亿次,该村庄的三分 之二都在乌克兰军队的控制之下,但现实情况完全不同」。 周六,霍尔蒂察行动策略小组发言人纳扎尔·沃洛申(Nazar Voloshyn) 在乌克兰电视台 上做出了这一评估,即索洛维奥韦村的三分之二处於乌克兰控制之下。他说,附近的奥切 雷泰因仍然由乌克兰控制,三分之二的领土都掌握在乌克兰手中。 就 DeepState 而言,它有不同的看法,评估俄罗斯军队控制 Ocheretyne 村中心(包括 火车站)至少三天。上周,该监测网站对军方提出了类似的投诉,指责「一些发言人」无 能。 乌克兰陆军参谋长西尔斯基似乎在周日的 Telegram 帖子中回应了这些担忧,暗示误解是 由於事态发展的不稳定性造成的。 他写道:“形势在不断变化,有些职位每天易手数次,这导致人们对局势的理解不明确。 ” 但他也承认乌克兰的整体局势已经恶化。 「前线的局势已经升级。敌人为了夺取战略主动权、突破前线,主力集中在几个方向,在 兵力和手段上形成了显着优势。 With withdrawals and losses accumulating, military bloggers such as Myroshnykov and the DeepState site have both taken aim at official Ukrainian communications, accusing the armed forces of increasingly unrealistic updates from the battlefield. DeepState, in a post on Telegram, published a graphic video of a Russian soldier being killed in a drone strike in the village of Soloviove – but used the clip to argue that isolated incidents can mask the bigger picture, which it accused the military of doing as well. “You can watch with pleasure forever the video of a Russian (soldier) being torn to pieces,” DeepState wrote, “but nearby there is another location that requires attention: Muscovites calmly moving around the village, keeping it under control. The (Ukrainian) Defense Forces inflict fire damage on them, and one can repeat at least a billion times (on national television) that two-thirds of the village is under the control of the Ukrainian military, but the picture of reality is completely different.” That assessment – that two-thirds of Soloviove village was under Ukrainian control – was made by Nazar Voloshyn, spokesperson of the Khortytsia operational-strategic group, on Ukrainian TV on Saturday. Nearby Ocheretyne was also still two-thirds controlled by Ukraine, which had things in hand, he said. For its part, DeepState sees it differently, assessing that Russian troops have been in control of the center of Ocheretyne village, including the railway station, for at least three days. Last week, the monitoring site made a similar complaint against the military accusing “some spokespersons” of incompetence. Ukrainian army chief Syrskyi appeared to address those concerns in his Telegram post on Sunday suggesting that misunderstandings were due to the fluidity of developments. “There is a dynamic change in the situation, some positions change hands several times a day, which give rise to an ambiguous understanding of the situation,” he wrote. But he also acknowledged Ukraine’s overall situation had deteriorated. “The situation at the front has escalated. Trying to seize the strategic initiative and break through the front line, the enemy has concentrated its main efforts in several directions, creating a significant advantage in forces and in means,” he added. ㄎㄎ : 像这些 : https://i.imgur.com/5ulpZ4X.jpeg
: 或这些 : https://i.imgur.com/WXkZeP6.jpeg
: 看起来很酷对吧? : 但对整体战线来说 : 战术胜利并不是整体战线的态样 : 这些影像再加上偏颇的华美字句 : 很容易被洗脑成乌军「优势在我」的想像 : 更准确的用现在流行的词语 : 这就叫「认知作战」 : 那些「认知作战专家」 : 黑熊代表人物 : 不挞伐一下台湾与西方媒体的这种邪恶行为吗? : 「错误的战场认知,比丝毫不知更可怕」 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (澳门)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Gossiping/M.1714370217.A.933.html
1F:推 tetani: 军武版的即视感 04/29 13:59
2F:→ haha98: 无聊 telegram根本都是假消息 军武版专家 04/29 14:00
3F:→ haha98: 都转最可信的推特 多看吧 04/29 14:00
4F:推 Newtype: 台独仔把大本营战报当圣旨不意外 04/29 14:03
5F:推 ErosAmour: 对啊,看什麽野鸡报导,推特和军武情 04/29 14:06
6F:→ ErosAmour: 报数则才是正确了解战场的好信源。 04/29 14:06
7F:推 jacky07130: 军武不相信简体中文报导不相信统媒 04/29 14:07
8F:→ jacky07130: 只相信大本营战报美国共和党媒体不信 04/29 14:08
9F:→ jacky07130: 所以根本无从讨论起... 04/29 14:08
10F:推 wuklean: deepstate自己都各种慢 各种双标了 也好116.241.214.119 04/29 14:10
11F:→ wuklean: 意思讲乌军发言人116.241.214.119 04/29 14:10
12F:推 vzerov: 巴哈姆特当时也是都过了一个礼拜才承认丢 04/29 14:11
13F:→ vzerov: 了,但马上改宣传骗说要反包围了,结果包 04/29 14:12
14F:→ vzerov: 去哪了 04/29 14:12
15F:推 lionpass: 选完了 没空 04/29 14:14
16F:推 a40494: 某版都说八卦翻车,现在看起来某版连车都 04/29 14:16
17F:→ a40494: 爆炸了就不算翻车了 04/29 14:16
18F:推 newsboy3423: 有啦 夏季大反攻有一路打巴赫木特 04/29 14:36
19F:→ f22: 说谎骗得了一时,骗不了一世。 04/29 23:27

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