Examination 板


请依下文回答第21题至第25题 The National Immigration Agency (NIA) in Taiwan announced that new immigrant mothers who are divorced with children born in Taiwan are allowed to continue staying in Taiwan despite that they lose the custody of their children. The NIA's decision to amend the law is invariably linked with the protection of the children's rights and interests. The NIA restated that Article 31 of the Immigration Act in 2007 was modified to safeguard the rights and interests of foreign spouses after a divorce. The amendment contains enabling them to have the custody of children after a divorce and get divorced with their Taiwanese spouses if they are victims of domestic violence. 移民署(NIA)宣布,离异的新移民母亲,具有在台湾出生的孩子,即使失去孩 子的抚养权,也可以继续留在台湾。NIA的修法决定不约而同地与保护儿童权益联系在一 起。NIA重申,2007年修改了移民法第31条,以保障外国配偶离婚後的权益。修正案包括 让他们在离婚後拥有孩子的抚养权,如果他们是家庭暴力的受害者,可以与台湾配偶离婚 。 22 Which of the following statements is NOT true about the NIA's reform of the Immirgration Act? (A) It grants the separations between new immigrant mothers and their children in the case of a divorce. (B) It protects the rights and interests of the children if they are victims of domestic violence. 22 以下哪项关於 NIA 对移民法的改革的陈述是不正确的? (A) 在离婚的情况下,准许新移民母亲与其子女分居。 (B) 保障家庭暴力受害子女的权益。 考选部答案是(A) 但第一句The National Immigration Agency (NIA) in Taiwan announced that new immigrant mothers who are divorced with children born in Taiwan are allowed to continue staying in Taiwan despite that they lose the custody of their children.(移民署(NIA)宣布,离异的新移民母亲,具有在 台湾出生的孩子,即使失去孩子的抚养权,也可以继续留在台湾。)不就是在描述选项 (A)It grants the separations between new immigrant mothers and their children in the case of a divorce.(在离婚的情况下,准许新移民母亲与其子女分居。)的情形 吗? 另外 The amendment contains enabling them to have the custody of children after a divorce and get divorced with their Taiwanese spouses if they are victims of domestic violence.(修正案包括让他们在离婚後拥有孩子的抚养权,如果他 们是家庭暴力的受害者,可以与台湾配偶离婚。)句中的他们如果是指新移民母亲们,那 受家暴的仅有新移民母亲们,选项(B)It protects the rights and interests of the children if they are victims of domestic violence.(保障家庭暴力受害子女的权益 。)就是不正确的,这题答案有可能是选项(B)吗? , Once granted, a new immigrant mother in such a circu,stance will be authorized to continue dwelling iin this country. In the case of a new immigrant mother who has already gone back to her country of origin after a divorce, the NIA claimed that she can still come back to Taiwan with a visitor visa provided that she used to be a legal resident in Taiwan who was the primary caretaker of her child/children or kept in full contact with them. 一旦获得批准,在这种情况下的新移民母亲将被授权继续居住在这个国家。对於离婚後已 经返回原籍国的新移民母亲,NIA声称她仍然可以持访问签证返回台湾,前提是她曾经是 台湾的合法居民,她是她的孩子的主要看护人或与他们保持充分联系。 24 What is the criterion that a new immigrant mother must fulfill in order to benefit from this amendment in law? (C) She needs to be a legat immigrant who has stayed continually in Taiwan. (D) She has to be a lawful resident who has already obtained the citizenship in Taiwan. 24 新移民母亲必须满足什麽标准才能从这项法律修正案中受益? (C) 她必须是在台湾长期居留的合法移民。 (D) 必须是已取得台湾国籍的合法居民。 考选部答案是(C)她必须是在台湾长期居留的合法移民。请问文中she used to be a legal resident in Taiwan(她曾经是台湾的合法居民)可以解释成选项(D) She has to be a lawful resident who has already obtained the citizenship in Taiwan.(必须 是已取得台湾国籍的合法居民。)吗? [课业] 国考课业相关问题,历届考题的讨论,如学理观念的厘清。 ===========================板规宣导,ctrl+y可删除 ============================ (三)课业文规范: 1.课业文不以标题和分类为标准,以文章内容为实质课业文审查。 2.禁止课业文问得答案後删除,除无人回应外,不论答案正确与否,均禁止删除。 3.发表课业文应附上来源、题目、自己解题想法,违者删除。 4.国考历届考题与考题观念讨论(书里看到的选这个)请附上想法、出处。 ============================================================================== 备注:删除文章会进入垃圾桶并不会消失,所以自删课业文绝对能查的到!! --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Examination/M.1682346330.A.67E.html
1F:→ kaky: D是不必要的因为入籍是不会被遣送的跟修法无关 04/25 01:51
2F:→ kaky: 说起来23其实可以任意离婚才是实际的好处,许多外配不离就是 04/25 01:53
3F:→ kaky: 因为过去外配就是怕丧失居留权所以才隐忍不离 04/25 01:55
4F:→ ralftalent: 感谢解惑 04/25 02:04
5F:推 dadiv: 台湾国家移民局是???NIA指的不就是移民署吗? 04/25 08:17
6F:推 danlin1231: 23 04/25 10:37
7F:→ danlin1231: 拥有保留台湾国籍的权利->代表可以留台湾 04/25 10:37
8F:→ danlin1231: 也就是说nia的改革是外籍母亲即便失去抚养权也可以续 04/25 10:37
9F:→ danlin1231: 留台湾 04/25 10:37
10F:→ danlin1231: 但失去抚养权代表无法与儿女同居照顾 04/25 10:37
11F:→ danlin1231: 能续留台湾只是如果要探视子女可以比较方便 04/25 10:37
12F:推 danlin1231: 不对 抱歉搞错 04/25 10:43
13F:→ danlin1231: 应该 a只有是在被家暴而离婚的状况下 而不是所有的妈 04/25 10:43
14F:→ danlin1231: 妈 04/25 10:43
15F:→ kaky: 有国籍就不会被要求离境了,都是只有依亲(配偶)居留权才发生 04/25 13:24
※ 编辑: ralftalent ( 台湾), 04/25/2023 21:39:47
16F:推 sonymanhi: 第22题的选项B 04/26 13:37
17F:→ sonymanhi: 是第一段第三行的换句话说 04/26 13:37
18F:→ sonymanhi: The 04/26 13:37
19F:→ sonymanhi: NIA's decision to amend the law is invariably link 04/26 13:37
20F:→ sonymanhi: ed with the protection of 04/26 13:37
21F:→ sonymanhi: the children's rights and interests 04/26 13:37
22F:→ sonymanhi: 整段文章也没有提到母亲与子女分居 04/26 13:37
23F:推 sonymanhi: 选项c She has to be a lawful resident 04/26 13:47
24F:→ sonymanhi: 即倒数第二行she can still come back to Taiwan with 04/26 13:47
25F:→ sonymanhi: a 04/26 13:47
26F:→ sonymanhi: visitor visa provided that she used to be a legal 04/26 13:47
27F:→ sonymanhi: resident in Taiwan 的换句话说,这句只提及她必须是 04/26 13:47
28F:→ sonymanhi: 合法居留在台湾,不代表她已经取得台湾国籍,(D)选项 04/26 13:47
29F:→ sonymanhi: 不能选 04/26 13:47
30F:→ kaky: 新法是没拿到监护也可以留下来,所以在跟子女分开下还是可以 04/27 01:58
31F:→ kaky: 不过已经是延伸解释了 04/27 01:59
32F:→ kaky: 取得国籍跟居留就无关了,国民没有丧失居留权的问题 04/27 02:00

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