连结:https://fujifilm-x.com/global/support/download/firmware/cameras/ 看到板上好像没人分享 Fujifilm 03/26释出以下更新 1. X-T3 (V3.21) Fix of minor bugs. 修正一些小bug (没写细项) -------------------------------- 2. X-T30 (V1.20) 2-1. Gimbal / Drone support (*) This firmware adds the following function to complement the current support for still image shooting via USB communications:   ・Starting and ending video recording   ・Adjusting exposure settings (exposure mode, shutter speed, aperture, ISO sensitivity, exposure compensation) for video recording   ・Making manual focus adjustments for video recording *This is the function via USB communication. About supported gimbals and drones, refer to support information not only on our website but also manufacturers’websites. 支援稳定器/无人机 -> 看起来主要是针对影片拍摄的部份 *可开始及结束影片的录制 *可调整拍影片时的曝光设定 (曝光模式、快门速度、光圈、iso、EV) *拍影片时可手动对焦 *这个功能要透过USB,所以还是要看厂商的支援性 2-2. Enhanced autofocus. *Improving the tracking performance of the eye AF frame, making it easier to attain accurate autofocus on the eyes. *Improving face-detection performance when there are faces of different sizes within the same frame, making it easier to attain accurate autofocus. *Improving autofocus capability on a foreground subject even when there is a mixture of foreground and background subjects within a AF frame, causing the foreground subject to go out of focus, e.g. when shooting flowers against a busy background. 增强自动对焦的部份 *改善眼部自动对焦的追踪性能 *改善不同脸部大小在同一画面时的脸部侦测性能 *改善前景的自动对焦能力 -> 应该是前景跟背景过於混杂时容易对不到焦 -> 现在机身比较容易辨识出主体 2-3. Capability to save up to 9,999 pictures in each folder. Until now, the number of pictures that can be saved in a folder on an SD card was limited to 999. This update will raise the limit by ten times to 9,999 pictures. 修改一个资料夹可容许的照片计数至9999 -> 以前一个资料夹只能到999,之後会建一个新的资料夹 -> 现在可以直接9999 2-4. Fix of minor bugs. 修正一些小bug (没写细项) -------------------------------- 3. XF16-80mm F4 R OIS WR (V1.03) Fix of minor bugs. 修正一些小bug (没写细项) -- posted from Symbian bbs loser on my Nokia 8250 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/DSLR/M.1585571299.A.8D5.html
1F:推 energyy1104: 希望赶快把新胶片更新上去 03/30 21:47
2F:→ blackjade: 脱手惹 03/30 21:48
3F:推 IUOIUOIUO: 请问脱手理由@@? 03/30 22:13
4F:推 andachi: 终於等到X-T30更新支援稳定器控制,不过机身USB C跟micro 03/31 00:07
5F:→ andachi: hdmi孔位超级近,要同时接外录跟稳定器很挑线 03/31 00:07
6F:推 calwolf: 感觉软片模拟已经是固定的世代差异不会补更新了,先前的c 03/31 00:29
7F:→ calwolf: lassic chrome和eterna都没给旧机 03/31 00:29
8F:推 calwolf: 真心觉得那个新的经典负片真的香到爆,前制就能套色直出 03/31 00:31
9F:→ calwolf: 的省事感超棒 03/31 00:31
10F:推 IUOIUOIUO: 请问X-T30 A模式能机上转盘控制光圈吗? 上次摸不出来 03/31 10:45
11F:→ IUOIUOIUO: 问店员也不会@@? 03/31 10:45
12F:→ alphadog19: 将 控制光圈 自定义到 後指令转盘 或前指令转盘 03/31 11:44
13F:推 basacola: 资料夹那个终於改了 可喜可贺 03/31 13:28
14F:推 milkBK: 富士的旧机型有机会从更新获得新的胶片模拟吗? 03/31 18:54
15F:推 jackblack: 为了混合式观景窗和 Classic Negative 买了 X-Pro3,真 03/31 20:17
16F:→ jackblack: 香 03/31 20:17
17F:→ Jcat: 富士自称软片模拟是硬体功能,要换晶片才有新的 03/31 20:54
18F:→ diablohinet: 想入富士坑 请问X-T30有HDR录影功能吗? 04/01 11:32
19F:→ victoryuy: 解raw程式不会有新的吗? 04/01 14:32
20F:推 calwolf: 因为是硬体功能所以才都规定要接机身转档阿? 04/01 20:08
21F:推 lee28119: 解raw也都不能选 哭啊 04/19 13:38

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