Chelsea 板

LINE Ramires announces retirement 28 Sep 2022 Chelsea legend Ramires has today officially announced his retirement from football. 今天切尔西传奇拉米雷斯正式宣布退役。
The Brazilian, who scored a famous goal against Barcelona en route to our first Champions League trophy in 2012, made the announcement on his personal Instagram account having most recently been with Brazilian side Palmeiras. 这位巴西中场在2012年对阵巴塞隆纳的比赛中打进了一个着名的进球,帮助我们最後 赢得了首座欧冠奖盃。他在自己的个人 Instagram 帐户上宣布了这一消息,他最近 效力的球队是巴西的帕尔梅拉斯。
拉米雷斯把球挑过了巴尔德斯 Having given the Blues nearly six years of service after signing in 2010, the midfielder won every major honour, which included a Premier League title, the Champions League (although he was suspended for the final) and the Europa League, and both English domestic cups. He clocked up a mammoth 251 appearances in a Chelsea shirt, scoring 34 times. 2010年签约切尔西後,拉米雷斯为蓝军效力了近六年,赢得了所有的主要荣誉,包括 英超冠军、欧冠冠军(他遭遇禁赛未能参加决赛)和欧联盃,以及两项英格兰国内盃 赛冠军。拉米雷斯共代表切尔西出场251次,打进34球。 Ramires released the following on his Instagram page on Wednesday evening… 周三晚上拉米雷斯在他的 Instagram 页面上发布了以下内容: 内有影片 'After some time of reflection, I would like to announce that I have decided to officially end my career as a professional football player,' the post reads. “经过一段时间的思考,我想宣布,我决定正式结束职业球员生涯,”文中中写道。 'At this point, I can only thank God first as he has trained and led me to the highest levels that sport can offer. Thank you very much also to all the clubs I've passed: Palmeiras, Benfica, Chelsea, Cruzeiro, Jiangsu and Joinville Esporte Clube. “此时此刻,我只能先感谢上帝,他训练了我,带领我达到了所能达到的最高水平。 我也非常感谢所有我曾效力的俱乐部:帕尔梅拉斯、本菲卡、切尔西、克鲁塞罗、江 苏和若因维利体育。” 'I will always carry you and your fans in my heart. Gratitude also to the Brazilian National Football Team who provided me the pleasure of playing in two World Cups, which was the realisation of a dream. “我会永远把俱乐部和球迷们放在心里,我也感谢巴西国家足球队,他们给了我参加 两届世界盃的机会,这是梦想的实现。” 'I am thankful also to all the teammates, staff, coaches and managers that I had the pleasure of working with. To my relatives, mother, children, brothers and true friends, thank you so much for being by my side unconditionally all these years, vibrating for each achievement of mine as if it were yours, which has always been my greatest strength and motivation,' the post continues. “我感谢所有的队友、工作人员、教练和主教练,我很高兴能和他们一起工作。我的 亲人、母亲、孩子、兄弟和真正的朋友们,非常感谢这些年来你们无条件陪伴在我身 边,为我的每一项成就感到激动,就像这是属於你们的一样,你们一直是我最大的力 量和动力,”文章继续写道。 'I'm going to go in other directions, but with the same happiness and courage I've had since I was a child, when, against all expectations, I left my city in the interior of Rio de Janeiro to win the world. “我要掀开另一篇章,但同样带着孩提时的那种快乐和勇气,那时我不顾所有人的期 望,离开里约热内卢腹地的家乡,想要赢得全世界。” 'Thanks for everything, football!' “谢谢你所做的一切,足球!” Good luck and enjoy your retirement, Ramires! 祝你退役後生活愉快,拉米雷斯! -- “这些毒品战争... 每次都搞得超暴力的。”“妹子,你可不能称这些狗屁为战争。” “为何?”“战争是会结束的。” - The Wire: Season 1, Episode 1
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: JamesCaesar ( 台湾), 09/29/2022 17:31:35
1F:推 pieceofcake: 祝福 退休就是赢家 09/29 23:37
2F:推 Drogba11: 对巴萨的挑射 拉米人生最高光的时候 09/30 02:21
3F:推 u83nk4: 拉米也是功臣,祝退役生活愉快 09/30 10:00
4F:推 james79821: 挑射一开始还以为没了 结果神神神 09/30 12:06
5F:推 Bibby11: 祝福 09/30 13:07
6F:推 Formsan: 再会 蓝色肯亚人 09/30 19:17
7F:推 a2156700: 感恩 09/30 19:45
8F:推 CHRush: 那个挑射真的很不简单 10/01 00:05

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