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在繁体中文社区蹲了整个中午都没有看到详尽的退款成功案例及心得分享 所以我跑到外网社区看成功案例是怎麽进行的 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/9004198990?pn=1#150222286352l https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ck5tfr/steam_refund_status_ update_success/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjjzjo/if_you_are_planning_on_ refunding_through_steam/ 数个成功案例都是走人工客服审核的路径,先说明如何启用人工客服审核 1. 开启steam用户端 2. 左上方点选「说明」-> 「steam 客服」 3. 下拉并点选「steam社群」 4. 选择「我有其他未列在此处的问题需要协助。」 5. 选择「联络steam 客服」 就可以开始撰写你的退款小作文了 以下提供退款成功案例分享者提供或基於社群建议修改的范本 中文版 致Steam客服团队:关於《HELLDIVERS™ 2》因政策变更导致的退款申请 尊敬的客服团队,我写信是希望能够获得您们的关注,针对我於[XX月XX日]购买的《 HELLDIVERS™ 2》申请退款。 起初,我被游戏宣传中提到的灵活帐户连结政策所吸引,即玩家可以自由选择是否将 Steam帐户与PlayStation Network(PSN)帐户关联。 基於这项说明,我欣然进行了购买。然而,近期游戏发行商突然宣布,游戏将强制要求所 有使用者连结PSN帐户方可进行游戏,这与我购买时所了解并接受的条款产生了重大变化 。 (https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4196868529806518741?l= english) 作为一个尊重使用者选择的平台,我相信Steam同样重视消费者的权益与购买时的预期相 符。 尽管我了解到Steam的标准退款政策是购买後14天内且游戏时间不超过2小时,我的情况已 超出这一范围,但我认为我的情况独特且值得特殊考虑。 此政策变更相当於改变了我们之间的服务协议基础,使我无法继续在Steam平台上无阻碍 地享受这款游戏,违背了我最初的购买意愿。 监於上述情况,我恳请Steam团队能够理解我的立场,并考虑提供一次性的退款服务作为 对这一突发变更的合理应对。 我依然坚信Steam致力於保障消费者的权益,并期待您们能够在这个问题上展现出一贯的 使用者支援精神。 为便於处理,我附上必要的购买资讯:·游戏名称:HELLDIVERS™ 2·购买日期:(你的 购买日期)·游玩时间:已超过2小时,但因政策变更无法继续游戏·交易号:(你的交易 号)我衷心希望我们能找到一个满意的解决方案,并感谢您花时间审阅我的请求。期待您 的积极回覆 {你的steam ID}敬上 英文版 To the Steam Customer Support Team: to request special consideration regarding a refund for "HELLDIVERS™ 2" due to a policy change. Dear Customer Support Team, I am writing to request your special consideration for a refund for " HELLDIVERS™ 2," which I purchased on [XX/XX/2024](购买日期). Initially, I was attracted by the flexible account binding policy mentioned in the game's promotion, which stated that players could choose whether to link their Steam account with the PlayStation Network (PSN) account. Based on this information, I gladly made the purchase. However, the game publisher recently announced that the game would require all users to bind their PSN accounts to play, which is a significant change from the terms I understood and accepted at the time of purchase. The developers have announced that they will restrict my access to the game unless I sign up for and use a third-party service and account. This requirement was obfuscated at release and waived for three months, before it was announced as a REQUIREMENT to continue to play the game at all. (https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4196868529806518741?l= english) As a platform that respects user choice, I believe Steam also values consumer rights and expectations at the time of purchase. Although I understand that Steam's standard refund policy is within 14 days of purchase and with gameplay not exceeding 2 hours, my situation falls outside of this range. However, I believe my case is unique and worthy of special consideration. This policy change effectively alters the basis of our service agreement, preventing me from enjoying the game on the Steam platform as intended, contrary to my initial purchase intention. Given the above circumstances, I urge the Steam team to understand my position and consider providing a one-time refund as a reasonable response to this sudden change. I still firmly believe that Steam is committed to safeguarding consumer rights , and I hope you will demonstrate consistent user support in this matter. For ease of processing, I have attached the necessary purchase information: Game Name: HELLDIVERS™ 2 Purchase Date: [XX(月)/XX(日)/2024]购买日期 Playtime: Exceeded 2 hours, but unable to continue playing due to policy change Transaction ID: [填Steam ID] 此外要提醒各位的是 1. 以上并不能百分百保证能退款,仅供参考不要抱太大的期待。 2. 现在是退款申请高峰期,可能会被退回申请多次或等待审核时间过长。 3. 如果你当初从第三方平台购买cdkey的话,要做好不能退款的准备。 4. 有建议说若依循自动退款审核途径,选择「退款至steam钱包」可使退款速度加快 但我并不能保证其真假,所以只在这边提一下。 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/C_Chat/M.1714893177.A.82F.html
1F:推 zero790425: 感谢 我晚点试试看 05/05 15:15
2F:推 iam0718: 感谢作法分享 05/05 15:16
3F:推 AN94: 退失败了 我怀疑steam人手不够处理 都罐头回覆 05/05 15:17
4F:→ starsheep013: 直接吃罐头,现在有人退成功的? 05/05 15:21
5F:推 ianlee0800: 我有退成功,虽然我只玩4小时而已 05/05 15:26
6F:推 ruiun: 推,感谢 05/05 15:27
7F:推 bag0831: 推 05/05 15:27
8F:推 patrickleeee: 第一次一定吃罐头 因为时数被打枪 第二次才会人去看 05/05 15:33
9F:推 ikarifaye: 现在退 不一定会成.因为你还能玩啊= =6/4後就简单了 05/05 15:33
10F:→ s8018572: 退款至steam钱包一定成功率比较高吧 因为金融机构是很 05/05 15:35
11F:→ s8018572: 难搞的东西== 05/05 15:35
12F:→ s8018572: 玩4小时 可以退 就超过原本的限制条件了啊 05/05 15:35
13F:→ CARLORFFLIN: 去别的网站买来输入序号的也几乎会被直接打枪吧 05/05 15:38
14F:→ r85270607: 毕竟不会只有这里想到 这几天肯定是超爆量的 05/05 15:42
15F:推 zero790425: 我都只退钱包啊 05/05 15:50
16F:推 qaz223gy: 退到钱包成功机率比较高 05/05 16:13
17F:推 dos32408: 问了一些人的经验好像如果你帐号本身没有什麽退款经验 05/05 16:14
18F:→ dos32408: 的话第一次退即使超过两小时都比较容易退款成功 05/05 16:14
19F:→ hoe1101: 买CDKEY不退正常 05/05 16:30
20F:→ KuBiLife: CD KEY的钱又不是steam收的 是要退空气逆 05/05 16:51
21F:推 spr999: 退钱包机率是最高的阿,对steam来说左手换右手 05/05 19:11

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