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https://myppt.cc/YKnzH7 In February, following numerous leaks, Bloomberg reported that Rockstar Games was mandating its employees to return to work five days a week in the office b eginning in April. The short notice and drastic change caught many by surprise and has led to frustration from staff who feel like they are being pushed out after being hired remotely, as reported by Aftermath on March 19. While security and quality are reportedly the main reasons Rockstar is institu ting the mandate to return to the office, I was told by sources—who wish to r emain anonymous to avoid possible retaliation—that development on GTA 6 has s tarted “falling behind.” I’m told this has leadership at Rockstar nervous a nd worried about the game missing the 2025 window and slipping into 2026, and is another big reason the company is pushing for a return to the office in Apr il. At the moment, I’m told that Rockstar is still “aiming” for GTA 6 to arrive in Spring 2025. While an early 2025 release is the goal, sources say they are n’t sure if this will happen and a Fall 2025 launch seems more plausible and feasible. Meanwhile, delaying the game to 2026 is on the table as a sort of “ fallback plan” or “emergency” option if needed. R星今年二月宣布 要求员工四月起回办公室上班 习惯远距上班的人感到不开心 此举的主因是保密防谍和兼顾品质 不过根据内部消息 另一个重要原因是开发进度开始落後 他们担心无法在2025年内上市的情况发生 目前R星仍以2025春为目标 但似乎2025秋比较合理可行 延到2026则是一个紧急备案 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/C_Chat/M.1711339994.A.73C.html
1F:推 leon131417: 骗人的吧03/25 12:13
2F:→ super009: 看样子在等PS603/25 12:14
3F:推 jerry00116: 这麽多年进度还落後喔03/25 12:14
4F:→ bobby4755: 看来不是要富坚就是要2077了03/25 12:14
5F:推 emptie: 纵容03/25 12:14
6F:→ serding: 配合6090上市03/25 12:14
7F:推 iwinlottery: 川普支持度越高进度越落後03/25 12:14
8F:推 zero9613719: 反观帧数教义203/25 12:15
9F:推 eyeter: 我不信 绝对不可能03/25 12:15
10F:推 vsepr55: 先出了再反观吧☺,万一更惨03/25 12:16
11F:→ BOARAY: 没事 大不了26的时候大家一起上 03/25 12:17
12F:推 qweertyui891: 是什麽游戏让GTA瑟瑟发抖要延期? 03/25 12:18
※ 编辑: AquaChen1012 ( 台湾), 03/25/2024 12:18:48
13F:推 mikeneko: 再拖下去川普就上台罗 03/25 12:20
14F:推 tsukasaxx: 为了品质延可以啦 没搞好硬出会被骂爆 03/25 12:20
15F:→ Annulene: 所以之前讲爽的吗? 03/25 12:20
16F:推 realion: PS5: 03/25 12:21
17F:推 xul4rmpcl4: 美国人还在远距离上班真的过太爽 03/25 12:22
18F:推 diabolica: 我川又要上了怎办== 03/25 12:24
19F:推 Muilie: 发现川当选机率很高 03/25 12:25
20F:推 Irenicus: 我大川普要上了 乾脆别出了吧 03/25 12:25
21F:推 dnek: 有股暴味 03/25 12:26
22F:推 ronga: 川普要上了 又不能出了 03/25 12:27
23F:推 badruid: 该不会PS6才跑的动吧 03/25 12:27
24F:→ Tsozuo: 肯定是要配合NS2 03/25 12:28
25F:→ jeff0811: 鲨鱼卡赚太多,这个晚点没关系 03/25 12:28
26F:推 cleverjung: 不急 03/25 12:31
27F:推 orca1912: 我川要是选上该怎麽办 03/25 12:32
28F:推 kobe30418: 干 原来真的打算3月出? 03/25 12:33
29F:推 nineflower: ps5pro在等gta6, gta6在等ps6 03/25 12:36
30F:推 roger840410: 川普上了再拖两年 03/25 12:36
31F:推 fire32221: 我没记错的话,PC版还要等在主机板後,那不就一定是202 03/25 12:38
32F:→ fire32221: 6了? 03/25 12:38
33F:→ allen18880: 川年底赢 当四年 拖到2028??? 03/25 12:39
34F:推 h75311418: 延期感觉有种不好预感…. 03/25 12:40
35F:推 apple970066: 鲨鱼卡爽卖 没必要赶着出6 03/25 12:40
36F:推 Yan239: 5代还有人买,不急 03/25 12:41
37F:推 sunshinecan: 如果川普当选就要再等四年 03/25 12:41
38F:推 roribuster: 欧美年度销售GTAV还在前十,鲨鱼卡又卖爆 03/25 12:47
39F:→ Rron1976: 再不出,川普又要选总统了。 03/25 12:50
40F:→ dreamnook2: Step aside EA, there's new king in town 03/25 12:52
41F:推 shoube: 都2024了还在远距上班,也过太爽 03/25 12:53
42F:→ hmcedamon: V都还在卖 急什麽 03/25 12:54
43F:推 zizc06719: 要ps6独占了 03/25 12:58
44F:→ Julian9x9x9: 其实还真不是不可能 03/25 13:02
45F:→ Julian9x9x9: 如果注定是效能怪物 03/25 13:02
46F:→ Julian9x9x9: 也许会策略性等大众配备再好一点才出 03/25 13:03
47F:推 DavidRed: 原本心里就预期26年 还好不亏 03/25 13:08
48F:推 madaoraifu: 等9090 03/25 13:09
49F:→ asgardgogo: 2027都不意外 03/25 13:15
50F:推 watwmark: 没差吧 反正GTA5还在卖 03/25 13:23
51F:推 Neo0215: 鲨鱼卡买越多 Gta6 延越久 03/25 13:28
52F:→ tenins: 佛州老鼠乐园的超大型任务还没做完 03/25 13:31
53F:推 mashiroro: 可以直接中离啦反正川普又来选了XD 03/25 13:34
54F:推 kaj1983: R星卖鲨鱼卡这麽久还会做游戏吗?不要像valve社一样摆烂 03/25 13:41
55F:推 LannisterImp: 算了吧,老川又要让美国再次强大了 03/25 13:45
56F:推 mushrimp5466: 十几年弄不出来下一款gta也是很搞笑 03/25 13:54
57F:推 hiyonikki: 拖到PS5下去都没出来就好笑 03/25 14:07
58F:→ k798976869: 五代继续爽赚 不用做六代赔钱 03/25 16:42
59F:→ k2872869: GTA5赚不够多 03/25 16:54

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