Browsers 板


官方版本106.0预计在 2022年10月18日(美国时间) 台湾时间10月18日~10月19日 更新 105.0.3 Release Note Fixed︰ Mitigated frequent crashes for Windows users with Avast or AVG Antivirus software installed (bug 1794064) 105.0.2 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed poor contrast on various menu items with certain themes on Linux systems (bug 1792063) Fixed the scrollbar appearing on the wrong side of select elements in right-to-left locales (bug 1791219) Fixed a possible deadlock when loading some sites in Troubleshoot Mode (bug 1786259) Fixed a bug causing some dynamic appearance changes to appear when expected (bug 1786521) Fixed a bug causing theme styling to not be properly applied to sidebars for some add-ons in Private Browsing Mode (bug 1787543) 105.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Reverted focus behavior for new windows back to the content area instead of the address bar (bug 1784692) 105.0 Release Note New︰ Added an option to print only the current page from the print preview dialog. Firefox now supports partitioned service workers in third-party contexts. You can register service workers in a third-party iframe and it will be partitioned under the top-level domain. Swipe to navigate (two fingers on a touchpad swiped left or right to perform history back or forward) on Windows is now enabled. Firefox is now compliant with the User Timing L3 specification, which adds additional optional arguments to the performance.mark and performance.measure methods to provide custom start times, end times, duration, and attached details. Searching in large lists for individual items is now 2x faster. This performance enhancement replaces array.includes and array.indexOf with an optimized SIMD version. Fixed︰ Stability on Windows is significantly improved as Firefox handles low-memory situations much better. Touchpad scrolling on macOS was made more accessible by reducing unintended diagonal scrolling opposite of the intended scroll axis. Firefox is less likely to run out of memory on Linux and performs more efficiently for the rest of the system when memory runs low. Various security fixes. Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can find more information in the Firefox for Enterprise 105 Release Notes. Developer Web Platform︰ Support for the Offscreen Canvas DOM API with full context and font support. The OffscreenCanvas API provides a canvas that can be rendered off-screen in both Window and Web Worker contexts. -- ╔═══════ ═════════ ══════ ══════╗ ║ ◢██◣ ▃▃ ║ █ ◢ ◢◣ ▄▄ █▄█ ◢ ◢◣ ║ ║ █ ◥◣ █ ▆▄ █ █ █ ║ ║ ◥██◤ ◥▄◥▄ ◥▄◤ ◥▄◤ --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:推 MK47: 分页在播影片的时候 分页名称下方会多一排小字写播放中 分页 09/20 23:18
2F:→ MK47: 变得有够肥 要怎麽改掉啊? 09/20 23:18
3F:推 issemn: 我刚刚升级,分页正常不会像你的这样欸 09/21 02:27
4F:→ hn9480412: 106之後有多了这东西 09/21 03:13
5F:推 MK47: 我重新启动他就好了 神奇 09/21 06:05
6F:→ rick: android也更新了 105.1.0 09/21 06:42
7F:推 kc1446: 感谢,已更新 09/21 20:37
8F:→ rick: 我发现 LOL手动更新档用firefox常常转圈圈下不来 用edge秒下 09/22 09:03
9F:→ rick: 给各位网址测试 神奇阿 Orz 09/22 09:04
10F:→ hijacker: 回楼上 我下载没问题 秒下~ 09/22 13:16
11F:推 stevexu: 我更新1.06後有些扩充套件就不能用了.... 09/23 13:12
12F:→ kc1446: 嗯嗯....已经有....XD 09/23 18:02
13F:推 kc1446: 这次r大应该不会发现的XDD 09/23 21:49
14F:→ rick: 都跳出更新了= =a 不用发现 09/23 21:58
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 09/23/2022 22:00:14
15F:→ rick: @hijacker 真怪 QQ 我再观察一下 Orz 09/23 22:01
16F:推 MK47: 我测试也没问题 你是不是用了什麽dns? 09/23 22:50
17F:→ rick: 应该是刚有更新的时候会这样(以前不会) 下次更新我在看看 09/24 08:50
18F:→ rick: 因为我现在点也是秒下载...这情况2~3个更新版本了 怪怪的@@a 09/24 08:51
19F:→ rick: 我说的是LOL的更新版本 然後我没用其他vpn或proxy 都直连 09/24 08:54
20F:→ DavisX: 难怪105开google一直在address bar... 09/24 17:03
21F:→ rick: 新的更新档是可以下 也许是dns server的问题 谢谢各位 Orz 09/27 15:27
22F:→ rick: 今天有更新警报 XD 10/04 10:29
23F:→ kc1446: XDDDDDDD 原来早上已经有了 10/04 22:40
24F:→ rick: 没啦 早上在ftp看到的 还没更新 + release note也没更新 10/04 22:57
25F:→ rick: = = 刚打完就有了 10/04 22:58
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 10/04/2022 23:02:20 ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 10/08/2022 08:34:28
26F:→ rick: android 106.1.0 10/12 08:31
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 10/18/2022 15:03:35

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