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贺台湾101大楼版本释出 官方版本102.0预计在 2022年06月28日(美国时间) 台湾时间06月28日~06月29日 更新 101.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed Firefox clearing the clipboard when closing on macOS (bug 1771823) Fixed a compatibility issue causing severely impaired functionality with win32k lockdown enabled on some Windows systems (bug 1769845) Fixed context menus not appearing when right-clicking Picture-in-Picture windows on some Linux systems (bug 1771914) Various stability fixes 101.0 Release Note New︰ Reading is now easier with the prefers-contrast media query, which allows sites to detect if the user has requested that web content is presented with a higher (or lower) contrast. It’s your choice! All non-configured MIME types can now be assigned a custom action upon download completion. Firefox now allows users to use as many microphones as you want, at the same time, during video conferencing. The most exciting benefit is that you can easily switch your microphones at any time (if your conferencing service provider enables this flexibility). Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can find more information in the Firefox for Enterprise 101 Release Notes. Developer︰ Inspector panel: When adding/removing a class name to/from an existing HTML element (using .cls button in Rules View), an autocomplete drop down automatically offers all existing class names on the page. In Firefox 101 the selected class name in the autocomplete drop-down list is auto-applied immediately as the user changes the selection of the autocomplete list (using up/down arrow keys). This is especially useful for quick testing of various styles. Inspector panel: This new option can be used to disable “drag to update” features in the Rule View (values of some CSS properties e.g., sizes can be modified by dragging the mouse horizontally).
WebDriver BiDi: This protocol is enabled on the release channel to support external tools such as Selenium, which plan to start using WebDriver BiDi for Firefox. WebDriver-BiDi aims to provide a cross-browser protocol for browser automation that meets the requirements of modern web application testing tools. This allows both the client and the server to send & receive requests and responses. Web Platform︰ Firefox new has added support for large, small, dynamic viewport units and logical ones (*vi and *vb). This gives users the flexibility to choose whether page elements are sized to the “smallest” viewport size (dynamic toolbar visible), “largest” viewport size (dynamic toolbar hidden), or “ dynamic” viewport size (based on current status of dynamic toolbar). Firefox 101 features added web conferencing support for enumerating (reducing errors caused by transposing or mistyping numbers) and selecting multiple audio input devices (giving you the ability to record or process multiple separate audio sources together, synchronously, at once) through navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(). -- ███████☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◢变态妍◣◢黄秘书◣☆★☆█现在是█ ☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆崔林☆★☆★☆★☆ ★☆★★☆█◢█◢█◢██◣☆★◥郑西卡◣★☆★█少女时代 ☆★☆☆★★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆鹿内☆★☆★☆ █████◥███◣◥小太阳◤◥权班长◤☆★☆█████ --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:推 kc1446: XDDDDDD 101大楼版本 06/01 16:44
2F:推 dosiris: 应该出一个Taipei布景主题搭配 06/02 09:09
3F:→ rick: 其实有 不过应该出个纪念版本没错 XD 06/02 10:41
4F:推 littleujade: 下载那个终於改回来了 06/02 12:20
5F:推 NiGHTsC: 101比较值得推wwwwwww 06/05 07:37
6F:推 aiwheat: 从99版升级到这版本,不确定是上一版还这一版本,我觉得 06/05 21:17
7F:→ aiwheat: 内建连线到ptt,字的显示有点改变,设定都一样字体, 06/05 21:18
8F:→ aiwheat: 好像字变得比较细,相对以前, 06/05 21:19
9F:推 aiwheat: 我发现是整个Firefox的字体显示又变了,stylus套件原本 06/05 21:48
10F:→ aiwheat: 设定又要变更了==,每次改版怎麽都会这样, 06/05 21:49
11F:推 leon19790602: 字那个我也有发现,PTT网页版跟一些网站会强制变新 06/06 20:46
12F:→ leon19790602: 细明体,我是把常去的网站用stylus强制改成自己习惯 06/06 20:46
13F:→ leon19790602: 的字体 06/06 20:46
14F:→ kc1446: 101.0.1已出来了... 06/09 18:00
15F:→ rick: 0.0 刚放上ftp你就知道...也太快了吧 XD 06/09 20:09
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 06/09/2022 22:21:34
16F:推 aiwheat: 後来找到别人的stylus设定,稍微调整修改,终於好了XD 06/10 23:27
17F:→ rick: @aiwheat 分享一下? XD 06/13 08:04
19F:→ aiwheat: 不过我没有完全照上面原PO还安装它的字型,只是参考它的 06/13 21:05
20F:→ aiwheat: stylus设定,在他档案最下面的,再调整自己觉得舒服的 06/13 21:06
21F:→ aiwheat: ←我使用的stylus设定 06/13 21:08
22F:→ aiwheat: 在font-family参数和font-weight参数的最後不要加上 06/13 21:09
23F:→ aiwheat: !important,因为它是覆写所有网页的字型设定, 06/13 21:09
24F:→ aiwheat: 会造成网页字型显示与原本差异过大或是造成 06/13 21:09
25F:→ aiwheat: 「图示字型」失效,让一些有使用「图示字型」的网页 06/13 21:10
26F:→ aiwheat: 变成乱码,像是outlook email的图示字型。 06/13 21:10
27F:→ rick: android版本有更新~ 06/23 15:27

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