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官方版本83.0预计在 2020年11月17日(美国时间) 台湾时间11月17日~11月18日 更新 更新日志 New︰ With this release, Firefox introduces a number of improvements that make watching videos more delightful: .the Picture-In-Picture button has a new look and position, making it easier for you to find and use the feature. .Picture-In-Picture now has a keyboard shortcut for Mac users (Option + Command + Shift + Right bracket) that works before you start playing the video. .For Windows users, Firefox now uses DirectComposition for hardware decoded video, which will improve CPU and GPU usage during video playback, improving battery life. Firefox is faster than ever with improved performance on both page loads and start up time: .Websites that use flexbox-based layouts load 20% faster than before; .Restoring a session is 17% quicker, meaning you can more quickly pick up where you left off; .For Windows users, opening new windows got quicker by 10%. You can now explore new articles when you save a webpage to Pocket from the Firefox toolbar. WebRender continues to roll out to more Firefox users on Windows. Fixed︰ Screen reader features which report paragraphs now correctly report paragraphs in Firefox instead of lines. Various security fixes Changed︰ Credit card auto-fill is now more accessible with the card type, and the card number in the card editor now available to screen readers. Printing dialog errors for invalid form entries are now reported to screen readers. Developer︰ MediaSession API has been enabled by default which allows web authors to provide custom behaviors for standard media playback interactions, giving them more options than ever. DevTools now shows server side events in the Network panel. This allows a server to send new data to a web page at any time allowing developers to see events they previously couldn't and help with lower-level troubleshooting. --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 kc1446: 已更新,感谢 10/20 23:44
2F:推 guteres: 速度明显变快 10/20 23:51
3F:推 IkariD: 更新了 档案比平常大 10/21 08:39
4F:→ t7yang: 这版不知道有 Warp 选项了没,有了可以去启用,体感有差 10/21 18:53
5F:→ DavisX: 83才有? 10/21 19:41
6F:推 hdd60311: 83beta我在term.ptt按注音就会马上跳掉基本没办法打字了 10/22 03:29
7F:→ hdd60311: 有人也遇到这状况吗 10/22 03:30
8F:推 rainydawn: 我现在正在用term.ptt,没有hdd大说的情况喔:) 10/22 18:13
9F:→ rainydawn: 但是我更新後字体的颜色变浅了,也显得比较blurry一点 10/22 18:13
10F:→ rainydawn: 不知道是不是需要做什麽调整? 10/22 18:14
11F:→ zzchen: 我83.0b2用term.ptt状况跟hdd兄一样 10/22 19:33
12F:推 sydwuz: 83.0b2同上,IME会跳掉 10/22 22:38
13F:→ hn9480412: 我只知道Nightly更新後又把我的设定档清空了 10/24 21:07
14F:→ hn9480412: 还好分页那些还能同步回来 10/24 21:07
15F:→ rick: 明天会更新82.0.1? 看看会不会? Orz 10/27 22:20
16F:→ kc1446: 现在就有82.0.1了 10/27 22:31
17F:→ kc1446: 已有更新提示 10/27 22:31
18F:→ rick: ㄎ 因为看ftp档案是今天的日期放上去的 我猜就今明两天 XD 10/27 22:43
19F:→ rick: release note还没准备好 晚点或明天再po 10/27 22:44
fixed︰ Avoid an unnecessary prompt to reboot when using the full installer on Windows (bug 1671715) Restored the ability to print on paper whose width or height is larger than 100 inches, e.g. for receipts (bug 1672370) Fixed printing of documents with margins of zero, e.g. some PDFs (bug 1672529) Fixed handling of the WebDriver:ClickElement command in the marionette testing framework (bug 1666755) Stability fix (bug 1660539) ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 10/27/2020 22:49:25
20F:→ rick: 奇怪的是 82.0之後 我开2~3个fb分页 电脑就会快当掉(无法动 10/28 09:34
21F:→ rick: 不知道跟扩充套件有没有关联 当到不能动 强制关掉fx还要等一 10/28 09:35
22F:→ rick: 下才能动...第一次(82.0)我重开机 第二次(82.0.1)等到它正常 10/28 09:35
23F:→ DavisX: 没事@@ 10/28 10:27
24F:推 kc1446: 搞甚麽飞机?刚刚又有82.0.2更新 10/29 01:14
Fixed︰ Fixed duplication of WebSocket messages in certain cases (bug 1673340) ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 10/29/2020 09:48:55 ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 10/29/2020 09:49:11
25F:推 kc1446: 今天有82.0.3释出 11/10 04:00
26F:→ rick: 你半夜不睡觉 XD 太猛了! 11/10 08:32
Fixed ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 11/10/2020 08:34:48 ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 11/10/2020 09:41:54
27F:推 moocow: 怪了 奇摩好像不能留言了0.0 11/12 15:16
28F:推 moocow: 又可以了 -.- 11/12 20:27

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