Browsers 板


官方版本82.0预计在 2020年10月20日(美国时间) 台湾时间10月20日~10月21日 更新 更新日志 New︰ You can pause and play audio or video in Firefox right from your keyboard or headset, giving you easy access to control your media when in another Firefox tab, another program, or even when your computer is locked. In addition to our default, dark and light themes, with this release, Firefox introduces the Alpenglow theme: a colorful appearance for buttons, menus, and windows. You can update your Firefox themes under settings or preferences. For our users in the US and Canada, Firefox can now save, manage, and auto-fill credit card information for you, making shopping on Firefox ever more convenient. To ensure the smoothest experience, this will be rolling out to users gradually. Firefox supports AcroForm, which will soon allow you to fill in, print, and save supported PDF forms and the PDF viewer also has a new fresh look. Our users in Austria, Belgium and Switzerland using the German version of Firefox will now see Pocket recommendations in their new tab featuring some of the best stories on the web. If you don’t see them, you can turn on Pocket articles in your new tab by following these steps. In addition to Firefox’s new tab, Pocket is also available as an app on iOS and Android. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. We’ve fixed a bug for users of language packs where the default language was reset to English after Firefox updates. Browser native HTML5 audio/video controls received several important accessibility fixes: Audio/video controls remain accessible to screen readers even when they are temporarily hidden visually. Audio/video elapsed and total time are now accessible to screen readers where they weren't previously. Various unlabelled controls are now labelled making them identifiable to screen readers. Screen readers no longer intrusively report progress information unless the user requests it. Changed︰ You will soon find Picture-in-Picture more easily on all the videos you watch with new iconography. The bookmarks toolbar is now automatically revealed once bookmarks are imported into Firefox, making it easier to find your most important websites. We have expanded our supported file types - .xml, .svg, and .webp - so files you’ve downloaded can be opened right in Firefox. Enterpirse︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can see more details in the Firefox for Enterprise 81 Release Notes. Developer︰ TypeScript files are now properly identified in the Debugger panel and labeled with corresponding icons making it easier for you to find these files in the list. HTTP JSON responses using XSSI prevention characters are properly parsed and JSON data presented in a form of an expandable tree. This allows easy inspection of such HTTP responses through traditional (expandable) tree UI. It’s possible to pause on script first statement, which is useful e.g. in cases where developers want to debug side effects caused by script execution or timers. The color vision deficiency simulation in the accessibility panel of Developer Tools is now more accurate. We removed protanomaly, deuteranomaly and tritanomaly and aded achromatopsia. --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:推 kc1446: 已更新,感谢 09/24 00:29
2F:推 moocow: 新的预设Alpenglow(山顶光)蛮好看的 09/24 22:23
3F:推 KOKOLALAMA: 从上一版开始,火狐在YT会员影片底下都不能输入,元件 09/29 18:08
4F:→ KOKOLALAMA: 全停也一样,EDGE是正常的,不知是什麽BUG。 09/29 18:11
5F:→ bajiqa: 楼上你应该有装KIS21.1.15.500b,这是KIS的bug 09/29 23:14
6F:→ bajiqa: 你往上看我的id该篇文就是解决办法,目前要等卡巴出修正 09/29 23:15
7F:→ bajiqa: 目前这个bug只影响fx。chrome和edge不受影响 09/29 23:15
8F:→ bajiqa: 如果你没装KIS,那我就不知道了 09/29 23:16
9F:→ KOKOLALAMA: 我没装KIS,我是装pccillin,我找时间移除测试看看。 09/30 14:53
10F:推 KOKOLALAMA: 刚把防毒跟反广告移除,在会员影片底下留言,还是无法 09/30 15:28
11F:→ KOKOLALAMA: 正常输入,搞不清楚是什麽BUG。 09/30 15:28
12F:→ bajiqa: 你问问其他使用PCCILIN的看有没有相同状况 09/30 15:36
13F:→ bajiqa: 类似的问题我在bugzilla有看过,但因为没有测试出问题也就 09/30 15:37
14F:→ bajiqa: 不知道怎麽解决 09/30 15:37
更新日志︰ Fixed︰ Fixed missing content on Blackboard course listings (bug 1665447) Resolved incorrect scaling of Flash content on HiDPI macOS systems (bug 1667267) Fixes for various printing issues (bug 1667342, bug 1667510, bug 1667723) Fixed legacy preferences not being properly applied when set via GPO (bug 1666836) Fixed Picture-in-Picture controls being visible on audio-only page elements (bug 1666775) Fixed high memory growth with addons such as Disconnect installed, causing browser responsiveness issues over time (bug 1658571) Various stability improvements (bug 1661485, bug 1664542, bug 1664843) ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 10/02/2020 15:12:35
15F:→ kc1446: 这一版更新有点奇怪,今天一开「关於Firefox」就立马下载 10/02 17:52
16F:→ kc1446: 我不是用这方法更新就把FF立马关掉,再打开FF还是继续下载 10/02 17:54
17F:→ kc1446: 想问的是:是这一版开始变成是强制下载更新的意思? 10/02 18:08
18F:→ rick: 没有喔 感觉你是自己按到~ 我更新的时候还是要点一下才下载 10/03 20:45
19F:→ kc1446: 因为我一直以来都是手动更新好几年了,这次很奇怪的被改 10/03 21:42
20F:→ kc1446: 成自动下载。结果就是昨天每次开FF就跑更新但当然是不成功 10/03 21:44
21F:→ kc1446: 就一直这样记录 10/03 21:44
22F:→ kc1446: 直至手动更新81.0.1版才没有再这样 10/03 21:45
23F:→ kc1446: 下个更新我再好好监测一下,先感谢rick大 10/03 21:46
24F:推 cattgirl: 新版变超快 火狐重返荣耀! 10/04 05:44
25F:推 KOKOLALAMA: 这版把YT会员在影片留言无法正常输入的BUG修正了! 10/05 11:47
26F:→ KOKOLALAMA: 我也是直接更新,之前都要去关於FIREFOX点更新。 10/05 11:50
27F:推 kc1446: 一星期後出新版,今天竟然还有81.0.2版 10/13 17:46
Fixed an incompatibility with manifesting itself with the intermittent display of a network protocol violation error page 我就觉得twitter怎麽怪怪的都打不开= =a ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 10/13/2020 23:06:43

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