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android版本昨天也有更新了喔!(目前应该是版本68.11.0) 官方版本80.0预计在 2020年08月25日(美国时间) 台湾时间08月25日~08月26日 更新 更新日志 New︰ We’ve rolled out WebRender to more Windows users with Intel and AMD GPUs, bringing improved graphics performance to an even larger audience. Firefox users in Germany will now see more Pocket recommendations in their new tab featuring some of the best stories on the web. If you don’t see them, you can turn on Pocket articles in your new tab by following these steps. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Several crashes while using a screen reader were fixed, including a frequently encountered crash when using the JAWS screen reader. Firefox Developer Tools received significant fixes allowing screen reader users to benefit from some of the tools that were previously inaccessible. SVG title and desc elements (labels and descriptions) are now correctly exposed to assistive technology products such as screen readers. Enterprise︰ A number of bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can see more details in the Firefox for Enterprise 79 Release Notes. Updates to the password policy allow admins to require a primary password (formerly called master password. Previously the policy could disable the primary password but not force a primary password. Users required to use a primary password will only be asked to create a primary password the first time they try to save a password. Developer︰ Newly added asynchronous call stacks let developers trace their async code through events, timeouts, and promises. The async execution chains are shown in the Debugger’s call stack, but also for stack traces in Console errors and Network initiators. Erroneous network responses with 4xx/5xx status codes display as errors in the Console, making it easy to understand them in the context of related logs. The request/response details can be expanded or resent for quick debugging. JavaScript errors are now visible not only in the Console, but also in the Debugger. The relevant line of code will be highlighted and display error details on hover. Opening SCSS and CSS-in-JS sources from the Inspector now works more reliably thanks to improved source map handling across all panels. Inspecting accessibility properties from the browser context menu is now available to all users by default. -- ╔═══════ ═════════ ══════ ══════╗ ║ ◢██◣ ▃▃ ║ █ ◢ ◢◣ ▄▄ █▄█ ◢ ◢◣ ║ ║ █ ◥◣ █ ▆▄ █ █ █ ║ ║ ◥██◤ ◥▄◥▄ ◥▄◤ ◥▄◤ --
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1F:→ rick: 问个问题 有时候在看小说时 按空白键要往下翻页时 他画面并 07/28 21:43
2F:→ rick: 没有跟着翻页 多按个方向键上or下才会正常 请问这是什麽原因 07/28 21:44
3F:→ rick: 造成的? P.S. 不是每次都会 偶尔会偶尔不会 07/28 21:45
4F:推 cattgirl: 有灾情吗? 坐等79.1 07/29 06:22
5F:→ rick: 只有79.0.1 79.1很久没出到这麽多了 XD 07/29 07:28
6F:推 Artlanis: hichannel一样不能听 07/29 10:32
7F:推 cattgirl: rick 真内行 看我都忘了公式 07/29 10:51
8F:推 aiwheat: hichannel不能听,只能暂用chrome来听了,唉 07/29 20:27
9F:→ kuro: 下个月手机版的火狐终於要改朝换代 迎来 GeckoView 引擎了 07/31 00:19
10F:→ kuro: 不晓得套件跟不跟得上 07/31 00:20
11F:→ rick: nightly(原preview)版本不是推出好几个了手机版用那些感觉很 07/31 13:21
12F:→ rick: 够了 07/31 13:21
13F:→ kuro: 我目前的火狐还有装新同文堂和暴力猴 07/31 13:55
14F:→ kuro: 新引擎火狐不能装用起来不习惯 所以手机满少开 nightly 的 07/31 13:57
15F:推 cattgirl: 我偶尔更新 套件设定必跑掉 08/02 05:55
16F:→ Agency: 哪个附加元件会这样?这问题我还真的没碰过 08/02 09:29
17F:推 cattgirl: 楼上 uBlock Origin 08/02 16:31
18F:→ cattgirl: 每次火狐升级 订阅条件必定全被清空 每次 08/02 16:32
19F:→ cattgirl: 上次订了哪些 早忘记了 要重试 08/02 16:33
20F:→ Agency: 那就更新前做个备份就好啦 08/02 16:48
21F:推 cattgirl: 冒昧请问怎麽备份? 只备份设定? 08/02 19:30
22F:推 aiwheat: FavBackup这个备份软体,有许多浏览器选项可备份 08/02 20:43
23F:→ Agency: uBO的设定页面就可以备份了 08/02 23:54
24F:推 cattgirl: 谢谢楼上帮忙 08/03 10:38
25F:→ aiwheat: uBlock Origin的设定页面里的备份,应该是该套件自己吧 08/04 20:03
26F:推 MK47: 整个profiles备份起来不就好了 哪有毛这麽多 08/04 21:07
27F:→ Agency: 会跑掉的只有uBO,当然就备份uBO就好 08/05 00:36
28F:→ kuro: 手机版火狐今天更新成新引擎了 要用旧套件的小心别更新 08/06 21:09
29F:推 if4: 火狐新版不再支援 TLS 1.0 and 1.1 不能用 08/08 19:36
30F:→ if4: 有什麽比较取巧的方是没有? 08/08 19:37
31F:→ if4: 方式 08/08 19:38
32F:推 tom282f3: 再装一个Firefox 68 ESR?不确定正式版跟ESR能不能共存 08/09 04:16
33F:→ tom282f3: 08/09 04:16
34F:推 crescent3: security.tls.version.enable-deprecated = true 08/09 07:45
35F:推 if4: 请问crescent3大,我从(本来已经是)true也改为false都无效果, 08/09 08:24
36F:→ if4: 那麽该怎麽办?谢谢!XD https:/ 08/09 08:25
37F:推 if4: 抱歉,上面打错 08/09 08:28
38F:推 if4: @tom282f3大,可以共存,只要在安装时避开安装目录就可以,谢谢 08/09 08:38
39F:→ crescent3: 嗯...我开gambase是TLS 1.3 从 页面资讯->安全 看的 08/09 08:59
40F:→ if4: @crescent3大,我刚刚又找了几个TLS的设定(布林值)切换了,无效 08/09 09:11
41F:→ if4: 咦...那应该可以呀... 08/09 09:12
42F:推 if4: 我看到的 gamebase 是这样! 08/09 09:20
43F:推 if4: 请问这该怎麽解决? 08/09 09:46
44F:推 playerlin: 那个状况我遇到的几乎都是连线速度慢,CSS 没载入完全 08/09 13:14
45F:→ playerlin: 才会发生,但浏览器太旧或是快取没砍也是有可能会发生 08/09 13:14
46F:→ playerlin: 先试试Ctrl+F5/Ctrl+Shift+R强制无视旧快取更新,没效 08/09 13:16
47F:→ playerlin: 再砍快取资料(跟cookie但我不觉得cookie有影响) 08/09 13:16
48F:推 if4: 我是更新以後才发现的 上次更新也这样 所以怀疑是TLS的问题 08/09 19:47
49F:→ kuro: 可能 CSS 被套件或其他不明原因挡掉了吧 08/09 20:04
50F:→ if4: 不知道,我问基地站务了,只是他叫我网页重整。还没回家用。 08/10 04:40
51F:→ if4: 我上夜班。旧版浏览器比较没这问题。上次更新也这样。 08/10 04:40
52F:→ Agency: 还是老问题,有先用安全模式看过吗 08/10 14:09
53F:→ YoshiTilde: Android版更新後,开Steam网页都是显示简中orz 08/10 14:14
54F:→ kuro: Steam有切换语言可以换 08/10 17:59
55F:→ kuro: fx 79 用乾净的设定档开 gamebase 是正常的 08/10 18:00
56F:→ YoshiTilde: 感谢。发现支援多国语言显示的网站可能会出现这个问 08/11 00:59
57F:→ YoshiTilde: 题,但不是每个网站都可在未登入的情况下修改。 08/11 00:59
58F:→ if4: @kuro:乾净的设定档是指没有中毒的设定挡?怎样制作?谢谢^_^ 08/11 01:48
59F:→ if4: @Agency:请问怎麽进入模式?谢谢 ^_^ 08/11 01:51
60F:→ if4: @playerlin:Ctrl+F5/Ctrl+Shift+R没有用,是我的Fx伤到了吗? 08/11 01:54
61F:→ if4: @Agency:请问怎麽进入安全模式?谢谢 ^_^ 08/11 01:55
62F:→ Agency: 08/11 11:25
63F:→ Agency: 用关键字下去搜寻吧 08/11 11:26
64F:→ kuro: 我是指全新未使用的设定档 08/11 11:34
65F:→ if4: 现在用tom282f3说的用另一个Fx虽然麻烦,但简单理解,谢谢大家 08/12 08:35
66F:→ Agency: 安全模式、设定档,这些都是最基本的知识耶XD 08/12 12:22
67F:→ Agency: 长远来看,ESR不会是最佳解 08/12 12:22
68F:→ Agency: 好啦,可能没那麽基本,只是想说火狐老用户多少知道一些 08/12 13:24
69F:→ playerlin: 他常常问的问题都是google就能查到的...习惯就好。 08/12 13:33
70F:→ playerlin: 强制重整跟砍快取都没用,就剩下安全模式跟新设定档了 08/12 13:34
71F:→ playerlin: 如果其他浏览器或是ESR能正常工作,通常都是设定档异常 08/12 13:35
72F:→ playerlin: 我以前也碰过一个设定档异常引起的网站显示问题,安全 08/12 13:36
73F:→ playerlin: 模式是正常的,最後重新开一个新设定档再把旧设定档 08/12 13:36
74F:→ playerlin: 东西搬过去这样。 08/12 13:36
75F:→ if4: 砍快取没用到,就是那几个键盘组合键有用过 08/13 02:43
76F:→ if4: 土法炼钢 上次gamebase的问 08/16 09:20
77F:→ if4: 题,是封锁上图的附加元件才找到问题的症结点。与快取无关^_^ 08/16 09:23
78F:→ if4: 封锁?怪怪的...是停用啦...XD 08/16 09:24
79F:→ Agency: 所以才问有没有先用安全模式看过(摊手) 08/16 18:23
80F:→ if4: 之前不知道安全模式,听您讲才知道,谢谢,感恩 ^_^ 08/16 18:31

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