Baseball 板

LINE Major League Baseball has submitted a proposal to the MLB Players Association about potentially holding at least part of the 2020 playoffs inside a multi-city “bubble” environment, Joel Sherman of the New York Post reports (Twitter link). It isn’t yet known if the entire postseason would be played at neutral sites, or if the best-of-three first round series would remain in the home ballparks of the higher-seeded teams. MLB官方已经向球员工会提出以多城市为主场的季後赛泡泡圈计画,提案中写到 目前应该就是两个方案: 1.整个季後赛都在中立球场举行 2.低顺位种子球队需到高顺位种子主场进行整个系列赛赛事 As initially reported by The Athletic’s Ken Rosenthal (via Twitter), the league has been in talks with the union about how to manage and conduct games at these “controlled sites” in order to limit city-to-city travel and thus limit the chances of a COVID-19 outbreak in October that would delay the entire postseason. While details are “nothing close” to being finalized, as Rosenthal notes, MLB began preparing an operations manual regarding such a postseason scenario earlier this month. As outlined by’s Emily Kaplan and Jeff Passan, the baseball’s plan would bear a strong resemblances to the NHL’s staging of the Stanley Cup playoffs in Toronto and Edmonton. 为了减少城市间的移动,目前MLB提出的泡泡圈方案细节都还未被披露, 但MLB已经未雨绸缪开始规划了,概念会很像NHL季後赛设址在多伦多及埃德蒙顿那样 While the NHL is holding all games at two arenas, however, baseball’s plan may seem to involve five different stadiums and civic areas. Southern California (San Diego and the two L.A. ballparks) and Texas (Arlington, Houston) still seem to be the favored candidates for these sites, as noted in the Kaplan/Passan piece, with Rosenthal adding that National League’s postseason teams would play in Texas while the American League teams went to California. The World Series would be held in Arlington at the Rangers’ new ballpark. NHL季後赛设址在两处,不过MLB目前似乎仍将以下五座球场(含道奇、天使、教士 、太空人、游骑兵主场)订为首选。国联季後赛将在德州两座球场举行、美联季後赛将在 南加州三座球场举行。世界大赛地点为德州游骑兵队新的阿灵顿主场 It is quite possible that the framework of this plan would be changed over the coming weeks, and as talks develop with input from the MLBPA. As of today, however, we are exactly one month away from the last day of the regular season. One would think negotiations would need to progress pretty quickly to get a bubble environment launched by the start of the playoffs on September 29, though the possibility of the first round being played at home ballparks does allow some extra flexibility. 当然这个计画是草拟的,随时会改变,球员工会也将於近日加入讨论。 距离季後赛还有一个月的时间,需要赶快把泡泡圈的范围及内容建立起来。 另外由於今年季後赛赛制改变了,各联盟各有8支球队进入季後赛, 首轮由No.1vs.No.8; No.2vs.No.7; No.3vs.No.6; No.4vs.No.5 三战两胜制,低顺位种子需到高顺位种子主场进行所有赛事, 因此季後赛第一轮在不需要频繁移动的状况下给了MLB官方一些缓冲空间 --
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1F:推 polanco: 会被球员工会打枪吗 08/28 11:35
2F:推 gremon131: 看看现在这状况,感觉明年的也可以先拟好 08/28 11:35
※ 编辑: kenbo ( 台湾), 08/28/2020 11:37:14
3F:推 suzhou: 疫情之下 年资要怎麽计算? 08/28 11:36
※ 编辑: kenbo ( 台湾), 08/28/2020 11:37:56 ※ 编辑: kenbo ( 台湾), 08/28/2020 11:39:12
4F:→ iwinlottery: 刚好接NBA去迪士尼吧 08/28 11:44
5F:推 MeeToo: 都在南部 北佬要377了 08/28 11:46
6F:推 a2156700: 不用打了 罢赛罢起来 08/28 11:46
7F:嘘 terminator3: 笑死 要道奇用鼓人主场打球 ?故意的吧 08/28 11:52
8F:推 saiulbb: 觉得球员工会如果又拒绝真的也不用太意外 Clark 呵呵 08/28 11:57
9F:推 Valter: 今年就打好玩了吧 三不五时就确诊延赛 现在还来罢赛 例行 08/28 11:58
10F:→ Valter: 赛能不能完整打完都是个问题 08/28 11:59
11F:→ laieshen: 等下会有球员说这样他不喜翻 08/28 12:06
12F:推 ericisfish: 来台湾洲际打 08/28 12:07
13F:推 Heyward: 主席都能搞七局了 想洗赛程五局也可以啊 08/28 12:22
14F:→ slainshadow: 罢赛队:管你泡泡 我要抗议啦 08/28 12:52
15F:推 mightymouse: 棒球比赛场地很大比赛又密集,这个泡泡要超级大才行 08/28 15:34
16F:推 ultratimes: 季後赛不用吧 找两个很近又有球场的地方不难吧 08/28 17:06
17F:→ ultratimes: 天使/道奇 洋基/大都会 白袜/小熊 太空人/游骑兵 08/28 17:07
18F:→ ultratimes: 国民/金莺甚至费城 08/28 17:07
19F:→ ultratimes: 反正就选一个区域集中在这边打就好了 08/28 17:08

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