Baseball 板


ITALY PLAYS To the CHINESE And PUTS UNDER TAIWAN A precise Italy in aggressive defense and in attack support an optimal mount of launch and is prevailed to Taiwan (3-2) in 10 resumptions in 'prima' of the Italian Baseball Week to Parma. Pharaoh entrusts to the esordiente Roberto Corradini and China Taipei answers with mancino the Wang ming hao. Taiwan passes to the third resumption. The second base Lin Ko Chien strikes a single one and is left over until third on the other valid one of skillful outside Chan Chih yao. This last one is left over then stealing the second one. The struck one in diamond of the external center Chung chen Yu is worth the first point and the single one of the first Lin base yi chuan is worth 2-0. Corradini, with a little aid of the defense, resumes and closes the resumption on struck in double quantity the game of the kuo hui, that she has from little days signed a contract for with the Seattle Mariners. To the change field the blueta pareggiano. Dallospedale opens with a single one to right and catches up the second one on one violent struck of Buccheri, than hole literally the Chinese launcher Wang. On the struck one of Lollio, the second Chinese base Lin eliminates in second Buccheri, but then it carries out a shooting impreciso towards before. Lollio strikes the shooting and is but, then on the overhong sweeps up the first base, than it is found improperly on its trajectory, and Dallospedale can run to house for the point. The blue attack insists: De Biase shoots to a long double quantity line that Lollio door in third. The flown one of Peppe Mazzanti to the center allows Lollio to mark the point of the balancing. The resumption then is closed on the struck one in diamond of Fontana. Corradini suffers in opening from the fifth resumption, granting a double quantity to Liao ying chieh. Taiwan the door in third with a bunt of Chen chiang I have, but Corradini exits to the large one from the situation with 2 strike out, before leaving the place to Of Rome. Also Taiwan replaces its departing traveler Wang Ming Hao with Yi chie hiang to seventh. Italy becomes dangerous to eighth. Candle opens the inning with a bunt valid. It follows Dallospedale with a dampened other that Taiwan defends like a sacrifice but that exceeds the second base and an other valid one is revealed. The consecutive third party bunt is of Buccheri and door ahead the companions. With a out, Taiwan removes Yi chie Hiang and inserts Chen hung wen. The Chinese defense plays short and interbase the Wang, with a brivido, succeeds to defend bouncing of Lollio for the second out. To tenth the blueta they place the winning zampata one. Pantaleoni opens with a bunt valid on the third base, endured imitated from Candle. Dallospedale first feint the bunt, then ago to advance the companions with one battered in diamond. Buccheri goes under of 2 strike and then it hits one flown that firm in the glove of the external center and enough to Pantaleoni in order to mark itself. De Biase hits along to right, but Chan Chih Yao makes good guard and closes the resumption. For Italy D' Amico nozzle the eighth resumption and Is known knows them in footrest to ninth. The mancino of house before it grants 2 valid ones and then it exits from the situation with 2 strike out. To the change field It is known obtains the first 2 eliminations quickly and then it passes in base for ball. The end of the sent back game?solo. It is known eliminates to the Liao plate and company the first Victoria blue. --
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