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USA - USA Basketball announces 2008 men's national team 美国 - 美国男篮代表队宣布2008国家队名单 来源: 23/06/2008 COLORADO SPRINGS (Olympics) - Featuring Olympic gold medalist Jason Kidd (Dallas Mavericks) and four 2004 Olympians, USA Basketball Men's Senior National Team managing director Jerry Colangelo today announced the 12-players who will represent the United States in the Aug. 8-24 Olympic Summer Games in Beijing, China. The player selections were approved by the USA Basketball Executive Committee, and will be nominated to the United States Olympic Committee to participate in the 2008 Olympic Games. 包括奥运金牌得主Jason Kidd以及四位在2004年奥运出赛的球员在内,美国国家男篮代表 队总经理Jerry Colangelo今天宣布了将在八月代表美国的十二人名单。奥林匹克运动会将 在八月二十四号於中国北京举行。球员的选拔经过了美国篮球执行委员会的通过,将呈报 至美国奥委会以参加2008奥运。 Named to the 2008 USA Basketball Senior National Team were: 代表队名单如下: Dwight Howard (Orlando Magic); Carmelo Anthony (Denver Nuggets); Carlos Boozer (Utah Jazz); Chris Bosh (Toronto Raptors); LeBron James (Cleveland Cavaliers); Tayshaun Prince (Detroit Pistons); Michael Redd (Milwaukee Bucks); Dwyane Wade (Miami Heat); Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers); Jason Kidd (Dallas Mavericks); Chris Paul (New Orleans Hornets); Deron Williams (Utah Jazz). Duke University Hall of Fame coach Mike Krzyzewski is head coach of the USA Senior Team program. Serving as assistant coaches are Syracuse University and Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim, New York Knicks head mentor Mike D'Antoni and Portland Trail Blazers head coach Nate McMillan. 杜克大学名人堂教练Mike Krzyzewski是这次美国代表队计画的总教练。助理教练则是雪城 大学名人堂教练Jim Boeheim,纽约尼克总教练Mike D'Antoni以及波特兰拓荒者总教练 Nate McMillan。 "This has been, to say the least, an extremely difficult selection process. The 33 players who committed to be part of the USA Senior National Team program and have been involved in our various training camps and competitions the past two summers deserve recognition and acknowledgment for their contributions and for their commitment to their country," said Colangelo. 「这次挑选的过程极度的困难,33名承诺参与这次美国国家代表队计画的球员,在过去这 两个暑假参与了多次的训练营以及测试,他们为国家的贡献以及承诺值得被认知以及被注 意到。」Colangelo说。 "Whatever I say will not fully describe just how difficult this selection process has been. We knew it would be difficult when we began the building of the Senior National Team program. It has become obvious that it would be in the best interest of the team, the players and coaches, to select the 12 players prior to our June 28-29 mini-camp so we could begin the process of gelling and getting the team's focus set. 「不论我怎麽说都很难解释这次挑选的过程有多麽艰难。不过我们在开始这个计画的时候 就已经知道这将会非常困难。很明显的我们必须在六月28到29号这次小型的训练营之前, 考虑到球队,球员以及教练最大的利益去选出这12名球员,让我们开始凝聚这支球队并让 我们专注。」 "The 12 players selected have incredible talent, and more importantly, we think this team has excellent leadership; great versatility and balance; and very good chemistry which are critical parts in building a great team. I believe this team is a team all Americans can and will be proud of," added Colangelo. 「这12位入选的球员有着不可思议的才华,更重要的是,我们认为这支球队有着极佳的领 导能力,很棒的多功能性以及平衡,而且有着建立一支伟大的球队最重要的化学效应。我 相信这是一支能够让每一位美国人都感到骄傲的球队。」Colangelo说。 "I'm excited about the players who comprise this team. The selections were very difficult and something we've been working toward since we initially got the Senior National Team together in the 2006 summer. Unfortunately we are limited to a roster of 12 players and we had incredible commitment for the 33 players in our Senior Team program," said Krzyzewski, who has directed the team the past two summers. 「我对於组成这支球队的球员感到非常兴奋。挑选的过程非常困难,有些事情是从我们在 2006年夏天招集国家代表队以来就在进行的。不幸的是我们的名单只能从对这次国家代表 队计画有着承诺的33人里选出12人。」Krzyzewski说,他在过去两个夏天执教这支球队。 "Our team has excellent athleticism and great versatility. We have players who are experienced in the international game thanks to the last two summers' training and competitions. I feel really good where we are, we have the foundation in but we have a lot work ahead." 「我们的队上有着极佳的体能以及多功能性。由於过去两个夏天的训练以及比赛,我们的 球员都有了在国际比赛的经验。我对於我们目前的状况感觉良好,我们已经有了基础,但 还有很多事要做。」 "The past two summers' experiences will definitely help our team. As we have learned, the international teams we will face in Beijing are also extremely talented and they play very well as a team. Our Senior National Team program has helped us achieve confidence, continuity and excellent chemistry too. This summer's Olympics are going to be an unbelievable competition," stated Krzyzewski. 「过去两年的经验绝对很有帮助。就我们所知,我们在北京将面对到的国际球队也非常的 有才华而且非常的团结。这次的国家代表队计画帮助我们建立信心,持续以及极佳的化学 效应。这个夏天举行的奥运将会非常的竞争。」Krzyzewski表示。 Of the 12 selected players, six were part of the 2006 USA Basketball Men's World Championship Team, and eight were part of the 2007 FIBA Americas Championship that qualified the U.S. for the 2008 Olympics. Three players - Anthony, Howard and James, were members of both teams. Players on the 2006 USA Basketball Men's World Championship Team were: Anthony; Bosh; Howard; James; Paul; and Wade. Members of last summer's FIBA Americas Championship squad were: Anthony; Bryant; Howard; James; Kidd; Prince; Redd; and Williams. 12名入选球员中,有六名是2006世锦赛成员,八名是2007美锦赛成员,其中Anthony, Howard以及James这两次都有参与。06世锦赛成员有:Anthony; Bosh; Howard; James; Paul以及Wade。去年有参加美洲锦标赛的成员有:Anthony; Bryant; Howard; James; Kidd; Prince; Redd以及Williams。 Kidd, at 35 years old, will be the veteran leader of the USA team. A member of the 2000 U.S. Olympic Team that finished 8-0 and captured the gold medal in Sydney, Australia, Kidd has played on eight USA Basketball teams and boasts of a perfect 44-0 record at senior level competitions. Kidd, along with 2004 Olympians Anthony, Boozer, James and Wade, will look to add their names to an elite USA group of multiple-time Olympians which currently consists of 13 men (David Robinson-1988, 1992 and 1996; Charles Barkley-1992, 1996; Patrick Ewing-1984, 1992; Burdette Haldorson-1956, 1960; William Hougland-1952, 1956; Michael Jordan-1984, 1992; Robert Kurland-1948, 1952; Karl Malone-1996, 1992; Chris Mullin-1984, 1992; Gary Payton-1996, 2000; Scottie Pippen-1992, 1996; Mitch Richmond-1988, 1996; and John Stockton-1992, 1996. The average age of the 12 players named to the 2008 U.S. team by the end of the '08 Olympics will be 26.08 years old. The USA team at the FIBA Americas Championship averaged 26.00, the USA team at the 2006 FIBA World Championship averaged 24.50 years of age, while the USA team at the 2004 Olympics averaged 23.60 years of age. USA Basketball -- 世界篮球讨论板 12 国家体育场 汗水, 斗志, 胆识 9 PttBasket 篮球 Σ篮球/台湾篮球/美国职篮/相关讨论 1 basket_ptt *THM Σ主题乐园 5 worldbasket 篮球 ◎世界篮球锦标赛和联赛讨论板 --

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1F:推 onsei:XDD 原来你翻了 辛苦了!! 06/24 02:15
2F:→ onsei:基本上感觉後场很难安排 kidd kobe CP3 DW wade 06/24 03:05
3F:→ onsei:还有Redd 12个里面有6个後场 真的有点太多 06/24 03:06
4F:推 onsei:正职中锋 基本上也只有魔兽 龙王可能得去顶一下 06/24 03:07
5F:→ onsei:不知道打起来会是怎麽样 真好奇 在一个多月就可以看到了 06/24 03:08

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