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AUS – Mackinnon, Smith out of Beijing Olympics for Australia 29/04/2008 SYDNEY (Olympics) – Australia’s men have been struck by a couple of thunderbolts with the news that veterans Sam Mackinnon and Jason Smith will be unable to play at the Olympics. 澳洲男篮队得到一个晴天霹雳的消息, 两位老将Sam Mackinnon和Jason Smith将不能 参加奥运. Mackinnon, 32, has blood clots on his lungs while Smith, the 33-year-old captain of the Boomers, needs surgery on a shoulder injury that he suffered in last year’s NBL play-offs. Mackinnon在他的肺有血块,而Smith则因为去年NBL的季後赛,需要做肩部手术. The 1.97m Mackinnon, who played at small forward at the FIBA World Championship in Japan and averaged 7.8 points, 5.5 rebounds and 3.3 assists per game, is expected to return to the court for the forthcoming domestic league campaign in Australia. 197公分的Mackinnon在日本举行的FIBA世界锦标赛当任小前锋,每场平均7.8分 5.5篮板和3.3助攻,而且被期望能在即将来到的国内赛复出. He must now take blood-thinning medication for three months, though, and doctors have said he cannot play any contact sport during this time. 而他现在必须接受blood-thinning三个月治疗,医生也表示他在这段时间不能 参加激烈运动. Smith needs an operation on his rotator cuff and that will prevent him from playing for eight months. Smith则需要做小腿的手术,而且会有八个月无法打球. He poured in better than nine points a game in Japan and helped the Boomers survive Hamamatsu, where the toughest group in the competition was staged. 他在日本世锦赛提供至少每场九分,帮助袋鼠们在最硬的组中脱颖而出. Australia coach Brian Goorjian, meanwhile, knows the squad he will take to the Beijing Games faces a tough path to the quarter-finals after being drawn in Group A along with defending champions Argentina, European juggernauts Lithuania and last year’s EuroBasket winners Russia. 澳洲队教练Brian Goorjian知道他在北京奥运将面对最困难的赛程,在A组面对上 届冠军阿根廷,欧洲劲旅立陶宛和去年欧锦赛冠军俄罗斯. Iran, the winners of the FIBA Asia Championship, and one of the teams that will reach Beijing via the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Athens in July, complete the group. 和伊朗(亚锦赛冠军)及另一个资格赛名额. "You don't feel hard done by because there's quality teams in both groups, but if you look at the two pools, the one thing that stands out to me is, I think, we're in the tougher pool," Goorjian said. Goorjian说"两组队伍都相当有资格,但是如果你仔细看,我觉得我们处在比较硬的组." "Our challenge is to get out of the pool and once you get out of the pool, the world's your oyster. "我们的挑战是想办法在这组晋级" "You're one game away from four teams left in it, so I've got my mind and my eyes firmly placed on getting out of that pool.” "输一场可能就无缘晋级,所以我得把我的精力都放在如何从这组晋级" "It's a challenge, but I think we can do it." "这是一个挑战,但是我想我们可以达成." Should the Boomers progress, they could face a quarter-final against Team USA, world champions Spain or hosts China. 假设袋鼠可以晋级,他们可能会在四强赛遇到美国队,或世界冠军西般牙或主办国中国. --

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1F:推 Laird:澳洲还有Patrick Mills... 05/02 18:56

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